Students of the Year Austin

Texan Kjos | Texan Kjos's Campaign Team

Feb 18, 2019

We love Mrs. Shaver! (from Texan's mom)

One of the things people might not realize about the Student of the Year campaign is that these students are working to raise money while dealing with heavy academic loads AND often in the middle of a sports Texan. One of his inspirations for doing the campaign, Jillynn Shaver, is one of my favorite people in the world, and even more so after she made the time to come watch him play this season. As he enters into the home stretch of the campaign, these last two weeks, he's also entering into basketball playoffs! Our family is grateful for the kindness you have all shown toward his effort to make a difference in the fight against cancer. THANK YOU!

PS for those who haven't seen Texan in person in awhile, YES, Jillynn is normal-sized...Texan is a true Kjos. Which is helpful in basketball! 


One of my "Whys"

Jan 31, 2019

When I found out I was nominated and decided to do this campaign, I had to think about Why. Why would I want to raise money for LLS? My grandfather is one of my reasons why.

My grandfather, aka Pops, has been a really big part of my life since I was little. Pops cannot be described in one sentence, but words that come to mind are crazy, funny, hard working, dedicated, church man, loves his family more than anything, and did I mention crazy? Pops is also a two time prostate cancer survivor. He was fortunate to have really outstanding treatment, and the will to fight cancer and battle for a full recovery.

I know that LLS is focused on blood cancers, but one thing our family loves about LLS is that so much of its work has resulted in greater treatments and outcomes for other cancers as well. I cannot imagine my life these past few years without Pops, and I don't want others to have the reality of loss from cancer in their lives. The more money we raise to fund research, the faster we make cancer history.

So...this is for Pops.


Did you know...

Jan 20, 2019

I'm so grateful to the people who have already supported me in this campaign! In case you don't know much about LLS, here's an interesting fact...In 1964, the five-year survival rate for children with the most commonly diagnosed pediatric leukemia was 3%. Today it’s approximately 90%. That's the kind of difference LLS is making through groundbreaking research and dedication. When YOU support LLS, that is difference you are making, too!  THANK YOU!


Welcome to my Students of the Year page!

Jan 20, 2019

Dear Family and Friends,


I am honored to inform you that the South Central Austin Chapter of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) has nominated me as a candidate in their 3rd annual Students of the Year fundraising challenge. I could not be more excited to make a difference in the lives of patients across the country!


Unfortunately, each of our lives has been touched in some way by cancer. Even though I am only 16-years-old, I have already known so many people who have battled cancer. One of my mom’s best friends, two different girls at church, and my grandfather (twice!), to name a few. All of them battled and won, because of years of research by organizations like LLS. But not everyone is so lucky; the fight isn’t over until EVERY cancer battle is won. That’s why I’m passionate about raising money in this campaign.


Did you know that, between 2000 and 2017, approximately 40% of cancer-fighting therapies approved by the FDA were first approved to treat blood cancer patients and many of these have gone onto help other types of cancer patients? For example, Gleevec®, first approved to treat patients with chronic myeloid leukemia, is now approved for certain rare forms of stomach and skin cancers, and Rituxan®, first approved to treat lymphoma patients, is now approved to treat patients with rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. LLS's tireless work on behalf of patients is truly inspiring.


LLS is an amazing non-profit organization whose fundraisers help provide research for blood cancers (Hodgkin’s disease, myeloma, leukemia, and lymphoma). LLS offers support for patients, survivors, their families, and as I just mentioned, helps to advance the science behind other cancer treatments through its research. Unfortunately there is no early detection for blood cancers, only the search for a cure.


I have set a goal of $20,000 to reach by the end of this 7 week campaign. The 7 week campaign will commence on January 10, 2019 and end with a Grand Finale Celebration on March 1st where Austin’s Student of the Year will be announced. Every dollar counts as a “vote” towards my campaign and the Student with the most “votes” will be named the winner.


My competitors have written similar letters to their family and friends seeking donations so I ask that you give in whatever capacity you feel comfortable with. All donations are tax deductible, and you can give by mailing a check to:


The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Students of the Year

4009 Banister Lane, Suite 200

Austin, TX 78704


Please make your check out to “The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society” and write “Texan Kjos” in the “Memo” section, or make your donation via this website before the March 1st deadline.


You can also help raise funds by inviting others to donate, inquiring with your employer about corporate matching programs, and sharing content from my webpage below on social media. Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you would like to attend our campaign-ending Grand Finale Celebration or receive sponsorship information/ discuss in-kind donations. Thank you so much for your help, as everyone wins when cancer loses and it is your gift that makes a difference!



Texan Kjos 

Students of the Year Candidate




  • Leslie Moore

    Texan, you're doing good work for a great cause!

  • The Shaver Family

    Thank you for bringing hope to the fight against cancer, Texan. Praying for those fighting cancer now - and specifically - a friend - who is battling multiple myeloma. Praying for a cure.

  • The Aghamalian Family

    Way to go, Texan! Can't wait to see you reach your goal and make a huge difference in the fight against cancer. The Aghamalian Family is cheering for you!

  • Araminta Sellers

    Great work on a great cause, Texan!

  • Mitzi Gaines

    May God bless all your efforts to fight this awful cancer.

  • Andrea Morales

    Thank you for your service

  • Barbara Kjos

    Your family is so proud of you, Texan. Thank you for giving your time and efforts to this worthwhile cause and you will make a difference. Much love, Grandma

  • Dr. Tim Collins

    It is our pleasure to donate on behalf of Texas Kjos. Thank you, Texan, for being an ambassador for such a worthy cause! -Collins Orthodontics - Georgetown, TX

  • Greg Mizell

    Proud of your efforts Texan!

  • Kathleen Bumpas

    Keep up the great work!

  • David and Leticia Morgan

    My cousin died from leukemia when she was 3 about 35 years ago. She was precious and fought so hard.

  • Richard Van Arsdale

    Texan, what a great honor to be selected to represent Georgetown HS for this great cause-- and in your first year there! You are a class guy working for a worthy organization. We are proud of the person you are and feel fortunate to be your grandparents. Love you---Granny and Pops

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.