Students of the Year Cleveland

Flynn Cowie | Team Rooted In Hope

Why I Joined!

Jan 27, 2022

Everything that the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society does and stands for inspires me as I'm sure it inspires many others. LLS has funded 41 of 47 FDA approved blood cancer treatments since 2017 and supported 80 research grants in 2018. Since 1964, LLS has worked hard to support and advance cancer therapies. 

On a personal level, my uncle suddenly passed away due to a heart condition around three years ago. Earlier this year my mom was diagnosed with the very same heart condition that took his life. The whole experience has opened my eyes and has shown me a glimpse of the immense fear that those diagnosed with any form of cancer, or disease face everyday. As a team we want those battling to know that there is hope and that people are fighting for every last penny and donation to try and aid with their condition. The fact that these wonderful people at LLS are working for change and betterment of those suffering from such life altering diseases truly inspires me. Personally I am hopeful for the future and am truly excited to be a part of something much, much bigger than myself.

With your help, we can work together to make an immeasurable difference in someone’s life. You can change the world for a patient, their family, and their friends by making a donation of any amount. Your generosity and support is appreciated more than I can express. Stand with us in the fight against blood cancer! Truly and amount helps.



Flynn's Students of the Year Fundraiser

Jan 27, 2022

I have signed up to save lives with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) and am working to raise as much as possible over the next 7 weeks. Every dollar raised counts as one vote for my campaign. The candidate(s) whose team tallies the most votes earns the prestigious title of Student or Students of the Year. Will you help me earn that title?
As you know, everyone wins when cancer loses. Thanks to your support, my efforts will help fund therapies and treatments that are saving lives. Over the years, support from people like you has been responsible for the blood cancer advancements that have doubled, tripled, and in some cases quadrupled the survival rate for some blood cancers.
Many LLS-supported therapies not only help blood cancer patients but are also now used to treat patients with rare forms of stomach and skin cancers and are in clinical trials for patients with lung, brain, breast, pancreatic and prostate cancers. And LLS-funded drugs like targeted therapies and immunotherapies are now saving thousands of lives every day.
We really are getting close to our goal of a world without blood cancers!
All donations are greatly appreciated and tax-deductible. They'll not only support LLS research, but patient services, advocacy, public and professional education, and community services as well.
Please visit my website often and tell friends who would also like to donate!
On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere, thank you for your support! For more information about LLS, please visit





  • Trisha and Bob Yost

    My dad has a form of leukemia that is inactive; therefore, he is not currently affected by it, and we pray he never will be. I really appreciate your efforts in raising money for this cause!

  • Kimberly Hague

    Proud of you, Flynn!


    Flynn, happy to support this cause and your fundraising goals! Mindy and Drew

  • Max Crisalli

    Flynn, thank you for doing this!!! You’re awesome!

  • Karlene Cimprich

    Great work Flynn!

  • Joel & Sandy Aslanian

    Thank you for raising money for this important cause that is close to home for us! (We're old friends of your mom from college.)

  • Karl, Melissa, Jamie and Sam

    Flynn, Thank you for raising funds for this important cause. Good luck! Your Virginia cousins

  • Elderton Family

    Thank you for your efforts Flynn - excellent!

  • Brian and Robin Cimprich

    Flynn, the note in your request for donation was heartfelt and inspiring. We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments, and I know your other Cimprich uncle would be too. Hope you crush your goal!!!

  • Kaitlyn and The Kuchar Family

    Flynn, I am so happy you joined us in the fight to save lives! Proud of your hard work!!

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.