Welcome to The Dude Hates Cancer, Philadelphia’s finest charity bowling tournament campaign! “The Dude” started fourteen years ago with a small group of friends who were affected by blood cancer and wanted to do something to help.  Inspired by the cult classic movie “The Big Lebowski,” they started a bowling tournament.  These days, “The Dude” is that and more - it’s a multi-city, annual charity campaign for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Since inception, TDHC has raised over $767,000 for blood cancer research and patient advocacy, and had an immense amount of fun along the way.

This year’s campaign starts in June and lasts until our main event, September 21, 2019 at South Bowl. Over 200 participants will raise money over the summer and bowl that day – some will bowl well, many will bowl poorly.  All will have a great day. Cancer will have a bad day.

We've come a long way, and whether you've supported as a participant or donor in the past, our growth could not have been possible without you. Campaigns in every city are organized by volunteers and 100% of the funds raised go to LLS.  

*NEW THIS YEAR* Each participant must fundraise a minimum of $100 in order to bowl. Also, we are introducing fundraising level rewards! With only 16 spots for teams, we encourage all participants to fundraise above and beyond their registration dues in order to help us reach this year's goal of another $70,000 to fight blood cancers.

Every dollar and cent you contribute helps someone who really needs it.  This campaign means a lot to our volunteers and participants, many of whom are survivors or have had their lives touched by blood cancer.  Thank you very, very much for your support.   

Every dollar and cent you contribute helps someone who really needs it.  This campaign means a lot to our volunteers and participants, many of whom are survivors or have had their lives touched by blood cancer.  Thank you very, very much for your support. 

Visit our website for more information! www.thedudehatescancer.com

Contact Rachel.Komitzky@lls.org (610.276.3203) with questions or problems registering/donating.


Top Fundraisers

No top fundraisers are available at this time in Individual Participants.
Last updated on Tue Mar 11, 2025 @ 11:37 PM

Support our Efforts

Donating for this event will be available from: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 12:00AM to Tuesday, June 30, 2020 12:00AM EST
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  • $25
  • $50
  • $100
  • $250
  • $500
  • $1000
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Countdown to event

Sat Sep 21, 2019 @03:00 PM  EST

Fundraising Total

Event Goal
$53,245 of $67,000

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My Thanks To

  • Jenny Du
  • Stefanie Carney Varga Bar
  • Helen Chung
  • South Bowl Inc.
  • Stefanie Carney
  • Andrew Rosen
  • Unspecified Donor
  • Robert Maxwell
  • Raffle tickets
  • Philip Torres
  • Conshohocken Brewing Comp...
  • Martin Architectural Grou...
  • Unspecified Donor
  • Unspecified Donor
  • Stefanie Carney
  • Stefanie Carney


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