Students of the Year Washington DC

Henry Smith | Team Justice for a Cure

Welcome to Henry Smith's SOY Fundraising Page!

Jan 15, 2020

Welcome To My Fundraising Page!

I am honored to be participating in The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) 2020 Students of the Year (SOY) campaign, a seven-week initiative in which high school students from around the country are nominated to participate in a fundraising competition to benefit LLS’s mission: to find a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and to improve the quality of life of patients and their families.

I am raising funds in honor of my grandmother who was diagnosed with leukemia and battled it for over a year. She is now in remission thanks to advances in the medical field and we are grateful that she kicked cancer's... However some people are not as lucky as my grandmother and many need our help. Together, we can help fund a new era of cancer treatment and hopefully one day find a cure to this awful disease. I appreciate that you have taken the time out of your day to visit my page and support this cause. Thank you to anyone and everyone that is here reading this, and please know, you are now helping fight a battle that may not even affect you. 

We are changing the face of blood cancer! Will you join us?!

Because of campaigns like Students of the Year, LLS has seen tremendous success discovering new and more effective treatments for blood cancer patients and has created a new exciting initiative focusing on treatments for pediatric patients.

  • LLS funded 43 of the 49 FDA approved treatments for blood cancer patients since 2017
  • Since 2000, more than 40% of the new cancer therapies approved by the FDA started as blood cancer research
  • In 2019, LLS established The LLS Children’s Initiative, a comprehensive $50 MILLION multi-year endeavor, to help children with cancer through every facet of LLS’s mission:
    • More than doubling our investment in pediatric cancer research grants
    • Expanding education and support service for children and their families
    • Advocating for and driving policies to accelerate the development of new treatments and break down barriers to care
    • Launching LLS PedAL (Pediatric Acute Leukemia), a groundbreaking global precision medicine clinical trial in acute pediatric leukemia

And many LLS supported therapies not only help blood cancer patients but are now used to treat patients with rare forms of stomach and skin cancers. They're even being tested in clinical trials for patients with a range of cancers including lung, brain, breast, pancreatic and prostate cancers. LLS funded drugs are now being tested for patients with other non-cancerous diseases like Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis.

Please join me in supporting my campaign and LLS by making a donation to my fundraising campaign. Thanks to your support, my efforts, will help fund the therapies and treatments and help save lives today.

LLS's continued advancements over the years, are responsible for the blood cancer survival rate doubling and tripling; in some cases, the survival rate has even quadrupled.

All donations are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible. With your donation, you’re not only support LLS research but patient services, advocacy, public and professional education, and community services as well. Together WE CAN FIND A CURE!

Please visit my fundraising webpage(s) often and pass along the link to family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, etc. who might donate!  I recognize I need lots of support to reach my fundraising goal!

On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere I thank you for your support!

For more information about LLS, please visit




  • Michelle Smith

    Such an important cause. So glad you’re doing this. ♥️

  • Betsy Duke

    I lost my best friend to this horrible disease. Thank you, Henry for taking up this cause.


    Henry - So proud of you for doing this! Thanks for all your effort!

  • Scott G Alvarez

    Henry, Have 3 friends fighting leukemia now--thanks for the help you are giving!!

  • Isabelle Nadler

    Let’s beat cancer!

  • Julia Kerns

    Good luck on reaching your goal!!!

  • Mehrdad & Pany Nazari

    Glad to donate. Mehrdad & Pany.

  • Bryce Molnar

    <3 u hen - bryce

  • Liam Fitzgerald


  • Sarah E Ackley

    Henry- My nephew Matthew received a bone marrow transplant at MD Anderson this past summer. He has been fighting leukemia for several years. Thank you for helping to raise money to combat cancer.

  • Carolyn Andrews

    So glad you are raising funds for this cause. This is personal to so many.

  • Onab Falak

    It’s a very important cause:)

  • Ahmad Nelson

    You’re awesome!

  • Regan Kuhns

    Lost my uncle to leukemia before I was born.

  • Barbara Wolf

    Well done! Hope this start you on a path to a lifetime of good works.

  • William Hochstetter

    Here you go

  • Jessi Nadler

    You’re doing an awesome job Henry!!

  • Chris Peacock

    Impressed by your enthusiasm for such an important cause.

  • Raffle from women and whisky

    Raffle at women and whisky 2/29

  • Reicherts Family

    Proud to support Henry and the team!

  • Susan Beeman

    What a great effort Henry! A very important cause.

  • Missy Rand

    In honor of my cousin facing a second bone marrow transplant from her brother David. She is courageous.

  • Anonymous

    Justice Jams for a Cure

  • Karen Johnson Moy

    Way to go, Henry, on your fund-raising work! We've lost friends and family to leukemia so I'm glad to support this research. Your neighbor, Karen Johnson Moy


    On behalf of staff at the National Association of Home Builders, we would like to make this donation to support Henry Smith's fundraising efforts.

  • Traci Cooke

    For my mom who battled Leukemia 2x miss you every day.

  • Natalie Louis

    So proud of you!

  • McDougall Family

    With love

  • Maxwell Casolini

    🐧Yay Henry

  • Matt, Sue, Wyatt, Spencer, Gillian

    Way to go Henry! The Anderson crew in Richmond support you!

  • David Lord

    What a great cause. Way to go!

  • Cullather Brown family

    Go Henry! Great to see you’re having a good time with this!! Red hair looks becoming on you!

  • Robert E Burns

    Keep up the good work!!

  • David and Melynda Wilcox

    Good luck Henry!

  • Kevin & Pam Smith

    Attaboy Henry!

  • Ed & Deb Macomber

    Henry, thanks for all your hard work in raising money for this research. As you know, finding a cure for leukemia is so very important to the thousands that suffer from this disease. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Keep up the great work. Ed and Deb Macomber.

  • Jane Webre

    Great work you are doing, Henry.

  • Gayle Reuter

    Congratulations on the amazing job you are doing to raise funds for this important cause.

  • Eric Kollig

    Great job, Henry!!

  • Anonymous

    Donation for the W&W event! Keep it up

  • Ilyas Fazelyar

    let’s goooo

  • Dianne Childers

    Wayne and Uncle Buddy

  • Lonnie Rich and Marcia Call

    Good luck, Henry!

  • Emily McCloud

    Great job, Henry! Keep up the great work!

  • Burldene Perk

    Tks Henry for using your time for such a worthy endeavor!

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