Students of the Year Cincinnati

Team CUREage | Team CUREage's Campaign Team

Welcome to Team CUREage's SOY Fundraising Page!

Jan 19, 2020

Welcome to Team CUREage's fundraising page!!!

Ben Westley, Jordan Sovik, and Sam Greenberg are all seniors at Loveland High School and are running for the 2020 Students of the Year program! 

The Students of the Year program is seven-week campaign period in which select high school students from around the country participate in a fundraising competition to benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Every team has the same goal - to find a cure for blood cancers. Team CUREage's why, however, is a little different than most. 

When we originally signed on to participate in the campagin, we didn't necessarily have an immediate connection to someone who had a blood-related cancer. However, about three weeks after starting our work, in August, one of our mentors lost her aunt who died only three weeks after having been diagnosed with Leukemia. Her name was Tina Eubanks, and she was 53. She left behind a husband, two daughters, and a family who are all deeply saddened by her loss. It is in Tina's honor that we continue our work on this campagin. It's personal now. 

All donations are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible. We thank you in advance for joining us to continue Tina's legacy.

Please visit our website often and bring friends who would also like to donate!

Jordan & her grandpa who passed away from Leukemia in November of 2002.



  • Susan Farr

    Hoping more fundraising will lead to more research to find a cure so people affected and their families will no longer have to suffer.

  • The McElveen Family

    Thanks for being great leaders!

  • Ned Portune

    In honor of Sally, for the Loveland Beacon.

  • BrewRiver Kitchen at Sonder Brewing

    Hello, We sold $222.40 worth of food and non-alcoholic beverages to guests ordering for the fundraiser. We committed to 10% of our food sales. I have increased the donation to $30.

  • Sonder Brewing

    Thank you for allowing Sonder Brewing to host a fundraiser for your cause!

  • Jeffrey Hall

    Hoping for a cure!

  • Ann Albin

    Blessings on all your efforts, Jordan. We are so proud of how you are using your many God-given gifts!

  • Amy Crouse

    Proud to be a Tiger!!

  • Chuck Gibson

    In memory of our dear friend Sally Roetker who just passed away February 3, 2020. To honor family wishes that donations go to LLS. Thanks to the Jordan, Sam & Ben (Team CUREage) for their efforts to help raise awareness and funds for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society! - Loveland Beacon

  • Lori Beasley

    Thank you TeamCureage for continuing the LLS fundraising efforts at Loveland High School with the Student of the Year campaign. So very proud of all of you for taking on something much bigger than yourselves. LLS is a lifeline for many families in addition to their research. Our family is forever grateful to LLS for the research, groundbreaking treatments and for helping ease some of the burden of funding my father's medication as he battled Multiple Myeloma with a full stem cell transplant. Those additional years were a gift and he proudly supported LLS as a survivor in those years. I also lost a grandmother to Leukemia many, may years ago and to see how far LLS has progressed in eradicating these blood cancers is amazing. Keep up the great work. So proud to be a Tiger!

  • Julie Eddleman

    Thanks for leading through fundraising and cheers to an extremely strong young woman, Kila Tripp!

  • Deborah Popp

    Thank you for championing your efforts to bring attention and funds to LLS. My father was among some of the first to undergo a stem cell transplant at Rush University Medial Center in Chicago. This enabled him to live 5 more years allowing him to meet all of his grandchildren. He passed in 2003 at the age of 65. Our hopes is that treatment becomes easier on patients and families everyday until a cure is found. So proud of you to work so hard for a great cause. Keep being awesome leaders!

  • Anonymous

    Jordan, you rock! Good luck with your fund raising! Thank you for making a difference!

  • Jennifer Bartsch

    Nina Foad

  • Leah Jordan and Family

    Good luck Team Cureage! We love that this campaign is continuing on at LHS! We LOVE THE LOVE! Leah Jordan (former LHS student, cancer survivor, and SOY candidate) and family

  • Juile Jenkins

    Keep up the good work!

  • Marcia Rasch Potts

    Ben and company, I hope you are learning a lot through this experience. great job!

  • Sue and Sol Greenberg

    Thanks Sam Greenberg for giving your time and effort for such an important cause. Grandma Sue and Grandpa Sol

  • Jessica Gruffydd

    Keep up the great work! You guys are awesome :)

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