Students of the Year Richmond
Team Allison | Team Allison's Campaign Team
Welcome to Team Allison's SOY Fundraising Page!
2015 - Colin had just finished chemo
Welcome to Team Allison's SOY Fundraising Page!
December 2018 - Christmas vacation!
We are siblings Erin and Ryan Allison. Five years ago our big brother Colin was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. At that time, he was a sophomore in high school. After the diagnosis he underwent 3 surgeries and chemotherapy. Throughout this process, Colin always kept a smile on his face and maintained a positive attitude.
Colin was in disease remission in his senior year of high school. He is currently in his 3rd year of engineering school at the University of Virginia. Everything seemed to be going well. Colin traveled to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in August for his last follow up appointment. This was supposed to be a happy visit to say thanks and goodbye to his outstanding doctor and nurses. Instead, he received some bad news. No, the lymphoma had not returned. Instead, he was found to have CML (Chronic Myeloid Leukemia), another form of blood cancer. We were all devastated by this news. It didn’t seem fair.
Colin is currently being treated for CML and remains as positive as ever. Fortunately, due to very recent groundbreaking research, the treatment for his phase of CML consists of taking a pill daily. This treatment has greatly increased the chance of his living a very long life.
Having our brother diagnosed with not one, but two forms of blood cancer has been tough for us. We decided we wanted to help other people who are diagnosed with cancer. So we decided to contact The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). They informed us of a program called Students of the Year, which is a seven-week fundraising campaign that lasts from January 19, 2019 through March 9, 2019. Our team, Team Allison, is working hard to reach our fundraising goal of $20,000, so that we may link our team’s name to a cutting edge research portfolio in honor of Colin. In order to reach our goal, we need your help!
We are honored to participate in the 2019 Students of the Year program, a seven-week initiative in which select high school students from around the country participate in a fundraising competition to benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. We are proud to be raising critical dollars in honor of a young patient hero who is currently battling or is in remission from a blood cancer. Each dollar is a vote. The candidate team that raises the most money at the end of the seven weeks is named Student(s) of the Year. Our mission is to not only raise the most money but also to bring attention to blood cancers like leukemia, which is the most common form of cancer in children and teens.
Since the early 1960s, five-year survival rates for many blood cancer patients have doubled, tripled or even quadrupled. And many LLS supported therapies not only help blood cancer patients but are helping patients with other cancers and serious diseases. In fact, drugs first approved for blood cancers are now approved to treat patients with stomach cancers, skin cancers, and autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
We really are changing the face of blood cancer!
All donations are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible. They'll not only support LLS-funded research but will help provide critical information and support for patients, and support advocacy for laws to ensure patients can access the care and treatments they need.
Please visit our website often and bring friends who would also like to donate!
On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere, thank you for your support!
For more information about LLS, please visit
Julie Baxter and Paul Dresser
Christianne, Colin,Erin and Ryan, Many thanks for bringing this amazing program to our attention. We are honored to be a part of Team Colin!! Julie Baxter and Paul Dresser
Penny Simpson
I'm proud to be a member of this amazing team!
Robert and Vanessa Strickland
Standing with you Colin!!! The Stricklands
Thomas Gilding
Colin, know that we all are behind you in thought and prayers. You are blessed in having such a positive attitude! Maria Laura Lago and Tom Gildingo
Margaret Loughran
Proud to support team Allison!
Chris, Kara, Kathryn and Carter Burrows
You are a beautiful family!
Susan Price
Good luck! We have also given to some friends in our town who are fundraising for the same cause!
Vito McQueen
Colin you got this! Our thought and prayers are with you and your family! Love Yvette, Vito and Gabrielle
Geri Mariano/GPM Presentations
Cheers to Colin to all he has accomplished and will continue to and to the continuing treatment that will enable him to.
Alice Bauer
Good luck on your fundraising goals for your brother and for other children fighting #cancersucks with strength and courage!
Beth and Dan Kluger
Go Team Allison! Much love to all of you and strength to Colin.
Kristina Powell
The Powell’s are praying for you Colin!
