Student Visionaries of the Year Portland

Team Calling A Cure | Team Calling A Cure

Team's Student Visionaries of the Year Fundraiser

Mar 17, 2023

Please visit the following link and select the candidate you would like to support by clicking HERE! 




Team Calling a Cure is a group of 30 passionate students led by Izzy Pope and Theo participating in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Societies’ Student Visionaries of the Year program. The program is a seven-week leadership development program that runs from Thursday, January 26th to Sunday, March 19th to raise money and help support the LLS mission to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their. families.      



We have set a fundraising goal of $30,000, and have chosen advocacy as the LLS mission pillar to represent throughout our campaign.  


Money raised helps LLS, the largest nonprofit dedicated to creating a world without blood cancers, advance initiatives like enacting policies that address the severe burdens of these diseases. Through their Office of Public Policy and network of over 35,000 volunteers nationwide, LLS advocates in Washington for laws and policies that accelerate the development of new treatments for cancer and break down the barriers to care that patients often encounter, including advancing oral parity laws, ending surprise medical bills, and limiting patients’ out-of-pocket drug costs.  


The process of treatment should not be another obstacle for patients to overcome. By using our own agency as a team we plan to advocate for those who can’t. Our campaign will provide support to the critical work of LLS in hopes that one day no one will have to grow up without the ones they love. We know that with your help, we can reach our goal and directly impact the fight against blood cancers.  


I thank you in advance for partnering with a campaign that fights tremendously so that our generation can be the last to experience cancer, and please remember, every bit counts. 


Team Calling a Cure greatly appreciates your support.


To make your donation go further— please check if your company matches charitable gifts. 


For more information about LLS, please visit




  • Craig S. Benjamin

    Blessings to you all for helping. Let's do the $30,000 and more!!

  • Kent Wyatt

    Keep up the great work!

  • Stacy Snyder

    I am donating in honor of my father who passed away from Lymphoma. Our family benefited from the services and support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society provides. It makes my heart happy to see these student visionaries working hard for a cause close to my heart.

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.