Student Visionaries of the Year Seattle

Himani Rajyaguru | Team Determination

Himani's Student Visionaries of the Year Fundraiser

Mar 03, 2023

Thank you so much for your interest in supporting the mission of LLS!  Please note, gifts made on this page after NOON PST on Friday, March 3, 2023, will NOT be counted towards the competition for the 2023 Seattle Student Visionaries of the Year. 

To make a gift that WILL be credited to this candidate’s competition total after NOON PST on Friday, March 3, 2023 please visit the following link and select the candidate you would like to support HERE

Dear Friends and Family,

This year, I am tremendously proud to be a part of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Student Visionaries of the Year Campaign and working towards raising as much money as possible for LLS's mission. So, I'm asking for your support to find a cure for blood cancers and improve the quality of life for all blood cancer patients.

 ​​​​​​I have created a team to partner with me on this inspiring journey. Together, we have set a fundraising goal of $10,000! The money raised will go towards helping LLS. Our campaign is to help LLS provide hope, guidance, education, and support when needed, so no one has to face blood cancer alone.

This mission is essential to me because every three minutes a patient gets diagnosed with a blood cancer. Leukemia is the number one most diagnosed form of childhood cancer. About 1.5 million people are living with or in remission from blood cancers. Seeing these numbers breaks my heart on how cancer can really affect someone's life. Losing a family member, friend, sibling, and a loved one can be extremely painful and devestasting. Contributing to this cause goes towards raising money which allows major advances in blood cancer cures and life-saving research, advances in blood cancer cures and life-saving research would certainly benefit patients and lowering their chances of getting cancer. 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I am a visionary; I have a vision for a world without blood cancer, but I need your help. So, Please consider joining me in this mission by making a generous donation. All donations are highly appreciated and tax-deductible. Additionally, ​​​​​​​please reach out to others, spread the word, and ask them to donate to this Nobel cause!

I appreciate your support in advance. Our efforts will help ensure this generation is the last to see blood cancer. 

​​​​​​​For more information about LLS, please visit 



Himani Rajyaguru 

2023 Student Visionary of the Year Candidate ​​​​​​​

P.S: Use this link to see if your company offers a matching gift program to make donations go a lot further! ​​​​​​​Employee Matching Gifts | Leukemia and Lymphoma Society ( 

​​​​​​​Here goes to a world without blood cancer! 












  • Kapil Rajyaguru

    Well done, Himani. I am proud of you, my child. Keep doing good work.

  • Vinay Goyal

    Keep it up!!!!

  • Abhishek Srivastava

    All the best.

  • Rahul Sarangdhar

    Great Initiative Himani - hope your target is met

  • Patil

    Proud of you Himani. Wishing you best.

  • Niteen Muley

    Great work Himani! All the best!!

  • Jyoti Bawa

    Keep it up! Best wishes!

  • shakil khan

    In memory of My brother who died of Cancer in 2021.

  • Ganesh Iyer

    All the very best with your efforts

  • Helen Yu

    Great work, Himani!

  • Richa Singh

    Great going Himani! All the best to you..

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