Students of the Year Richmond

Julie Dye | Soar for the Cure

Julie's Students of the Year Fundraiser

Jan 07, 2021

Dear Friends & Family, 

I want you to imagine hearing the three words, “You have cancer.”

Sadly, this has been a reality for more than 1.3 million Americans who are fighting or are in remission from blood cancer. Almost every high school student wants the chance to partake in something that will change the world; in 2021, our daughter, Hannah, will have that chance.

I am very excited to share with you that we have joined Hannah’s Team.  A team determined to leave its mark on the fight against cancer. As a Students of the Year fundraising team member for Team Soar for the Cure, my goal is to help our team make the most substantial impact possible for our cause. All funds we raise help The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) fund critical cancer research, patient services, and advocacy efforts aimed at improving the accessibility and affordability of cancer treatments. This cause is incredibly important to me because blood cancer, specifically leukemia, is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in children and young adults. 

A classmate of Hannah’s lost his father to blood cancer.  This classmate is a reminder of how important it is to continue to invest in cancer research, and is serving as our inspiration over this seven-week journey.

My campaign team’s fundraising goal is to raise $50,000, between January 7th and February 26th. It is a lofty goal, but I know that our team can do it. But, we cannot achieve our goal alone, though; we need your help.

There are a few ways you can support our fundraising efforts:

 Make a tax-deductible donation to my online fundraising page:

 Share my message & fundraising link with your contacts via email or social media

 Donate a silent auction item for the Grand Finale Celebration auction

 Help me secure a corporate sponsorship (Sponsorships start at $5,000, and sponsors receive Grand Finale benefits) 

Every 3 minutes, someone in the United States will receive a blood cancer diagnosis.  Fortunately, because of supporters like you, we can help improve the outlook for these patients and their loved ones.  

Thank you for your support,

Julie & Troy Dye


Julie's Students of the Year Fundraiser

Oct 02, 2020

Thank you for visiting my fundraising page, welcome!

I encourage you to join me in supporting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) by making a donation to my fundraising campaign. By donating to LLS, you support the many facets of LLS’s mission work from investing in groundbreaking research, providing education and support to patients, and advocating at the state and federal level for legislation to help those living with cancer. My appreciation for your support cannot be overstated — each and every dollar donated to LLS brings us closer to our goal to end blood cancer and makes an impact for cancer patients and their families.

As a global leader in the fight to end cancer, LLS is committed to doing more for blood cancer patients and families than any organization in the world. LLS’s signature fundraising campaigns drive critical support for its mission, including a nearly $1.3 billion investment in cutting edge cancer research worldwide since it was founded in 1949. Since the 1960s, survival rates for many blood cancer patients have doubled, tripled, or even quadrupled.

Every facet of LLS’s mission – research, education and support, and policy and advocacy – work in harmony to put blood cancer patients and their families first. LLS has helped millions impacted by cancer throughout its more than 70-year history, even funding breakthrough blood cancer research to advance lifesaving treatments and cures that is now helping patients with other cancers and diseases. That is why at LLS we say that beating cancer is in our blood.

Please visit my website as often as you can and share it with everyone you know who would also like to join us in the fight against cancer. Together, we have the power, the passion and the resolve to achieve a world without blood cancer. All donations are tax-deductible.

On behalf of cancer patients and their families everywhere, I sincerely thank you for your support!

For more information about LLS, please visit



  • gotCUREage

    Best of luck on your campaign!

  • John Hagan

    What a great cause, Hannah!

  • Emily Barker

    Good luck to you

  • Joie & Jared Neil

    In memory of Kirk

  • Tim Green

    Keep working hard Hannah!!

  • Amanda LeJeune Scott

    This is a wonderful organization, I’m happy to support. My mom is in remission from an aggressive Lymphoma and is thriving 3 years post stem cell transplant ! Thank you for all you do!

  • Melissa Hendrix

    What a great cause! Good luck with your goal!

  • Dennis and Tracie LeVick

    Thank you for your loving efforts in this project. Love is always the best answer.

  • Jessica Spreder

    Great Job, Hannah!

  • Anonymous

    From Idaho!

  • Holly- Tennessee!!


  • Jennifer Butera

    From a YHS grad living in NV

  • Judy Stamper


  • Brit

    Hi Hannah Dye! I saw this shared by a friend from high school, Melissa Hicks. Great cause! Best of luck with this and go ahead and mark NH off that map.