Jacqueline A Capecci
Matt, Christianne, Colin, Erin and Ryan-We're so happy to support your amazing efforts and are certain you will reach or exceed your goal!! Know that you always have our support and prayers....Love, The Capeccis
Megan, Joe, Logan and Conor Dannenfeldt
Sending our support, love and prayers to Colin! You’ve got this!
Kris Kisska Mehigan
Sending prayers of healing vibes to Collin and prayers of support and strength to Christianne and Team Allison. Wahoowa. AOE. Kris Kisska Mehigan
Sam Gilson
Colin and Allison family, keep up the good fight and we wish you success in your battle. My dad who Matt know's lost his battle with blood cancer but I know you will prevail.
Joy Butcher
Go team Allison!
Sheryl Brown
Sending love and prayers to this wonderful family!
Catherine Long Anderson
Thinking of you!
Renee Answine
Our thoughts and prayers are with you??The Answines
Paula Park
Hoping for good health in your family!
Christy Aczel
God Bless Team Allison!!!
Anne Margiloff Wargo
Go Team Allison. We are rooting for you.
Shannon Mcdonnell
Go Team!!
Arnold Moore
Team Allison has God with them, and when God is with you, you know you will win. Keep fighting hard! Victory is yours!
Scott, Jennifer, and Nathan Cummings
Much love to you all!
Natalie Trost
Proud to support the Allison family in their efforts with SOY!
Betsy Owens
God bless you.
Katie Maclauchlan
I am so grateful to know this spectacular family!
The McWilliams
The McWilliams love and support you....YOU WILL WIN!!!!!!!!
The Muir Family
Colin & Family, Paul, Bobby, Sammi and I are all thinking of you. We have wonderful memories of you and Bobby playing soccer together. I also have great pictures of you and Bobby on Hilton Head playing volleyball on the beach! I would love to send them to you! We have no doubt you will beat this and we are happy to support this fundraising effort. Please keep us posted, my email is
Barbara Kroin
Marguerite Graham
An amazing family. Your courage and strength are motivating for all. So glad to support this cause.
Linda Klieman
So proud of you guys and so happy to be part of this team!
Chris and Kathy Shepperson
God's blessing on each of you!
Kirsten Atkinson
We are thinking of you Colin and your family. Sending hugs and prayers your way. Jim, kirsten , Riley, Noah, Jacob, and Sophie Atkinson
Michelle Pierson
Stacy P.
Much love from Cali!
Alisa & Steve
Hoping and praying for good things!! Love, Some of Christine's folks from TN!!
Susan Morey
I have been touched by cancer..i donate monthly to cancer research. Stay positive x
Coco Mcdonnell
Mississippi in the house
We’re from Michigan and Christine asked us to help
strength and luv
Laura Tranquill
The Tranquill Family supports your goals in support of Colin. We are so proud of the work you are doing. Good luck!
Sharan and Duane Wilder
Go Team Allison! Stay strong!
Amy and John McCarthy
Christianne, Here's hoping that you are well on your way with your fundraising goal! Thank you to you and your entire family for the time and energy you are giving to this very worthwhile cause! Heartfelt prayers that Colin is healthy as he can be and doing well at UVA. Fondly, Amy and John
Michael Montileone
Best of luck with the drive.
Daniel Bildner
A big Shout out from NJ - Go Team Allison!!! and may the BHHS Bobcats be with you . . .
Our son, Connor, is a fraternity brother of Colin's at UVA. We pray that Colin will beat this latest challenge and have a long career in engineering!
Kristian Hansen
Anything for my best friend!
Caroline Loughran
So proud of you Colin - keep fighting kid! We all love you are so happy to support LLS! Great job Erin and Ryan - love how much work you guys are doing to support your brother!
Jill Swain
We support you and pray for your good health!
Amy Hansen
Happy to support the research and cause. The world needs a cure for leukemia and lymphoma now. Go team Allison, keep the strength! We love you Colin!
Julia and Steve Kurtz
Go Team Allison! So proud of you guys in making a big difference for such an important cause. Love to you all!
sun pak
Go Team Allison! Sending healing energy to Colin. Sun Pak and Steve Swienckowski
Lisa Koch Johnson
Go team Allison!
