Student Visionaries of the Year Midlands

Madison Guyton | Madison's Mission

Madison's Student Visionaries of the Year Fundraiser

Mar 13, 2023

Visionaries look to the future—and see infinite possibility.
They challenge the status quo—and make the impossible possible.
They boldly imagine a better world – and lead the charge to create it.


The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society was built on that same vision - of a better world - one without blood cancers.


I am a visionary; I have a vision for a world without cancer, but I need your help.


This year, I’m proud to be a part of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Student Visionaries of the Year Campaign, working to raise as much as possible for LLS’s mission.


As a global leader in the fight against blood cancer, LLS:

  • Funds cutting-edge research leading to breakthroughs in immunotherapy, genomics and personalized medicine that are improving and saving the lives of patients
  • Provides free education and support for blood cancer patients and families, including personalized, one-on-one support, assistance with identifying and enrolling in clinical trials, and more.
  • Mobilizes thousands of advocates to drive policy changes that accelerate the development of new cancer treatments and break down barriers to care.

Please consider joining this fight by making a donation. All donations are greatly appreciated and tax-deductible. Please visit my website often and tell friends who would also like to donate!


Thanks to your support, my efforts will help ensure this generation is the last to see cancer.
On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere, thank you!

For more information about LLS, please visit



Hello! My name is Madison Guyton, but that's not what you need to remember. The name you need to remember is Brodie Derrick. You see, I am joining the 2023 Student Visionaries of the Year campain in honor of my childhood friend, Brodie Derrick. In November of 2018, Brodie was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) while only in the 6th grade. With a short fight of a long 5 months, Brodie gained his wings on April 9th, 2019. But today the war wages on and we are battling this together. Our war is against leukemia and I have no doubt we are going to win.


About me:

My name is Madison Guyton and I am a Junior at Gilbert High School. I am on our Varsity Cheer team as well as Varsity Track. I am in Beta Club, Student Council (where I serve as Junior Class Vice President), HOSA (where I serve as secretary ), also Gilbert Guides, FFA, and FCA leadership. I love getting involved with my school and community and through that helping build my leadership!





  • Debbie & Chip Melton

    Chip’s mother died from Non Hodgkins Lymphoma I’m 1997. This fund raiser is near and dear to us. Thank you for taking on this challenge! I know you will be very successful!

  • Christa Wackerhagen

    In honor of my grandmother, and countless others who fought this disease so bravely.

  • Trish Keels

    Great work Madison!~Trish

  • Nakia

    Great Job Madison!

  • Lindsey Forche

    Proud of you!!

  • Tammy Crim

    Good job Madison!

  • Lucy McDaniel

    Proud to support the work you're doing.

  • Juli Watts

    You are amazing, Madison! Love ya!

  • Carrie Brown

    We are proud of you, Madison. We are praying for a cure.

  • Jada Garris

    Thank you for leading our team!

  • Shirley Wise

    Thank you Madison for all your kindness and love that you show so many!

  • Kristin Miller

    In loving memory of Brodie Derrick!

  • Anonymous

    RIP Brodie

  • Kyle and Sara Guyton

    We are so proud of you! We love you!

  • David & Jocelyn Snider

    So proud of you!

  • Tricia Thain

    How proud he would be of his beautiful grandaughter and all she is doing to make this world a better place!

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.