Student Visionaries of the Year Denver

Chloe Krueger | Team Cancer Crusaders

Chloe's Student Visionaries of the Year Fundraiser

Dec 02, 2022

I am honored and excited to be nominated to participate in the Students Visionary of the Year campaign for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. During a 7- week campaign, starting on January 12, 2023, and ending March 4, my team and I are committed to helping save lives by raising as much money as we can to fund research to find cures for Leukemia, Lymphoma, Hodgkin’s Disease, and Myeloma. LLS supports research, along with treatments, and valuable support for patients and families as they battle blood cancers. I will be working tirelessly for the next few months in honor of my family and grandmother as she battles Lymphoma. 

My grandmother was diagnosed with Lymphoma shortly after thanksgiving last year. She is in the middle of her battle now, and I have never been more proud of someone, as she has always been one of the strongest women I know. Grandmother welcomed me into her family when I was 3 when my mother first met my stepfather, and the love never stopped. She treated me as her own granddaughter, playing with me, taking me swimming, and telling me stories. Even as I watch her get more and more sick, I am proud to say that I can focus on her humor and kindness, which I will treasure for the rest of my life. Although I have been watching this story unfold from a distance, seeing cancer tear apart my family has made me determined to make a difference. I know I am not the only one with a story of this sort, which is why I am participating in this campaign. 

We are closer to a cure than ever, and LLS has made outstanding efforts in the treatment of blood cancers thus far and will continue to do so.  Not only is the organization supporting blood cancers, but also other diseases such as Parkinson’s, Diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. Join me in this fight and let's change the story for millions of families!  

Remember this, every dollar counts, no contribution is too small, and above all, your donation is a step towards a cancer-free world! Let’s start the new year with hope and I thank you so much for your support.



  • Rene Moore

    Kick off!!!!

  • Josephine Schott

    Happy Kick Off Day! So proud of you!!

  • Mimi Metzger

    Way to go, Chloe!

  • Marc Brody

    Kick off!

  • Sheri Spivey

    Really proud of you Chloe and your commitment to this project!

  • Leslie Argenta

    Go Team Cancer Crusaders! Chloe, thanks for doing this.

  • Kristin Reed

    Great work Chloe! Thank you for all your hard work.

  • Rich Bovarnick

    thanks Chloe for taking this on best of luck. The Bovarnick's

  • Jenny and Jeff Kummer

    Chloe, We are so thrilled that you are participating in this great cause. We are happy to support you.

  • Michael Lair

    This is a great cause.

  • Doug and Jeanette Gillespie

    Happy to help!

  • Jennifer Bolton

    Such a great fundraiser!

  • Becky Schichtel

    Proud of you Chloe. You are doing an exceptional service to this organization. xoxo TT

  • Dan and Cara Welch

    Awesome work!

  • Mike Busada

    Thank you for the work you are doing to help others.

  • Caitlyn Burchfield

    Best wishes!

  • Tray & Mani Hairston

    Good luck Chloe! Tray & Mani

  • Joe Feldman

    Thanks for the opportunity to support this important cause, Chloe.

  • Kristin Caid

    Thank you for doing this and best wishes to your grandmother!

  • Dillon Peters

    Thank you for sharing your story and making a difference for so many!

  • Trina Reisch

    Good luck with your goal, Chloe! Awesome you are raising money for this cause and awareness! The Reisch Family

  • Christina Verretta

    Chloe, Thank you for supporting such an important cause.

  • Robyn Moore

    Great work, Chloe!

  • Sally Tasker

    This is such a great cause Chloe. You are an amazing young lady.

  • Carrie Stegner

    Thank you Chloe for your effort to support this cause. Carrie and Tim

  • Kristen and Marc Holtzman

    Congratulations Chloe. We support your efforts. You are an inspiration. Kristen and Marc

  • Felicia & Mike Ho

    Let’s go, Chloe!

  • Dawn & Steve Burgess

    Keep up the good work Chloe! We're proud of you!


    Impressive effort Chloe! Great cause and very commendable that you have gotten so involved!


    Good luck Chloe Doug and Mia Wearley

  • Dawn Bookhardt

    For all of those suffering with a blood dyscrasia disorder, take heart.

  • Fay Jaussaud

    I am proud of you for the work that you put into being a volunteer and helping others Fay

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