Students of the Year Washington DC

Avery Chadwick | Team Raise Hope Together

Avery's Students of the Year Fundraiser

Jan 21, 2022

Thank you for visiting my fundraising page! I am super super excited to share that I am a part of the Student of the Year, team Raise Hope Together with the mission of raising money for cancer research.

All of our team's efforts will help fund the research and treatments to find a cure for blood cancer. Almost everyone is or has been affected by cancer in some way. Many of my family members, including my grandparents and close family friends, have been diagnosed with this disease. LLS's mission is to help find a cure for cancer. Many LLS-supported therapies not only help blood cancer patients but are also now used to treat patients with rare forms of stomach and skin cancers and are in clinical trials for patients with lung, brain, breast, pancreatic and prostate cancers. And LLS-funded drugs like targeted therapies and immunotherapies are now saving thousands of lives every day.

I have signed up to save lives with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) and am working to raise as much as possible over the next 7 weeks. Every dollar raised counts as one vote for my campaign. The candidate(s) whose team tallies the most votes earns the prestigious title of Student or Students of the Year. 
As you know, everyone wins when cancer loses. Thanks to your support, my efforts will help fund therapies and treatments that are saving lives. Over the years, support from people like you has been responsible for the blood cancer advancements that have doubled, tripled, and in some cases quadrupled the survival rate for some blood cancers.
We really are getting close to our goal of a world without blood cancers!
All donations are greatly appreciated and tax-deductible. They'll not only support LLS research, but patient services, advocacy, public and professional education, and community services as well.
Please visit my website often and tell friends who would also like to donate!
On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere, thank you for your support! For more information about LLS, please visit



  • Anne Kolton

    Avery, I’m thrilled to support you!

  • Lis Inman

    Happy to assist you with this great cause! Looking forward to to teaching a great workout to continue to raise awareness tomorrow:) Lis

  • Holly Lass

    Sweat for a Cause.

  • Jennifer and JB Poersch

    Good Luck Avery!

  • Alexis Byrne

    Great job Avery.

  • Allison Garagusi

    Hi Avery, Sorry we're donating at the last possible minute! You are one of 5 people we're supporting this season, and we hope this humble amount is still helpful in some way! Hope you reached your goal! Xoxo, The Garagusis

  • Courtney Cox

    Thank you for what you’re doing!

  • Michael Chappell

    Keep up the great work! - The Chappell’s

  • Elizabeth Fox

    Great work Avery!

  • Betsy Hannah

    For Avery’s workout event sponsored by Alexandria Wellness

  • Anonymous

    Love that your starting you charitable giving at such a young age! Go Avery!

  • Brooke Sydnor Curran

    I see a future "Student of the Year" coming! Go Avery! Happy to support

  • Deborah Hawkinson

    Thank you, Avery for making a diffrence towards the cure of blood cancer!

  • Julie Bauer

    Great project, Avery! So glad to support your efforts and "Sweat for a Cause!"

  • Kate Hull

    Avery - I am happy to support your campaign for such a worthy cause!

  • Martha Chadwick

    Thank you, Avery for sharing this message!

  • The Hines Family

    We are very happy to donate to this worthy cause, Avery!

  • The McBeath Family

    Good Job, Avery!!

  • Elizabeth Siegel

    Happy to support this effort. Keep up the good work Avery!

  • Lutz Family

    Great Work, Avery!

  • Harriet & Brett Melvin

    Avery - LLS is a great organization and we are so happy to support your efforts. Harriet & Brett Melvin

  • Brian & Regina Conklin

    Way to go, Avery! Thanks for what you are doing!

  • Amy Ford Bradley

    Great Teamwork Avery! Happy to help!

  • Carl Ardleigh

    Keep up the good work Avery.

  • Mark W Isakowitz

    Avery - thanks for the opportunity to be a part of this great project and for the time and effort you are putting into it.

  • Kathryn Schmidt

    Good job Avery!

  • Remi Rory

    This is awesome. Im super proud of your effort and you charitable spirit. Keep going and best of luck with your goal.

  • Robyn Swift

    Way to go Avery! This is amazing!

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