Student Visionaries of the Year Washington DC

Aliaa Saleh | Team Saxon Strong


  • Josip Zelenika

    Good cause! Good luck Aliaa.

  • Moe Darwish

    Thank you Alia for all your good work!!

  • David Calhoun

    Our support in helping to cure leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, and other blood cancers

  • Gigi & Poppie Kerfut

    Aliaa Georgianna, We’re proud of you raising awareness & funds for such an important cause. Keep up the momentum Al’s. Love, Gigi & Poppie


    Keep up the good work, Aliaa!

  • Steve & Mary Stup

    Great job, Aliaa! Good luck in your fundraising.

  • Leslie Hutchinson

    Good luck Aliaa!

  • Brian Holder

    We must do more as a community to raise the awareness of and prevalence of various types of cancers, particularly those that indiscriminately impact young people. Current public and private funding of such research that leads to advanced treatment and cures in many of these cases is simply not enough. My niece Charnice passed away in 2020 after 2 long and painful years of battling Osteosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer that largely impacts children. This type of cancer is routinely misdiagnosed, leading to a death sentence for those who are finally diagnosed in the later stages (research funding is extremely limited for these rare types of cancers). Charnice died just days after her 18th birthday. Fundraising efforts such as this are a great contribution toward finding a cure and preserving life. Please join me in supporting this effort today, it just might save a young person's life tomorrow.

  • Kaisy & Mommy Saleh

    Good work for a good cause. Keep up the effort Aliaa. We’re so proud of you.

  • Darren Bloom

    Thoughts and Prayers to all persons and their families having to deal with LLS.

  • Kristin Morgan

    Thank you Aliaa for fighting for such an important cause and for helping those affected by this disease.

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