Students of the Year Houston
Ellie Fetner | Ellie Strong
Welcome to Ellie Fetner's SOY Fundraising Page!
In May of 2015 when I was 11 years old, after testing negative for flu and strep and a week of fevers, headaches, a sore throat, bruising and fatigue, my mom took me the to the Emergency Room for bloodwork. The test showed an alarming abnormality in my white and red blood cell count. So much so that I was immediately rushed to the Texas Children’s Hospital Emergency Room in an ambulance. A few terrifying days, a bone marrow biopsy, several blood transfusions, and a lot of blood tests later, I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
I immediately began the 2 ½ year treatment. During that time I endured isolation, countless blood transfusions, platelet transfusions, spinal taps, 7 feeding tubes, a bone marrow biopsy and aspiration, 6 MRI’s, 40 days in the hospital, pneumonia, a port-a- catheter that was surgically implanted in my chest, memory problems, neurological problems, loss of mobility, loss of muscle control, loss of hair, anxiety, panic attacks, homebound school services my entire 6th grade year, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and enough chemotherapy pushed through my veins to kill fast growing cells, which in turn, could kill me too. BUT...I did it. I made it through the horrific 2 ½ years of treatment. I survived. On September 15, 2017, I proudly rang the end of treatment bell.
Just a few decades ago, children who were diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia were essentially given a death sentence. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society has been instrumental in funding research that kept me alive. Unfortunately, the battle is far from over. Up to 90% of childhood cancer survivors will have significant health related issues due to the very medicines that saved their lives. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society is not only working to find a cure to end all blood cancers, but to also develop chemotherapies that are less harsh on the human body, reducing the chance of these horrific side effects. I am dedicated to helping LLS so that no other child has to endure what I endured. No other mother, no other father, no other sister or brother, and no other family.
I am honored to participate as a candidate for the 2020 Students of the Year program, a seven-week initiative in which select high school students from around the country participate in a fundraising competition to benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Each dollar is a vote. The candidate team that raises the most money at the end of the seven weeks is named Student of the Year. Our mission is to not only raise the most money but also to bring attention to blood cancers like leukemia, which is the most common form of cancer in children and teens.
All donations to support my campaign are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible. They'll not only support LLS-funded research but will help provide critical information and support for patients, and support advocacy for laws to ensure patients can access the care and treatments they need.
Please visit our website often for updates and spread the word to family and friends who would also like to donate!
Thank you so much for your support and consideration!
For more information about LLS, please visit
Coreen Frolish
Amazing journey and so glad you are sharing to help continue the funding and such important research!
Katie Johnson
Love you Ellie. Proud of you. So happy you are healthy.
You're an Awesome and Amazing young lady Ellie! So very proud of you. :)
Jim Rushing
Ellie, What an inspiring story of hope and persevering through treatment and recovery. God bless you and keep you.
Amy Bumgardner
Good Luck Ellie!
Elizabeth & Chris Cearley
Stay Ellie Strong! Congrats & good luck!
Brenda Dunleavy
Blessings to you, Ellie! Love your heart and passion to continue involvement in this cause. Keep celebrating every victory! 💕
Jennifer Fridley
Love you always Ellie!!
Edwina and Jim Landrum
Congratulations to Ellie and for all the work she has continued to do for Leukemia patients.Edwina S. Landru
Cynthia and Robert Shapley
Way to go, Ellie! We support you 100% in your quest to be Student of the Year and your on-going commitment to becoming a Nurse Practioner for Pediatric Oncology! Great write-up.
Linnea Hamilton
Good luck Ellie!! You’re an amazing girl!
Heyward & Kathy Fetner
Ellie, we are so proud of you and your ability to articulate your message so well! Love, Pop & Nana
Ted Loewen
Robert Patin
Ellie, What a great cause in helping children face future challenges in their fight against cancer.
Peggy Winters
Love your passion!
Rebecca McNeese
Congratulations on being a survivor and bringing awareness to blood cancers. I am an Adult Leukemia survivor who was helped by this wonderful organization. God bless you and your family!??
Tamara Haag
I’m so impressed with all you are doing and have done to increase awareness and research funding for blood cancer. You’re amazing!
Wanda Sims
Good luck Ellie.
Kaitlin Loewen
Great job Ellie!!! So proud of all of your accomplishments.
Breanna Challicombe
GO ELLIE!! I am so blessed that our lives crossed paths, it has been incredible to see you grow up over these last 5 years. You are my hero!! Love and miss you girl! Best of luck!
Neely Crist
Go Team Ellie!
Robin Green Norwood
Go Ellie!
