Students of the Year Portland

Team Let Love Shine

Welcome to Let Love Shine SOY Fundraising Page!

Jan 15, 2019

Dear Friends and Family,
I am thrilled to share this opportunity with you. I am involved in the Students of the Year Campaign through the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), where I am participating in a 7 week long fundraising campaign where teams raise money for cancer research. This is not only a fundraiser for LLS, but also helps to raise awareness in our communities.


Almost everyone's life is affected by cancer in one way or another. I personally have had many family members and friends who have battled and our lives are forever changed. My grandmother with breast cancer, my grandfather with lung cancer, and my cousin with Stage 3 Lymphoma are just a few. Young or old, cancer does not discriminate. Although my grandparents are no longer with me, my cousin is now living a beautiful life, is married and has children of her own. Not everyone is given the same blessing. Join our quest to find a cure! My team and I can't do it alone, we need your help. Here are ways you can help: 
1. Donate the amount of your choice and click the DONATE NOW button at the top left of this page.  You will receive immedicately receive your tax receipt. If you would prefer to write a check, make payable to LLS with the memo line Team Let Love Shine - Emily.  This way our team will get credit for the donation.
2. Share my message & fundraising link with your contacts via email or social media.
3. Donate a silent auction item that can be used for the Grand Finale Gala auction (contact me for a list of suggested items)
4. Help me secure a corporate sponsorship.

If you have any questions about my quest for a cure as well as the mission of LLS, feel free to contact me and we can meet at a time that is convenient for you.

Thank you for your consideration and your donation. We will truly
LET LOVE SHINE through helping those battling cancer.
With love,
Emily Marti
Supporting the Fighters,
Admiring the Survivors,
Honoring the Taken, & on a Quest for a Cure!!!

For more information about LLS, please visit






  • Terri Kanner

    Emily, Thank you for your efforts to help those fighting Cancer. Your generation makes us proud with your selfless contribution to others in need Terri Kanner

  • The Bendele's/Kodiak Management Inc.

    Walking through cancer with one of your children is something no parent would ever want to face! It is gut wrenching and terrifying! I am here to say, that my daughter, Kacy Woodward, who was a victim of Stage 3 Hodgkin's Lymphoma in 2004, is now cancer free, married, and the mother of 2 beautiful children. Kacy is now a nutritionist and personal trainer who has dedicated her life to helping others learn how to live healthier lives by proper diet and exercise so they may be able to avoid diseases like cancer. We are so grateful to God for sparing her life!! We are also grateful for cancer research and organizations like LLS, not to mention people like Emily Marti and her team who are joining together to fight against this dreaded disease! Thank-you!!

  • Laken Nielsen

    Way to go, Emily! Keep up the good work. :)

  • Dena Evans

    Blessings! What a wonderful thing you are doing!

  • Matlock Family

    Emily, we are honored and proud to support you and your fundraising team.

  • Team Crosby

    Em thanks so much for knocking on doors to share this important mission. I respect you so much for doing that! It means quite a bit to me personally, having lost my Dad as well as my dear mentor, Jan, to other forms of cancer. Keep thinking about making the world a better place. Love you!!!

  • Angi Muckey

    So proud of you Emily!

  • Chris Elkins

    Great work Emily!

  • Wendy & Darrell Hunt

    You are doing great work Emily!

  • Heather Funderhide

    Good luck Emily!

  • Melanie Pond

    Good luck Lisa Marti!

  • Elizabeth ujkLampson

    Love this cause Emily and you are the perfect leader to raise money to help beat this disease!! Love you!!

  • Karen N Groenweghe

    Team Let Love Shine - Emily Marti

  • Katie Gurney

    My husband and I are remarried after having spouses die from cancer. Honored to donate to this cause. Well done!

  • Maggie Engl

    Happy to donate to help find a cure and support Miss Emily Marti! Go Emily!

  • Kristen Douglass

    This is dedicated because of Emily Martis campaign as a part of student of the year.

  • Kaitlin Christensen

    Thank you so much for letting us participate in this wonderful opportunity to support the quest for a cure! Go Emily!

  • Lisa Marti

    Em / You’re dedication to community and overall drive to seek ways to make a difference makes your dad and I so proud!

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.