Student Visionaries of the Year Oklahoma

Team WGH | Triple Threat

Graham, Harrison and Willie's Student Visionaries of the Year Fundraiser

Oct 17, 2023

Visionaries look to the future—and see infinite possibility.
They challenge the status quo—and make the impossible possible.
They boldly imagine a better world – and lead the charge to create it.


The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society was built on that same vision - of a better world - one without blood cancers.


I am a visionary; I have a vision for a world without cancer, but I need your help.


This year, I’m proud to be a part of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Student Visionaries of the Year Campaign, working to raise as much as possible for LLS’s mission.


As a global leader in the fight against blood cancer, LLS:

  • Funds cutting-edge research leading to breakthroughs in immunotherapy, genomics and personalized medicine that are improving and saving the lives of patients
  • Provides free education and support for blood cancer patients and families, including personalized, one-on-one support, assistance with identifying and enrolling in clinical trials, and more.
  • Mobilizes thousands of advocates to drive policy changes that accelerate the development of new cancer treatments and break down barriers to care.

Please consider joining this fight by making a donation. All donations are greatly appreciated and tax-deductible. Please visit my website often and tell friends who would also like to donate!


Thanks to your support, my efforts will help ensure this generation is the last to see cancer.

On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere, thank you!


For more information about LLS, please visit




  • Nick and Leigh Bentley

    Great job boys!!

  • Amy Bankhead

    You three are amazing. I know you will raise a lot of money to help so many fighting leukemia and lymphoma.

  • Barry Murphy

    Proud of you all. Well done. Love, -Dad

  • Laura Pimentel

    You go boys!

  • Turner/Alfirevich family

    You are so inspiring! I know you will do great things!

  • Lee Murphy

    Go Boys!

  • Apple Rice

    Great job guys!

  • Michelle Greene

    The Greene family will ALWAYS be Team Harrison…Team FIGHTER…Team SURVIVOR!!

  • Amy Slabaugh


  • Danielle Kaphingst

    Good luck guys! ❤️ The Kaphingst Family in MN (Glaukos co-worker)

  • Margot McCann

    Rock On Murphy’s xoxo Margot

  • Laura and Henry Hood

    So proud of your efforts to help others like Harrison and our son Emory not only to survive, but to thrive.

  • Lizzy & Steve Conroy

    Bravo Harrison!! You are a true Champion!!!

  • Pam and Bill Shdeed

    Proud if the three pam and Bill Shdeed

  • Patrick Jacques

    Go Team Murphy!

  • Jill Holzbeierlein

    Great work Graham, Willie & Harrison! So proud of your efforts! Jeff & Jill

  • Jeb and Sara Cook

    Great job Willie, we are proud of you!!

  • Thomas Burns

    Congrats Triple-Threat on your advocacy of such an important mission. On to 50K+!

  • Derek Cohlmia DDS

    Happy to help!

  • Mary Ann Harroz

    Zara Harroz

  • Cody Barnett

    From the Barnetts

  • Glaukos Charitable Foundation

    The Glaukos Charitable Foundation is proud to support team Triple Threat!

  • Alison Counts

    Way to go!

  • Conner & Jane Helms

    Bravo guys! Proud of you! XO, Conner & Jane Helms

  • Scot Sullivan

    Way to go Team Willy, Graham and Harrison!

  • Kathy Walker

    So proud of you all!

  • Hillari Henry


Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.