May 27, 2019

For the second year in a row, I am joined by my wife, Jordan and several of our good friends in a bicycle tour that in total, raised over $1.6M to fund leukemia research for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). Our team, Philly 22, was recognized by LLS last year as the top new fundraising team out of more than 1,300 total riders, raising over $15,000 in our first effort. We have a new goal of surpassing $20,000 and we need your help!! I know I can count on you!

I ride for my Dad, Tom, who has battled Chronic Myloid Leukemia (CML) for nearly a decade. The therapies that saved my Dad are new enough that had he been diagnosed 20 years ago, he would not have made it this far.

The Scenic Shore 150 Bike Tour is a two-day, 150 mile, fully-supported cycling event that is open to riders of all ages and abilities. One of Wisconsin's most popular bike rides, the Scenic Shore 150 is the largest locally organized and supported event for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. 

LLS's continued advancements over the years, are responsible for the blood cancer survival rate doubling and tripling; in some cases, the survival rate has even quadrupled. And many LLS supported therapies not only help blood cancer patients but are now used to treat patients with rare forms of stomach and skin cancers. They're even being tested in clinical trials for patients with a range of cancers including lung, brain, breast, pancreatic and prostate cancers. LLS funded drugs are now being tested for patients with other non-cancerous diseases like Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis.

All donations are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible. They'll not only support LLS research but patient services, advocacy, public and professional education, and community services as well.

Please visit my Web site often and bring friends who would also like to donate!

The Scenic Shore 150 Bike Tour
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
6737 W. Washington St. Suite 2100
Milwaukee, WI 53214
​(262) 785-4272



In memory of my grandfather, Harold Dunham and in honor of my Dad, Tom Dunham. Riding to find a cure!!
Ted & Jordan Dunham,
I want to thank all the women and men doing the research for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society that has helped and is helping extend the lives of so many people. Mary and David Dunham
David & Mary Dunham,
In honor of my brother Tom, my frienf Thad, in memory of my father Hal, and in support of my nephew Ted and his wife Jordan. Much love to all!♡♡♡
Martha Dunham,
Go Team Dunham!11
Jeff Harris,
Lee Cooper,
Go Ted!
Eric Schuldt,
Crush it Ted & Jordan! The Reilly's
The Reilly's,
Ted and Jordan, So great that you are making a difference!
Corey Denman,
Way to go Ted and Jordan!!!
Rachel & Scott Steele,
Ted / Jordan, please know that you have team Gute behind you all the way on this year’s ride! We look forward to hearing all about your inspiring ride! Thanks for peddling hard for a great cause!!!
Jim Gute,
Good luck with the ride for a wonderful cause.
George and Susan Heisler,
Enjoy the ride! And remember, you can't control the wind. You can only adjust the pedals.
Todd & Heidi Hall ,
Ted & Jordan - Ride hard and enjoy the view!
Matthew Schwabauer,
Cheering you on, Ted in support of your wonderful Dad!
Mona Theobald,
What an awesome cause and event.. Thank you !!! Scott Francis
Scott Francis,
Good luck Ted and Jordan!
Eric Bruce,
Good luck Teddy and Jordan! We love you guys!
The Donoghue Family,
So proud of what you and Jordan are doing. Love, Uncle B
Barry Blackmore,
Ted / Jordan - good luck on the ride for a great cause! Jeff, Jen, Henry, and Abby
Jeff Evans,
Great cause .. thanks for your efforts
Brian Kalata,
You go Ted!!!
Loretta Piccirillo,
Good Luck!
Brian Murphy,
So proud of you guys. Love you so much!
Sylla and Peter Zarov,
In full support of the Dunham's!
the Hudy Family,

Support our Efforts

Donating for this event will be available from: Monday, September 17, 2018 12:00AM to Friday, January 3, 2020 12:00AM CDT
Make a donation
Please select a donation amount or enter other amount.
Please enter a valid amount.
  • $25
  • $50
  • $100
  • $250
  • $500
  • $1000
Other amount

Countdown to event

Sat Jul 20, 2019 @07:30 AM  CDT

Fundraising Total

Individual Goal
$26,850 of $25,000
Team Goal
$37,151 of $30,000

My Thanks To

  • Dr. Thomas & Mrs. Barbara...
  • David & Mary Dunham
  • George and Susan Heisler
  • Lee Cooper
  • Jeff Harris
  • Ted & Jordan Dunham
  • Jim Gute
  • the Hudy Family
  • Mona Theobald
  • Corey Denman
  • Eric Schuldt
  • Jay Barrows
  • Rachel & Scott Steele
  • Sylla and Peter Zarov
  • Mark Phillips
  • Todd & Heidi Hall
  • Matthew Schwabauer
  • Eric Bruce
  • The Donoghue Family
  • Jeff Evans
  • Anonymous
  • Brian Kalata
  • Loretta Piccirillo
  • Martha Dunham
  • Kyle Jansen
  • Sara Casey
  • Scott Francis
  • Joe Gasque
  • Robert J Hillis
  • Barry Blackmore
  • Brian Murphy
  • Wendy Harris
  • The Reilly's