Students of the Year Madison

Neenah Fuste | Artists for Cures

Neenah's Students of the Year Fundraiser

Jan 17, 2022

Welcome To My Fundraising Page!

Hello! My name is Neenah, I'm 16 years old, and have signed up to save lives with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I am working to raise as much as possible over the next 7 weeks during the Students of the Year fundraising campaign. 

My younger brother, Mason, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia when he was just five years old, and endured 3.5 years of intense chemotherapy. From port-a-cath surgery, bone marrow biopsies, over 20 spinal taps with intrathecal chemo, to thousands of chemo pills, numerous blood transfusions, hospital admissions, and countless IV chemo clinic days, Mason has been through more than any child should ever have to experience. He's now 12 years old and thankfully cancer free! 

I am fundraising for LLS because leukemia is the #1 most diagnosed form of childhood cancer. I am fundraising in honor of all the children who are currently fighting blood cancer and going through chemotherapy. I am fundraising in memory of the children who fought hard and sadly lost their battle, and I am fundraising for all the children who are officially cancer survivors!

LLS recently launched their Children’s Initiative, and if I can meet my goal, this is where I plan to allocate our team's fundraising dollars.

Over the next five years LLS is investing $100 million to support pediatric research, bringing together doctors, pharma, researchers, and scientists to find safer, less toxic, more effective treatments for children. Cures and better treatments are achievable! My brother went through 3.5 years of chemo. With the Children’s Initiative we can discover new medicines developed specifically for children that could decrease all that toxic chemotherapy.  

Over the years, support from people like you has been responsible for the blood cancer advancements that have doubled, tripled, and in some cases quadrupled the survival rate for some blood cancers. Every dollar makes a difference!
We really are getting close to our goal of a world without blood cancers! All donations are greatly appreciated and tax-deductible. 
Please visit my website often and tell friends who would also like to donate. You can also follow our fundraising events on Facebook: @artistsforcures.
On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere, thank you for your support.

Together, we can find a cure! 

Neenah Fuste




  • Gaynell Myers

    Neenah, I am so proud of all the hard work you are doing for this important fundraiser. Love, grandma

  • Jeanett Joy

    Thank you for doing this meaningful work!!

  • Sean Hickey/Catherine Jhung/Sarah Hickey

    Dear Neenah: Your words are inspiring. Thanks for the offer - my family is touched by this greatly.

  • Jean M Gaede

    Your engagement with this group is such a beautiful reflection of love for your brother. I wish you the best in reaching your goal.

  • Alexis and Hunter Fuste

    Happy to help you reach your goals.

  • Laura Osgood Brown

    Thank you for your important advocacy for this cause, Neenah!

  • Isabel Harper

    So proud of you!!

  • Beth Dochinger

    As an Interlochen former student and staff and someone who has experienced cancer in their family, it is amazing how you are bringing hope and comfort to many. Thank you.

  • Brenda King

    WoW! You are doing an amazing thing here Neenah! So proud of you!

  • Lauren Snowday

    Thank you for helping the children💙❤️ a cause near and dear to us.

  • Scott Staples

    Thank you for such a wonderful experience Neenah!

  • Marcia and Danny Mohundro

    Thank you for presenting this wonderful program. We watched it remotely as we are Ara Sarkissian’s in-laws. We love his commitment to the Interlochen students and appreciate every opportunity of his sharing the students’ successes. We live in Memphis, Tennessee, home of the world renowned St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital which treats children with cancer or blood disorders. Best wishes in your mission to fight cancer.

  • Kristy Brock-Leatherman

    You are doing amazing work, Neenah! Congratulations!!!

  • Jacqueline Persaud

    Well done to all fundraisers, and also to my amazing nephew Josh Dix. xx

  • Lynette Livesay

    This is incredible Neenah! I’m an IAA parent and this is such a wonderful example of how the arts can change the world. Thank you.

  • The Meloy family


  • Olivia Hill

    Thanks for reaching to us, Nina! I'm happy to support this awesome cause and your amazing work. Good luck!

  • Jeffery Norris

    Neenah - What a great and noble cause. Thank you for sharing your heart in this venture. Jeff Norris

  • Seve Fuste

    So impressed with you Neenah!

  • Sara Myers Ierulli

    Neenah, we are so proud of you for always fighting for cancer kids! Can't wait to see all that you can accomplish with this fundraising campaign! Keep working hard!

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.