Students of the Year Palm Beach-Treasure Coast

Nicole Ward | CUREageous

Nicole's Students of the Year Fundraiser

Jan 13, 2021

Welcome to my fundraising page! 

For those who may not know me very well, my name is Nicole and I am a freshman at Suncoast High School, where I am in the Math Science and Engineering program. In my freetime, I enjoy being outdoors, playing soccer, golf, going on bike rides, scuba diving and flying RC airplanes. I am so grateful for this learning opportunity LLS has given me and I am so excited to see what my team and I will accomplish over the course of this campaign.

I am helping raise money for LLS to help all those who have lost loved ones to this blood cancer. About every three minutes one person in the U.S. is diagnosed with blood cancer. It has been estimated that the combined total of people who will be diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma, or myeloma in the U.S. is 178,520 this year alone. Out of all those people, it is estimated that 56,840 of them will die from it.

Please join me in supporting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) by making a donation to my fundraising campaign. Thanks to your support, our efforts will help fund the therapies and treatments and help save lives today.

LLS's continued advancements over the years, are responsible for the blood cancer survival rate doubling and tripling; in some cases, the survival rate has even quadrupled. Many LLS supported therapies not only help blood cancer patients but are now used to treat patients with rare forms of stomach and skin cancers. They're even being tested in clinical trials for patients with a range of cancers including lung, brain, breast, pancreatic and prostate cancers. LLS funded drugs are now being tested for patients with other non-cancerous diseases like Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis.

We really are changing the face of blood cancer!

All donations are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible. They'll not only support LLS research but patient services, advocacy, public and professional education, and community services as well.

Please visit my Web site often and bring friends who would also like to donate! On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere I thank you for your support! For more information about LLS, please visit

Thank you,

Nicole I. Ward


LLS fundraising kickoff!

Jan 12, 2021
January 13 starts this years fundraising season, and I couldn't be more exited. I just want to thank you for your interest in this important cause and foundation. Your regard and desire to support our local community is greatly appreciated! Lets start this year sharing our love and kindness with those who need it most!

Nicole's Students of the Year Fundraiser

Aug 04, 2020

Welcome To My Fundraising Page.

Please join me in supporting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) by making a donation to my fundraising campaign. Thanks to your support, my efforts, will help fund the therapies and treatments and help save lives today.

LLS's continued advancements over the years, are responsible for the blood cancer survival rate doubling and tripling; in some cases, the survival rate has even quadrupled.

And many LLS supported therapies not only help blood cancer patients but are now used to treat patients with rare forms of stomach and skin cancers. They're even being tested in clinical trials for patients with a range of cancers including lung, brain, breast, pancreatic and prostate cancers. LLS funded drugs are now being tested for patients with other non-cancerous diseases like Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis.

We really are changing the face of blood cancer!

All donations are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible. They'll not only support LLS research but patient services, advocacy, public and professional education, and community services as well.

Please visit my Web site often and bring friends who would also like to donate!

On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere I thank you for your support!
For more information about LLS, please visit



  • Claudia “Patty” Gonzalez

    Niki Niki its so inspiring for your little cousins the great young lady u are becoming, love that u are doing this... caring for others and supporting good causes!!! We hope this helps!!💖💖we love you!!!

  • Loretta Hayden

    Nicole, you are a remarkable young lady and we are proud to know you.

  • Andrés+Alejandra

    We’re so proud of you and all the amazing ways we look forward to you changing the world!! Love you, Andy+Ale

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