Student Visionaries of the Year Fresno

Team WUHS Future Health Professionals | Team WUHS Future Health Professionals

Team's Student Visionaries of the Year Fundraiser

Feb 27, 2024

Dear Family and Friends, 



Our names are Grenelei Finderup and Abril Jimenez. We are extremely grateful and excited to announce that we are candidates for the 2024 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Student of the Year campaign. We will be running our campaign in honor of Rebeka Henkelmann, an incredibly strong, hardworking young woman.  


I, Grenelei Finderup, am a senior at Washington Union High School. I am very involved on and off campus, participating in activities such as dance, softball, volleyball, Health Youth Corps, HOSA, Health Institute, and link crew. I have also been a consistent volunteer at The Well Community Church in their student ministries. I am passionate about cancer research for many reasons, one being the hurt this disease has caused to my family. Three of the male role models in my family have suffered from prostate cancer. My uncle continues to suffer from this disease after the cancer traveled to his bones; he defines the odds. He has been through many experimental trials, all of which have failed. I believe that with your help, we have the ability to make a significant difference in the lives and families of cancer patients and their fight. 


I, Abril Jimenez, am a junior at Washington Union High School. As someone who believes in the power of collective efforts, I am reaching out to seek your support in this meaningful campaign. I am a member of the Chamber of Commerce Junior Board and was a student ambassador for the Marjaree Mason kNOw MORe program. I am also currently involved in HOSA and softball. I've developed a deep passion for enhancing the well-being of cancer patients and their families, this commitment has been intensified by the profound loss of a cherished family friend to lung cancer in December 2023, coupled with the ongoing resilience of her mother who is currently courageously battling leukemia. Every dollar counts and your contribution will play a crucial role in this endeavor. I believe that, together, we can make a significant impact and support the ongoing fight against cancer.  


We are writing to you today to ask for your support of LLS’s mission of beating all forms of blood cancers. Together with our team, WUHS Future Health Professionals, we plan to raise $200,000 in the 7 weeks from February 29th - April 19th. We know this is an ambitious undertaking, but we are incredibly passionate about this cause as we both know the impact this disease has on families and friends. Your donation is tax-deductible and goes directly to LLS which supports patients, families, and research with the goal of life without blood cancer.  


In 1964 when LLS started only 3% of children survived after being diagnosed with cancer, but now LLS has raised the survival rate to 93%.  Since 2017 LLS has helped 55 out of 65 blood cancer treatments be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The treatments that LLS is funding benefit non-blood cancer patients too. LLS funded nearly 85% of blood cancer treatments approved by the FDA in 2021, most starting as blood cancer drugs and are now being applied to other forms of cancer.  Everybody wins when cancer loses, so now is your time to help.   



Here are some different ways you can support us by making a donation of any amount. We are extremely honored to be a part of LLS’s mission and are extremely grateful for your support. 



Thank You,  

Abril and Grenelei 





  • Lisa Thurman

    James, 22-years old, from Fresno, CA was just diagnosed with Acute T-cell Leukemia Lymphoma last week. This fundraiser showed up at the perfect time and I have challenged all of our friends/family to show their support. We are sobgrateful there is treatment available and are praying non-stop for his recovery.

  • Tamala Woodburn

    Prayers continue for you James! May you experience complete healing.

  • Shari Taufer

    Sending love and prayers as you bravely fight.

  • Staci Roth

    This is for my cousin James!! We love you. Keep fighting!

  • Sheila Perkins

    For James, my son’s best friend, and an all-around fantastic young man. We love you so much and continue to pray fervently for your speedy recovery!

  • Susan

    My donation is in honor of my 22 year-old grandson, James, from Fresno, CA, who was recently diagnosed with Acute T-cell Leukemia Lymphoma. We continue to pray for his complete recovery and are thankful for these students from Washington Union High School in Easton, CA who are committed to this fundraiser for LLS.

  • Karen Horn

    Donating for James Thurman who is 22 years old of Fresno, CA. You got this. Keep on fighting. Continuing prayers.

  • Alma McKenry

    Good luck in your fundraising efforts!

  • Richard & Laurie Wieland

    Ambitious effort! Way to get actively involved. Richard & Laurie Wieland

  • Kathy Criswell

    In honor of James Thurman, Fresno, CA. Keep fighting, James. Also donating in memory of my nephew Adam Ballance September 16, 2002, age 28.

  • Denise Hamlin

    We are donating today in honor of James Thurman who is currently fighting and improving daily in his quest to defeat cancer with God’s help 🙏🏼 We also do this in remembrance of my husband’s Aunt Linda Ledbetter and his father Carroll Hamlin whom we lost to leukemia. Praying for those struggling to defeat this disease. 🙏🏼

  • Carolyn Steele

    Lisa was a classmate of mine and this donation is in honor of her son, James Thurman. Thank you Grenelei and Abril for your time and effort with LLS

  • Anonymous

    Wishing you well in your fight!

  • Erin Webster

    So proud of our Washington Union students!

  • Jamie Villalobos

    To all who battle, to those who won, and to those who lost. God Bless You.

  • Jim & Lisa Weaver

    In honor of our friend, James Thurman, who is fighting Leukemia right now and in honor of my father, Mauro, who we lost to Leukemia 15 years ago.

  • Anonymous

    Best wishes on your fundraising efforts.

  • Carrie De Young

    Grenelei Finderup you got this!

  • Julie Jack-Wheelock

    Thank You for raising awareness and fighting for a cure! Any family that has had to watch a family battle cancer knows the impact it can have. For those who have beat cancer, continue to fight to be an advocate for change. For those who lost the battle, thank you for courage and strength!

  • Catherine Balbas

    Wishing James ease and comfort.

  • Anonymous

    Thank you for being so dedicated to this worthy cause. There are so many out there that have been affected.

  • Erin Thorpe

    Best of luck Grenelei

  • Felipe Castro Anzola

    In memory of my loving mother Ofelia who fought Lymphoma.

  • Brandon Stidham

    Grenelei, my wife and I are proud to help support you, your team, and your cause. We wish you the best in your endeavors!

  • Anonymous

    Thank you! This is such a wonderful way to fundraise and raise awareness.

  • Smittcamp Family

    This donation is for Grenelei Finderup Student of the Year campaign

  • Anonymous

    I'm so proud of you Grenelei..your hard work and dedication is not unnoticed but very much appreciated. Thank you for being so great!!

  • Ted and Anna Kosmosky

    Proud of you, Grenelei, and all of our WUHS students! Thank you for championing this special cause ?? Cancer is so nasty, and having the love and support of others as you put on your brave face and fight means the world and lightens the load 💪🏻 Thank you so much for making a tangible difference!

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.