Student Visionaries of the Year Houston

Team Crushin' It | Team Crushin' It


  • Adriana Shetsky

    Good luck girls!

  • Robert Santa Ana

    Stay Strong!!! believe

  • Heather Lovell

    Good luck girls!

  • Nadya Hasham-Jiwa

    In honor of all affected

  • Jamie Jordan

    Great work…keep it up!

  • Keomany Brock

    Great campaign and fundraising. Good Luck!!! 🍀

  • Kristen Wemyss

    Good luck with your campaign!

  • Hillary Hunter

    Coolest fundraiser ever! Go Team Canetti!

  • Scott Cook

    Our prayers are with him for a full recovery

  • Mark Wilson

    Great job Ella and Val. Sorry we weren’t home yesterday

  • The Bartee Family

    Such a wonderful cause! Thank you for doing this! - The Bartee Family

  • Kendra Gammons

    I hope you reach your goal!

  • Kendall Jordan

    You guys are AMAZING🙌

  • Jenkins Family

    Go Team crushinit!

  • Maria Hamm

    Thank you for raising money for such an important reason! As a cancer survivor it truly hits home! God bless! The Hamm family

  • Tepphanie Thach

    Good luck girls!

  • Stacie Blackburn

    Thank you for raising funds for such an important society . As a former lymphoma patient who is in remission and survivor , I personally appreciate it . Stacie Blackburn

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