  • Janette


  • Curtis Robinette


  • Joie Neil

    North Dakota

  • Shelly Hughes


  • Staci C

    Making another donation on behalf of my son’s college state SD

  • Courtney Saylor

    Glad i could help from ma !

  • Anita Schaner

    Good luck Hannah!!

  • Jeffrey Blau

    Cancer sucks, let's find a cure!

  • Amy Smith


  • Tony & Tracy Merilic

    Love you Poppy ??

  • Maureen Eberly

    In loving memory of Olga Manioc ❤️

  • Dee Dee Perry, Augusta GA

    Good luck!

  • Shannon Woloszynowski

    Good luck!

  • Kristi Olsen

    Best of luck with your campaign. This is a great cause and one near and dear to my heart!

  • Deborah Dryden

    Keep up the GREAT work Hannah!!

  • Brian Pittman

    As a survivor this is for a great cause. Keep up the drive and passion to help others in need.

  • Jeff Sykes

    I am happy to support a great cause and help an amazing young woman in the fight against leukemia and other blood diseases. Thank you Hannah for making a difference in so many lives.

  • Barcelona Cares

    Kindness counts!!

  • Darnell W. Parker Sr.

    We appreciate your efforts!

  • William Hagan

    Love the cause and your devotion to it.

  • Staci C

    Let’s do this!!

  • Wendy Conyers

    You are doing a great thing Hannah!

  • Cheryl and Steve Ashe

    Sweet Nana~Doris Massie

  • Joe Chiappazzi

    Go Hannah!!!!

  • Kimberly McDermott

    Good luck Hannah! I’m so proud of you and your family. You’ve done an amazing job!

  • Bonnie Snodgrass

    In honor of Taylor! In her mother’s words ....... “Today is Taylor's Cancerversary. 14 years ago, she became the strongest, bravest 4 year old I ever knew. She survived 2 years and 2 months of grueling chemo, countless spinal taps, blood transfusions, bone marrow aspirations, needle sticks, hospital stays and three port surgeries. She doesn't remember most of it, but I remember. I remember the true fear of the unknown, tears, the weakness the chemo caused, the 2 years of her childhood stolen. I also remember learning to let go of the things I can't control, trusting God and the doctors, the kind people we met along the way, the support of our friends and family. Today I feel grateful for the lessons and most importantly, that my little girl survived! So many kids die every year from childhood cancer, forced to take adult drugs in the protocols, which makes them terribly weak.”Please help! Sending them love always!

  • Courtney A Booth

    Happy to help on such a worthy cause. Thank you Hannah for your time and effort you are a wonderful young lady!

  • Scott and Cindy Woods

    The Society has help me get through an extremely difficult time. Thank you Hannah for your work getting this out to people that need assistance.

  • Scott and Cindy Woods

    Iam a Cancer surviver. The Lukemia / Lymphoma group helped me out!!

  • Leora Kurtyka

    Best of Luck in supporting such a great cause.

  • Mary Eberly Wilkins

    My husband’s brother died of Lymphoma and Grandma Olga died of Leukemia. This foundation is one we donate to often. Great work, Hannah! It’s a wonderful thing to do to raise money and awareness.

  • Jennifer Fegan

    Thank you for supporting such a worthy cause. My husband is a leukemia survivor from childhood and we support you.

  • Jay Gordon


  • John Reiley

    Keep fighting the good fight. One day soon, cancer will be eradicated if everyone joins the fight.

  • Ellen Beares

    Happy to donate for her!

  • Stacey Cepukenas

    Good luck on your fundraiser Hannah!!! What a great cause to help so many!!!🥰❤️ This is in memory of my grandmother I unfortunately never was blessed to meet... She had leukemia😢!

  • Joy Lemonds

    Way to go Hannah! Good luck!

  • Joyce Adams

    Great job Hannah

  • Carrie Whalen

    Good Luck Hannah!

  • Joie Neil

    In memory of Kirk Neil.

  • Karen Meyers

    Donation accompanied by love ?? and prayers for a full recovery??

  • Esther Stach

    God bless!!

  • Anonymous

    Good luck from KS!

  • Ed Blankenship

    For all of my fellow warriors living and past with Chronic Meyloid Leukemia.

  • Noelle & Paul Larson

    Donation from the sunshine state... FLORIDA 🌞

  • Felicia M Griggs

    Good luck, Hannah! Thank you for all that you are doing!

  • Mike and Mary Wood

    In memory of Karen Morgan Maurer

  • Dave White

    Great cause.

  • Lisa Earls

    Cure Cancer!

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.