Students of the Year San Diego

Team Take a Hike Cancer | Team Take a Hike Cancer

Welcome to Team Take a Hike Cancer's SOY Fundraising Page!

Jan 29, 2020

We are honored to participate as co-candidates for the 2020 Students of the Year program, a seven-week initiative in which select high school students from around the country participate in a fundraising competition to benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. As many of you know, we have been best friends since we were kids and have grown up together. We have decided to join the fight against cancer because this life-taking disease has taken too much of a toll on us and our families' lives.

It's time for cancer to take a hike.

We are leading our team, Take a Hike Cancer, to raise as much money as possible for LLS. We chose this name because Mia's dad and Zoebelle's mom both loved being active in the outdoors and they are our inspiration.

A little about Mia's story:

"I have a deep, personal connection to this cause, having watched my father, Brad Humphrey, be taken from my family and I by Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia or CLL. What was supposed to be a chronic condition turned fatal and took his life five years later on October 16th, 2018. If you knew my dad, you know that he was the type of person who could be your best friend after five minutes. He was larger than life, was always looking for the next adventure, and loved the outdoors. He always made sure I felt safe, happy, curious, and was true to myself. My dad taught me not only to be the confident and hardworking person I am today, but also to be brave. I am able to stay brave because I know that he is always with me, but I still miss him every day. He always called me his angel, but now he is mine."

A little about Zoebelle's story:

"One out of three people will get cancer in their lives, my mom was sadly one of them. Many of you knew my mother, Cindy Hinojosa. She was an amazing person, but this disease took her life, her mother’s life, and many others as well. We need to stop cancer before more families get affected."

We are doing this in honor of them but we cannot do it alone! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation. Every dollar makes a difference!

LLS is the leading organization doing research to find cures for blood cancers. Their research has also led them to help find cures or treatments for other types of cancers, from pancreatic to breast to brain cancer, as well as treatments for diseases like arthritis. In the past 2 years alone, LLS has helped advance 45 out of 51 blood cancer treatments approved by the FDA. We hope with the incredible amounts of research being conducted, a cure will be found so that other people will not have to go through what we have gone through.

Thank you for your consideration.

Mia Humphrey and Zoebelle Hinojosa





  • Anonymous

    In memory of your guardian angels! May their love always be a positive shining light!

  • Paul and Leslie Gros

    We loved Brad. He always had a smile on his face! Very fortunate to have him and his family in our neighborhood!

  • The Canedy Family

    Your parents would be so proud of the strong women that you have become.

  • Cappiello Family

    So incredibly proud of you both!

  • The Sammartino Family

    Cindy and Brad were both incredible and inspiring people. They would be so proud of your enthusiasm and drive!

  • City SC

    To Mia & Zoebelle, what you are doing is so admirable and we are only too happy to support the cause in memory of Brad & Cindy. Keep up the good work! From everyone at City SC.

  • Anonymous

    So proud of your work for this cause that is near and dear to our family. Thank you for raising funds and awareness in the fight against blood cancers. Good luck and we hope you meet or exceed your goal. Go Bobbies!

  • Megan Burton

    You girls are inspiring!!!

  • Karla Stinson

    Zoebelle, Your mama was an amazing woman. Our loss is heaven's gain. I have many awesome and FUN memories with her. She loves you so very much!! We agree with you - "It's time for cancer to take a hike!!" This no doubt makes her and your father Ed more proud of you then you know. We are thrilled to support you in this campaign. Keep walking with Jesus, HE will provide all the strength you need. With Love Karla & Dave Stinson

  • The Smith Family

    Zoebelle I remember running into your mom at the Lagoon as she was jogging with you in the stroller. She loved you and your brothers very much. Hugs Ms Bridget and the Smith Family

  • beth Schulefand

    Mia, thinking of you, your mom and brothers and remembering the amazing spirit of your dad. May his memory be a blessing!

  • Julie Wilson

    What a lovely way to honor your parents. Mia, I worked with your mom and was with her the night she met your dad for the first time - at a hat party of all things! I was so happy they found each other. I imagine he would be very proud of you.

  • Paula Balsamo Jeska

    Blessings to you always Mia God Bless the Humphrey Family

  • Kelli Moors

    Instead of buying candy or a gift for my husband for Valentine's Day, I am honored to donate to your fundraising effort today. Your dedication and hard work are wonderful tributes to the beloved parents you lost.

  • Deborah Walsh

    Mia & Zoebelle - I'm so proud of you both for doing this! I sense... because of You this war will be won! Keep shining your bright lights! XO to all!

  • Sherry Hutchins

    What a wonderful way to honor your parents. Best of luck in your fundraising efforts.

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.