Linnea Hamilton
Donating for the Great State of California!!😍
Karin Peterson Ghai
Illinois for Ellie Fetner!
lori alford
Jeffrey Gossett
Ellie - We admire your courage and passion. Kam and Jeff
Beth Bolen
Cancel out cancer!
Jeff&Mary French
Praise God for your health and healing and congrats on making a difference for future generations!
Carney Rehabilitation Services
Great Job Ellie!
Molly Schwarze
Ellie-you are one, incredible young lady!
Scott Gildea
Great job!!!
Julie Harter
Best of luck Ellie!!
Dennis McErlean
Very impressive story, Ellie! It was like hearing your mom speak at the gala, but from your perspective. You two are quite a fighting team.
Sarah Druebert
Way to be a fighter Ellie and continuing to pay it forward!! ❤️
Tiffany Gonzales
You go, girl! So proud of you, Ellie!
Carrie Fetner
So proud of the young woman you have become!!! I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.
Amy Bumgardner
Good Luck Ellie
Robyn Pirtle
Good luck Ellie! I hope you raise a ton of money!!
David Tracz
Best of Luck in your Campaign!
Aimed Miller
Ellie Fetner
Natalie Gibson
Go Ellie!!!!!!
Karina Pichardo
Good Luck Ellie! ❤️
Amy White
So in awe of you & your huge heart & beautiful spirit!!
Leslie Butterfield
You are amazing Ellie.
Dawn Kuhn
Way to go Ellie! You are a ROCKSTAR!
Adria Stacha
I love your passion and dedication to this cause, Ellie!!!
Cecelia Lummus
Ellie...Toughest girl I know!!
Jalane Theis
So proud of you!
Halstead Family
God’s abundant blessings upon you, precious Ellie! The work you are doing is so important. Praying for you and for all whose lives will be touched through this campaign. xo
Amy Rheams
So proud of you ELLIE!
Alexander Marquis
Proud of your team's efforts.
Kathryn Butler
Hope you reach your goal Ellie!
Ted Davis
Good luck Ellie. We’re rooting for you!! Kay and Ted Davis
Angela Promecene
In honor of my sister, Tara. Sparkle on, ladybug!
Elizabeth Landgraf
You are doing awesome things! Keep up the good work!
Jill Tracz
Lots of love from the Tracz family in CT! XOXO
Andrew Treutle
Write your own “Storybook Ending”!
Tom and Sue Stewart
Congratulations Ellie! You are an inspiration.
You are such an inspiration to us all. So proud of you.
Catherine Pi-Sunyer
It has been amazing to watch you on your journey. We are so proud of you!
Global Shop Solutions
We will always support #EllieStrong and your efforts to end blood cancer! We are so proud of you!
Isaac Mais
Very strong & amazing young lady!
Jim Walker
Keep up the good work Ellie!!!
May God continue to bless you and your progress. We pray your health will be restored and you can continue your life journey and touch others with that God-Given Gorgeous smile!
Behrooze Meymand
Ellie, your an amazing young lady! I applaud your courage to STAY in the fight after all you and your family have been through. I am privileged to know you and honored to support your campaign for student of the year.
Melissa Glover
Proud of you Ellie!!
Wendy Davis
I love you and your drive to continue to fight! You’re an amazing girl and the student of the year no doubt! ❤️
Celeste Lewis
Way to go Ellie!
June Mey
Ellie, it is wonderful to see your participation in ALL. Many patients choose to move on and try to forget the experience of having cancer. Understandable. You have chosen to help others which I find refreshing and heartfelt. May the wind always be at your back.
Martha Davis
Great letter! Good luck! Boompa and Gigi
Susan Davis
Got get ‘em Ellie!
Cecilia Lo Cicero
Keep shining your light Ellie, you are amazing ??
Tamara Turner
Amazing work!!! You are a rockstar!
Heather Lindsey
Good luck Ellie!!
Kelly Lipinski
Good luck Ellie!
Margaret Stephens
Ellie, Thank you for your TIRELESS effort to cure cancer. I'm so proud of the young lady you've become and consider myself so lucky to have met you in such a transformational time for you. You inspired me then and even more today. Best of luck in your final days.
Sarah Anjo
I am so proud of you!
Keep up the good Ellie! Lots of love. .Jodi and Kelly Teal
Kristi LeBlanc
Good luck!
Elizabeth Kuntz
Your struggles and strength have been an inspiration to many. Good luck with your fundraising efforts!
Robin Green Norwood
Your strength and courage inspires me! God bless you Ellie!
Jeanine Deyoe
Love Eli Strong!
Pam Phillips
So proud of you!
Lisa Ashford are amazing!!!
Erin and Crew Cones
Good luck, Ellie!
CC & Adam Spry
Wishing you all the best, Ellie! Congratulations! So proud of you!