Students of the Year Charlotte

Hope Ketola

Welcome to my fundraising page!

Mar 04, 2019

  Thank you to everyone who has donated to my fundraising page! I am so grateful for all the positive support I have recieved, and I've learned so much from this wonderful opportunity. I have recieved so many donations, I actually had to increase my fundraising goal... twice! As the final week apporaches, I am aiming for a grand total of $5,000, and with your help I can reach it. Thank you to all who have already donated, and thank you in advance to those who are planning to. This is such a fantastic, life changing cause, and together we can make a positive difference. Once again, thank you!


Welcome to my page!

Jan 01, 2019

Hello! My name is Hope Ketola and I have been given an amazing opportunity to participate in the 2019 Students of the Year program. This program allows students like me to take part in a seven-week fundraising camapign to benefit the Leukemia Lymphoma Society (LLS). My own family has been touched by cancer many times, and it's not something that I would wish to happen to anyone. My team, The Mustang Movement, and I will be working hard to raise funds that support LLS, and make a positive impact in someone's life. At the end of the fundraising period, the team that raised the most money will win the title of Students of the Year. Every dollar you donate is a vote for our team!

For decades, LLS has helped support the new research and studies needed to stop these blood cancers from taking lives. Some survival rates have nearly quadrupled since the 1960s. Isn't that amazing? By donating, you can help that rate go even higher. Together, we will make an actual change in the world. 

 Any donation is appreciated (and tax-deductible! ). Also, please share this page or the LLS website with your friends. Every dollar counts!

 To learn more about the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, please visit their website at



  • Rhonda Paxton

    Very worthy cause, Hope. Wishing you great success. You certainly have my vote :-)

  • Fran Emerzian

    You are a compassionate young lady and I applaud your efforts!!


    We love your caring spirit, Thank you for your heart of service.

  • Barry Stevens

    I stumbled across this. I’m an old friend of your dad. I also have chronic lymphocytic leukemia. I was diagnosed last year. I hope this helps you! God bless!

  • Laura Ketola

    So proud of you, sister!

  • OMS Consulting Firm

    Fight the good fight. Keep making a difference out there! -Scott Graham

  • Angie Murphy

    Hope, I am honored to contribute to your fundraising.


    Good Luck Hope! Great cause as my dad has Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. Thank you for doing this!

  • Lisa Prueckel

    I work with your dad and I am a cancer survivor myself, such a great cause you are supporting!

  • Shirley Seltzer

    Wishing you much success in this wonderful endeavor.


    Hope, I know your cause is very close to your heart. I applaud all of your efforts to make a difference.

  • Mildred Walter

    Good work Hope. Love you.

  • ruth whitehurst

    Great Cause! Good Luck!

  • Anne Bias

    Great job Hope! Every effort and dollar helps us get one step closer to finding a cure.

  • Ellie Padilla

    Hope, you're awesome, good luck!

  • Carey Mosley

    This is something that I hold close to my heart. I know someone who just their battle with Cancer yesterday. Great Job on getting Cancer Research Awareness out there!

  • Andy and Julie LoBean

    Go Hope!

  • Kathryn Smith

    Thank you for supporting such a great cause. The future is brighter because of caring students like you!

  • Valerie Rippy

    So proud of you Hope!!

  • Leann Henderson

    Max and I are so proud of you, Hope. Best of luck in your fundraising efforts!! You are truly making a difference. ❤️

  • Derek Ashley

    For Hope Ketola

  • Christie Murray

    Hope I’m so proud of you. You have always made my heart smile. Keep being the shining star that you are!!

  • Danny Eckard

    Hope, you are an amazing and selfless person to raise money for cancer research. Way to go!! ~Danny, Jennifer, Miranda, and Everly Eckard

  • Elizabeth Carpenter

    I’m so proud of the amazing young lady you’ve become, Hope! Continue to follow your heart and God. ❤️

  • Tammie Moran

    Great job hope

  • Leslie Tiedeman

    Great job Hope!

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