Students of the Year Washington DC

Kaitlyn Money | LOCO On Cancer

Welcome to Kaitlyn Money's SOY Fundraising Page!

Feb 27, 2019

You never truly understand how fortunate you are until you lose what’s most important to you.

Sara Willis was a very close friend to me. As she was diagnosed with brain cancer, she had every excuse to complain and dwell, but she only did the opposite. Sara Grace could light up a room without even saying a word! Her bright aura, positivy, and wit were only a few of her amazing qualities that made everyone want to be friends with her. After multiple hospital visits and endless days of fighting, Sara passed away on Thanksgiving Day. 

Dearean Draddy was diagnosed with breast cancer five years ago. She was the first person I would want to go to whenever something in my life happened: good or bad. The moment I walked into the room I would light up seeing how beautiful she always looked; she was what supermodels strives to be! While I could have been hanging out with friends, I lost track of time listening to her encouraging, hilarious, empowering speeches. 

Words will never be able to explain the love I hold for them, but my actions can! Sara and Deareen brought others joy and positivity even though they were battling their own fight. While they have passed, I will do everything in my power to provide others the happiness they once brought so many. 

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society - Students of the Year is a seven week campaign raising money for cancer research. My team “Locooncancer” is made up of ten amazing students from Purcellville VA, who all share one dream... to end cancer! While we are working hard to make a monumental change, we need YOUR help! Every donation matters! One cent can change the life of not only a strong cancer patient but also their family! Please join me in standing hand-in-hand against this deadly illness and together we can make a change! 

“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.”

— Margaret Mead



  • Eileen Boeing-Grey

    From Alexis Grey’s Family

  • UshindiFitness

    One love ❤️

  • Marian Money

    I am donating in loving memory of my dear sister, Gloria Jean Rhodes who fought a courageous battle of pancreatic cancer.

  • Eunice Baker

    Great cause Katie!

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.