National Capital Area Students of the Year

Whitney D'Attilio | Team Coyotes for a Cure

Welcome to Whitney D'Attilio's SOY Fundraising Page!

Jan 20, 2018

Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout the first week of my campaign! Here are the local businesses who have donated in support of my cause so far and it would be great if we were able to bring them business as a thank you! 


Upcoming Events!!!

Nov 26, 2017

January 12th at 7PM- AR Painting in Frederick: Attendance (Adults)

January 13th Poker Tournament Clarksburg room: Attendance (Adults)

January 14th 2PM AR Painting in Frederick : Attendance (Kids)

January 15th Chipotle Germantown: Attendance to buy dinner for your family

February 4th Super Bowl Squares: Purchase and selling to friends and colleagues

February 12th Rise Pies Clarksburg: Attendence to buy dinner for your family

February 23th Clarksburg High School Wrestling Tournament Bake Sale: Donation of baked goodies

If you have any questions about any of the events please feel free to email me at 


Welcome to Whitney D'Attilio's SOY Fundraising Page!

Nov 26, 2017

Welcome To My Fundraising Page.

I am honored to have been accepted as a candidate in the 2018 Students of the Year program, a seven-week initiative in which select high school students from around the country participate in a fundraising competition to benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

I am raising critical dollars in honor of a young patient hero who is currently battling or is in remission from a blood cancer. Each dollar is a vote. The candidate team who raises the most money at the end of the seven weeks is named Student of the Year. My mission is to not only raise the most money but also to bring attention to blood cancers like leukemia, which is the most common form of cancer in children and teens.

Since the early 1960s, five-year survival rates for many blood cancer patients have doubled, tripled or even quadrupled. And many LLS supported therapies not only help blood cancer patients but are helping patients with other cancers and serious diseases. In fact, drugs first approved for blood cancers are now approved to treat patients with stomach cancers, skin cancers, and autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.

We really are changing the face of blood cancer!

All donations are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible. They'll not only support LLS-funded research but will help provide critical information and support for patients, and support advocacy for laws to ensure patients can access the care and treatments they need.

Please visit our website often and bring friends who would also like to donate!

On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere I thank you for your support!

For more information about LLS, please visit  




  • Lisa Sabelhaus

    Thank you for helping the fight to cure cancer.

  • Pam Webster

    Good for you Whitney for giving back like this! Cancer of all kinds impact so many people so thank you for doing this! Your mom and dad raised a great kid!

  • Gisele Larsen

    Good Luck!!!

  • Marian Bennett

    Good luck Whitney!

  • Sadie Edmonds

    Good luck!!

  • Kathleen Peterson

    Way to go, Whitey!

  • Michelle Kennedy

    Great Job Whitney! What a fabulous thing to do for a great cause!

  • Wendy McTimoney

    Good luck!

  • jennifer loftis

    way to go whitney! I am so proud of you and your cause!

  • Todd Heavner

    Whitney, My Dad would be so proud of you!

  • Mark Batis

    Whit—happy to help you and this great cause in any small way I can.

  • Beth Wright

    What a great cause! Good luck with your fundraising!

  • Tracy Hill

    Good luck!

  • Christine Troffkin

    Whitney I am so proud of you!!! I wish you the best of luck! Love you!!!

  • Melanie Binder

    Best of luck to you in reaching your goal to support a great cause!


    We’re routing for you, Whitney!

  • Joe Long

    Good Luck Whitney!

  • Adrianne Pacheco

    Good luck Whitney!

  • Clarksburg Yoga and Wellness

    You are amazing! Such an inspiration and wonderful role model for others. We are so proud of you!

  • Jorge Amaral

    Good luck!

  • Julie Wills

    Thank you so much for working for this amazing organization. My 80 year old Mom was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in October of 2016. She successfully completed6 rounds of chemo therapy. Her last treatment was March 13, 2017. I am happy to report she is in remission and doing great! I know it was due to some of the work the LLS supports. I am also requesting that GSK match this $50 Donation (making it $100). Good luck, Whitney!!!

  • Stephanie, Jeff, and Noah Walker

    Thank you, Whitney, for choosing the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to support for your fundraiser. Noah Walker's aunt, Rhonda Christensen, was diagnosed with leukemia seven years ago and received a life-saving bone marrow transplant from Elizabeth Jordan Truby. Aunt Rhonda is thriving today, thanks to the support from this organization: LLS

  • The Zinzi Family

    Good luck Whitney!


    My daughter, Paige, is a Leukemia survivor. She was 8 years old when she was diagnosed and went through almost 3 years of many different treatments including spinal, pills and IV. She missed all of 4th grade but we are lucky enough to say she is one of the 90%! We had some really tough days but now she is a healthy 14 year old. Although I donate annually to the LLS I couldn't resist to give a little more! Thank you Whitney on your efforts!

  • Jennifer Z

    Thank you Whitney for supporting such a great cause!

  • Greg Matthews & Family

    Good Luck Whitney! Thanks for raising money for a great cause! Greg Matthews & Family

  • Lauren Robertson

    Good luck Whitney!

  • Heather Kelly

    Thank you for doing this work for LLS Whitney!

  • Scott Piper

    Way to go Whitney!

  • Vivian Lewy

    Whitney...Good Luck with the fundraising. -The Lewy Family

  • Feldy Suwito

    Good luck with the fundraising, Whitney!

  • Kris Stuber

    Great Job Whitney!! You should be so proud of yourself!

  • Renee Brychel

    Thank you for supporting such a worthy organization and cause!

  • michelle Bosch

    So proud of both of you for all of your hardwork and dedication to help those in need! Michelle

  • rebecca neff

    Way to go Whitney! I dedicated to your team member also. Good luck to Coyotes For a Cure!!!!

  • Anonymous

    We love you very much Whitney Paige!

  • Linda Ahrens

    Way to go Whitney!

  • Michele Pagnotta

    Thank you for helping LLS in this fundraising challenge! You are amazing and inspiring! Wishing you the best of luck, but even if you don't win you have helped many individuals and families in their fight against cancer. Love you and so proud of the awesome young woman you are! xo

  • Teresa Ziffer

    Great job Whitney!

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.