Sep 06, 2021

Did a great ride this morning with Matt & Brice for our Scenic Shore 150 “ride your own shore”.  I miss the planned ride- the next best option is to ride with great friends!


Aug 18, 2021


Jul 03, 2021

It was ten years ago this morning that Sarah left this world as I held her. My heart still aches with how much I miss her, but Sarah left us all with a charge to keep living, have fun and laugh, and enjoy life. I feel her spirit with me so very often. We will keep striving to defeat leukemia and science is making headway. Thank you all for supporting me. Tyler


May 10, 2021

Welcome To My Scenic Shore 150 Fundraising Page. 

In December of 2010, my life changed forever when I received a call from my daughter's doctor asking me to come and meet with her immediately.  Sarah had been sick with a cold that she did not seem to recover from.  Sarah's mom & I met at the doctor and she informed us that Sarah's blood test has shown positive for type AML leukemia.  I had heard of leukemia, but didnt even really know what it was. It turned out Sarah had a form where only about 3% of those diagnosed survive; she tried VERY hard to beat it, but in the end, the disease went around any treatments and Sarah passed away on July 3, 2011.  I ride in memory of my daughter, Sarah Elizabeth Pease.  

Please join me in supporting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) by making a donation to my fundraising campaign. Thanks to your support, my efforts, will help fund the therapies and treatments and help save lives today.  The Scenic Shore continues to be one of the premier charity cycling events in Wisconsin and was named Best Cycling Event in the Midwest by Competitor Magazine.

LLS's continued advancements over the years, are responsible for the blood cancer survival rate doubling and tripling; in some cases, the survival rate has even quadrupled.

All donations are greatly appreciated. They'll not only support LLS research but patient services, advocacy, public and professional education, and community services as well.

I ask for your contribution so the research can be supported to defeat this disease.  On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere I thank you for your support!  



I’m memory of Terry D Pease
Jim & Donna Koeble,
In memory of Terry D Pease
Don Francis & JR Lee,
In memory of Terry D. Pease
Ron & Sandy Pulver,
In memory of Terry D. Pease
Pat & Manoucher Madani,
In memory of Terry D. Pease
Melissa Freiberg,
In memory of Terry D. Pease
Bill & Linda Ehlert,
In memory of Terry D. Pease
Chris & Roxann Grinde,
In memory of Terry D. Pease
Mary Antonelli,
In memory of Terry D. Pease
Severyn Dykstra,
In memory of Terry D. Pease
Eric & Mary Soderlund,
Peter Martin/Team Ameripack Inc
Peter Martin/ Ameripack Team,
Ten years of not getting to see your smile, yet you continue to change the world through LLS and the many lives you touched. Miss you, Mabel. Mom Thank you, Tyler, for continuing to support LLS and their research.
Lee Skupniewitz,
I can’t help but imagine what Sarah would be like at age 26 - so full of life, energy, humor and curiosity for the world around her. My donation is so that parents and families don’t have to suffer losses like ours. We can make a difference!
Valerie Hoffmann,
In memory of Terry D. Pease
Lila @ John Waldman,
In memory of Terry D. Pease
Myrna M Dickinson,
In memory of Terry D. Pease
Bob & Nancy Nichols,
In memory of Terry D. Pease
Bonnie Felton,
In memory of Terry D. Pease
Bob & Joann Skare,
In memory of Terry D. Pease
Jim & Paulette Vilstrup,
In memory of Terry D. Pease
Rebecca Chapman,
In memory of Terry D. Pease
Barth Family,
10 years of missing you.
Tyler & Therese Pease,
on behalf of the will clarke challenge from nelson company
kaitlin manning,
Good Luck Tyler! We'll be thinking of you and Sarah during your ride
John Clarke,
Both Sarah and Will Clarke left this world much to soon. We will cherish their memories and keep them in oru prayers.
Arthur Caltrider,
Tyler - may you find peace in knowing that your daughter continues to touch lives of those she never met!

Support our Efforts

Donating for this event will be available from: Thursday, October 29, 2020 12:00AM to Friday, December 31, 2021 12:00AM CST
Make a donation
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  • $25
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Countdown to event

Sat Sep 18, 2021 @07:00 AM  CST

Fundraising Total

Individual Goal
$20,017 of $6,000
Team Goal
$25,505 of $16,000

My Thanks To

  • The Nelson Company
  • Jack Williams
  • Arthur Caltrider
  • Peter Martin/ Ameripack T...
  • Tyler & Therese Pease
  • Vincent Hanoski
  • Quentin & Nancy Meracle
  • James Peregoy
  • Melissa Freiberg
  • Ron & Sandy Pulver
  • Jim & Donna Koeble
  • Amber Potts
  • Facebook Donor
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  • Richard Beaman
  • Valerie Hoffmann
  • kaitlin manning
  • Facebook Donor
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  • Severyn Dykstra
  • Chris & Roxann Grinde
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  • Jim & Paulette Vilstrup
  • Don Francis & JR Lee
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  • Rebecca Chapman
  • Bob & Nancy Nichols
  • Myrna M Dickinson
  • Mary Antonelli
  • Bill & Linda Ehlert
  • Pat & Manoucher Madani
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  • Barth Family
  • Bob & Joann Skare
  • Bonnie Felton
  • Lila @ John Waldman
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  • Eric & Mary Soderlund
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  • John Clarke
  • Jordan Dunnett
  • Lee Skupniewitz

In Memory of

Sarah Pease