Student Visionaries of the Year Fresno

Team Racing for a Cure | Racing for a Cure

Team's Student Visionaries of the Year Fundraiser

Feb 29, 2024


Dear Friends and Families,  

I am Tori Garcia, on the left, and I am currently a junior at Riverdale High School. I am in Cross Country, the stats manager for Varsity Boys Basketball, and I am in Track & Field. Besides sports, I also participate in many clubs on campus. I am a part of Leadership, Sports Management, and I am currently the Junior Class President, Vice President of CSF, Secretary for Leo's and Block R, and I am also the Student Representative for the School Safety Committee. Outside of school I am the Vice President for my local 4-H Club. Some facts about me are that I enjoy helping people out as much as I can and giving back to my community!  

I am Michelle Zarate, on the right. And I am currently a senior at Riverdale High School. I am in soccer, cross country, track and a member of the Leo's club, CSF, Cancer awareness, Leadership, and Sports Management, I am currently a volunteer at Valley Childrens. One thing about me is that I love to spread awareness and help others. I want to be part of the beneficial change in our community, as well as the change in our lives, no matter how big or small!  

We are proud to announce that we have accepted the challenge to lead a campaign in the Leukemia Lymphoma Society's 2024 Students Visionaries of the Year Campaign! Student Visionaries of the year is a seven-week competition, led by high school students, Racing for a cure, will be competing to raise money to support LLS and their cause. We are asking you to help us by supporting our campaign.  

We are writing today to ask for your support for our campaign and LLS’s mission to find cures for blood cancers and to assist patients and families as they battle leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease or myeloma. It’s important to make sure these children that get their diagnosis have all the support they could possibly need. We have been given an opportunity to help others and we cannot do it without your support.  

From February 29th to April 19th, Racing for a Cure’s goal is to raise over $20,000! Yes, you read that correctly, more than $20,000 in 7 weeks, which will go directly to LLS in support of its longstanding mission. We know this is an ambitious undertaking, especially being from a small, rural community, but we know that we can achieve it with the help of our amazing friends and families.  

We are leading this team in honor of our hero, Jimena, a 1st grader who was diagnosed with Pre-B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in late 2019. Jimena started doing chemotherapy right after the diagnosis as it was aggressive. After three and a half years of lumbar punctures, chemo injections, and chemo pills, Jimena finished treatment and rang the bell so many long to hear.  

After listening to Jimena’s story and what her family went through due to this horrible disease, we wanted to participate in this great cause and do everything we can to help her and others who are affected by Leukemia and/or Lymphoma.  

We thank you in advance for supporting this incredible cause, and please remember, every bit counts. We are certain our friends and family are the most generous and strongest among any of the candidates this year and we look forward to letting you know that our campaign has reached its goal! We hope to better the lives of others with any money that we receive!  


We hope to see you at the starting line!  

To donate, please use either the link or QR code: 

Or you may use the enclosed envelope and response form to make a tax-deductible contribution to our campaign. 


 We hope that you will partner with us on this journey!  


Michelle and Tori 




  • Patel Family

    All the best wishes on this campaign from the Patel family in Lions Club and keep up the great work supporting an important cause👏

  • Joana De la Cruz

    As someone who witnessed Jimena's journey I thank you both for running this campaign in her honor! She is a true warrior that has overcome so many things at such a young age. LLS is such a great organization.

  • RES

    LLS bracelets

  • Courtney Montes

    Great job Girls!!

  • Anonymous

    Color Run

  • Tori Garcia

    Cash App Donations

  • Celina Gonzalez

    Love the dedication and goal for this!

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.