Student Visionaries of the Year Seattle
Isabelle Thompson | Team Cancer Crushers
Isabelle's Student Visionaries of the Year Fundraiser
Thank you so much for your interest in supporting the mission of LLS! Please note, gifts made on this page after 8AM PST on Saturday, March 30, 2024, will NOT be counted towards the competition for the 2024 Seattle Student Visionaries of the Year.
To make a gift that WILL be credited to this candidate’s competition total after 8AM PST on Saturday, March 30, 2024 please visit the following link and select the candidate you would like to support HERE
Thank you for visiting my fundraising page!
After battling cancer two years ago (Acute Myeloid Leukemia), I became passionate about raising awareness and funding for cancer research, especially for pediatrics. I lived in Seattle Children's Hospital for nearly 8 months, went through 5 rounds of chemo, was faced with so many scary side affects that my medical team had to manage and while I still go in all of the time for blood work and Dr. visits to monitor everything in my body, I am now cancer free. I owe my life to my amazing medical team and being a part of a research trial.
This past year, I was an Honored Hero for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and shared my story and experiences to inspire adults and teens to be a part of the LLS annual Visionaries of the Year campaign. I have advocated for Seattle Children's Hospital to raise funding for high risk leukemia research trials, still participate in post treatment trials to help researchers understand the after affects of chemo on teens and know many others want to help. But don't know how.
Now, I have decided to lead this LLS campaign myself. Together with my amazing team, from Feb 8th to March 30th we want to raise as much awareness as possible to help fund research for cancer and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. Some of my doctors are recipients of LLS grants, survivors I know have benefitted from LLS funding and we MUST help grow the current 4% (yes, ONLY 4%) that goes towards pediatric cancer research.
On behalf of those who have battled or are battling this terrible disease, THANK YOU for joining me in the fight. There have to be better and less toxic ways for babies, toddlers, teens or adults to fight blood cancers. Your donation (in the form of cash, stock...and don't forget your company matches!) will go towards research leading to breakthroughs in immunotherapy, genomics and personalized medicine to help save and improve the lives of patients. Any amount helps, and makes a difference.
You go Iz! Keep paying it forward!
Tejas Dixit
Great effort Allison! Your grit, resilience and attitude to overcome odds is inspirational
What a worthy mission Isabelle ... proud of you for continuing to fight to help others!
Hunt Jackson CPA
Keep up the good fight!
FirstMark Insurance Group
What an inspiring story. I'm proud of you for taking action! Thank you for the opportunity to participate with you.
Kritsonis Lindor Dalrymple Real Estate Group
Wonderful mission, keep it up Isabelle!
Mike & Diane Parrott and Family
Bless you, Iz, for "paying it forward and using your platform to benefit others. Much Love, Mike, Diane and The Parrotts!!
Ruedi Family
Very inspirational mission and keep up the good work!
Molly Von Mitschke-Collande
Go Iz!!!
Heather Robertson
You are amazing Isabelle! Keep going!!
Michael Handshear
Isabelle, While we haven't met, I know your story through a connection with your Mom. Alison provided some background on your grit and toughness and it inspired me immediately yo support you! I am a survivor of Hodgkin's Lymphoma and a long-time volunteer for with LLS' First Connection Program. Your courage and advocacy makes us all better. Keep going and crushing it! Michael Handshear
Kari & John
Isabelle we are proud of your drive to help others and happy to support this campaign!
Hartleigh Caine
We love your spirit! go do all the things you are meant to do! xoxo CMAC Family
The Wagner Family
Well done, Isabelle. From, The Wagners (Bradaigh, Thor, Aksel and Imogen, a CMAC family)
Molly Dennehy
Way to go Izzy - I hope you raise lots of money!
Fred Thiele
Happy to contribute to your inspirational campaign. You are a true warrior! All the very best.
Eric Chow
Thanks for sharing your experience and for all your advocacy
Chris & Elissa Puckett
Iz, keep going on this fight! Your commitment, passion and grit has already and will continue to make a big difference! Chris & Elissa Puckett
Kara and Kerry Moscovitz
Iz, we admire your courage and dedication to this cause, keep up the great work!
Shoshana Joyce
You are brave!!
Kitt and Wendy Baldwin
Best of Luck in your fundraising! The Baldwins, a CMAC Family
Fritz-Hazeltine Family
Way to go! Thanks for sharing your story with your CMAC family - you are an inspiration!
Will & Susan stockman
Go Iz!
Amy Coleman
Go Iz! So proud of you! Xo The Coleman Owens family
Ruth Birnbaum and Mara Griva
Isabelle, we admire your courage and dedication to helping so many other kids! We love you, grandma and Aunt Mara
Richard Kaplan
Thank you for using your platform to help others and fund research to find curative therapies for cancer. I am incredibly proud of you.
Dan and Katherine
We're happy to get an update on the positively wonderful things you're doing and support your efforts. You're looking great!! Best wishes, Dan and Katherine
Mark Titus
Isabelle - You are an inspiration to Wenche and me and so many others. Keep going. We love you. And let's go fishing and river snorkeling! Mark