Students of the Year Sacramento

Shynn Lawrence | Team Sacramento Samaritans's Campaign Team

Shynn's Students of the Year Fundraiser

Jan 27, 2021

This past October I was granted the unique opportunity to be a team member in The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Students of the Year Campaign. A 7 week leadership program, it aims to raise money for Blood-Cancer patients while also inspiring students, like me, to practice leadership and public speaking skills. 


With Covid-19, we saw a great need for vaccines and resistance drugs; however like many other viruses, these treatments go under the assumption that there is an active immune system willing to fight against diseases. What if there isn’t an immune system to fight back? What if the disease destroys the immune system? This dejected attitude runs through the minds of hundreds of patients when being diagnosed with a blood cancer. With low survival rates, and no known cure, many of them despair, clinging to their last months of life. Many want to help these patients but are either unaware of the conditions, or don’t know how to make a contribution count. 


My team, the Sacramento Samaritans, intends to change that. With the efforts of organizations like LLS, survival rates for blood cancer patients are increasing. LLS provides support to hundreds of research hospitals around the country, helping save blood cancer patients throughout the US. Furthermore, as many of the cures for blood cancers have been proven effective on other cancers, efforts in blood cancer research benefit the entire medical field. However the organizations need continual financial support to achieve their goals, and my team intends to contribute a total of $25,000 (between February 4th to March 26th) to help fund the cutting-edge research occurring in hospitals and laboratories across the United States and the world.


    With your help, I know my team and I can achieve our goal. If you could contribute to our campaign in any way possible, especially through a donation, we’d greatly appreciate your help. You can also check if your company matches charitable gifts ( to make your donation go further.


Please consider supporting Cancer Patient and donate by selecting the "Donate Now" button.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at or 949-572-4699.


I appreciate your contribution to Team Sacramento Samaritans.



    Shynn Lawrence and Family



  • Mariya Thomas

    Hope this helps - Mariya

  • Lawrence Jacob

    I am proud of the commendable effort put by you and team to raise awareness as well as funds for this deserving cause.

  • Mahesh Menon

    Shynn - You and your team are setting an example for everyone. Glad to donate for a good cause.

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