Student Visionaries of the Year New York City

Team Score the Cure | Score the Cure

Team's Student Visionaries of the Year Fundraiser

Jan 17, 2023

This year, we are proud to be a part of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Student Visionaries of the Year Campaign, where we are working to raise as much as possible for LLS’s mission.


We have volunteered our time to be a part of Score the Cure, led by Sasha Meier and August Fischer, and together we have a fundraising goal of $35,000. Our goal is to raise $35,000! The money we raise helps LLS fund research to advance lifesaving treatments, drive advocacy for policies that protect patient access to these treatments, and provide patients and families with hope, guidance, education, and support. Our candidate team is particularly passionate about Patient Support and will be representing this area of LLS during our team’s campaign. 


LLS works to provide patients with hope, guidance, education, and support when it’s needed most, so no one has to face cancer alone. Their financial assistance programs provide a crucial lifeline for blood cancer patients and their families. In 2021 alone, LLS provided $241 million in financial assistance to over 42,000 patients. For over two decades, LLS Information Specialists – highly trained oncology professionals – have been on the front lines of an ever-changing healthcare landscape, guiding patients and caregivers to our trusted education and support services. Last year, LLS Information Specialists responded to 26,000 inquiries from patients and caregivers, working to help in any way they can.


Please consider joining this fight by making a donation. All donations are greatly appreciated and tax-deductible. Please visit my website often and tell friends who would also like to donate!


Thanks to your support, your efforts will help ensure this generation is the last to see cancer.


For more information about LLS, please visit




  • Lucy Lehrer

    Thanks to Sasha and August for inspiring me and others to donate to this important cause.

  • Joshua Sternoff

    Go Sasha! Thank you for doing this work

  • Lauren Young

    Go, Sasha, Go

  • Jill Odegaard

    We applaud you and the work you are doing August as you bring attention to this important cause.

  • Tracy Thew

    I truly hope they find a cure!

  • Katie Honaker

    Yoga class

  • The Woster-Quales

    Way to go, Augie!! xoxox

  • Anonymous

    Well done Sasha

  • Claiborne and Ben Milde

    Sasha Meier - keep up the great work for this important cause!

  • John Zaperelli

    The men at LaBagel are so impressed with your work!

  • Anonymous

    Keep up the great work!! So proud of you all.

  • Catherine Barnett

    Sent with admiration (& love!) for Sasha and this important work!

  • Jeremy Meier

    to Sasha Meier -- good work for a good cause!

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