Kristie Seymore
Team Allison, thinking of you up here in New Jersey. Go Colin!
Cathy Wiley
A strong, courageous family who is positively affecting many futures in years to come. Always in my thoughts and prayers.
Jan Starnes
All your time and effort is so appreciated. Thank you.
Valeria Rivero
Happy to support this great cause!
Blanca Dompke
We are proud to be part of this great cause. Healing energy in within you, Colin. Bill and Blanca Dompke
Jack & Conner Crank
Keep kicking butt & taking names Coach Colin! Love, Conner & Jack Crank
Kim Decker
Best wishes to Colin and the entire Allison family.
Real Time Inc - Wasilla Alaska
Collin, You have faced many challenges in your young life, we have seen you fight and come out on top! This cancer is no different. YOU ARE A FIGHTER! We know you will come out on top as always! Healing prayers from all of us here at Real Time Inc, Wasilla Alaska.
Cathrine K. Hogan
Colin, we are so impressed with you and the incredible person you are! Your family is awesome! Thank you for letting us be a part of this unbelievable campaign. It's wonderful to know the Allisons! Love, Cathrine, John, Jay, Gracie, Ben and Rayna Hogan
Jennifer H Roberts
Go Team Allison!
Christopher D Scheiderer
Stay strong Colin! Good things will come to you and your family!
Kim Dic
Colin, from a fellow Hoo, your courage and positivity give us all hope. I went to high school with your dad Matt. For all of us who pray for a cure I’m proud to support team Allison Kim Whalen Dickerson
Katherine Kiger
I'm donating in honor of Camp CARE in NC after becoming made aware from my good friend Christine. Love the beautiful, fighting spirit of this family!!
Susanne & Dustin DeVore
Keep up the good work!
Sonja Paulk
Go Team Allison !
Tracy Snell
Team Allison
Christine Wellborn
Go Team Allison! Sending love and light! <3
Mikki M Rand
Go Team Allison. Keep fighting the fight Colin. Prayers to you.
Amber Barrow
God’s got this!
Pam Aurbach
Great cause Christianne!
Cathy Loughran
Glad to support Team Allison
Grandma Hannah Loughran
Proud to support Team Allison From Grandma Hannah Loughran
Sally Browning
Love the Allison family! xxoo
R. A. Services Billing
We are pleased to support team Allison.
Zach, Sarah, Dylan & Hannah Howard
We support team Allison! Praying for a cure, stay strong Colin!🙏❤️
David Chapla
Payers and support to Team Allison and the Allison Family
Gloria Mann
I pray that The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society keep up with their good work to help cancer survivors. So much more research is needed and LLS is there to help....thank God!
Kevin Cregan
Keep fighting Colin! And Go Tar Heels! (Sorry, couldn’t resist).
Kim Linner
Sending prayers, positive vibes and hugs 💪🏻 Kim, John Paul, Reilee and John Patrick Linner
Mary and Chris Heineman
Go Team Allison!
The Preston Family
Prayers for a cure
Van Chen
I was inspired by your story and the picture of your aging father, my old friend. ?? I am happy to donate to your worthy cause!
Kathy Emanuel and Alec Emanuel
We are happy to be part of your Team Allison! Thoughts and prayers to you all!
Susanna and Phil Hickman
Go Team Allison! What a wonderful cause!
Craig and Amy Haseltine
Go Team Allison!
Annette Van Geertruyden
We can beat this challenge! Much of love !Annette
Marilyn Bowers
Go Team Allison. I’m praying for resolution and healing! With love, M Bowers
Gordon & Cindy Seeley
Very Proud of Team Allison, and excited for Colin's contributions as a UVA engineer very soon! Go Team Allison!
Zach White
Pamela Flintsch Medina
Love ya lots pal
Sherry Jones
Looking forward to the praise report from Team Allison!!! Jeremiah 30:17
Emilio Rivero
Such a great cause, sending my best to the Allisons!
Lynn & Scott Mowry
Happy to support your campaign!
Jedidiah Park
Keep killin it bud
Morgan Kurst
Love you lots Colin