Students of the Year Minneapolis

Emma Pithan | Team Catch My Hugs

Catch My Hugs

Jan 05, 2022

My name is Emma Pithan and I am a Junior at Totino-Grace High school. I have been nominated to participate in a campaign for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Students of the Year program. This campaign kicks off on January 6th and ends on February 26th and is a competition amongst high school students to fundraise for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society cancer research. 

Almost five years ago I started taking horseback riding lessons at Big Pines Farm. Bodhi, the horse I ride, is owned by Bev Jenson. From the first day I met Bev, she welcomed me into her farm family. It is impossible to describe her in just a few words. She is one of the most compassionate and charismatic people I have ever known. She has been a light in so many people's lives, including mine. She has been an inspirational role model for me and has helped me become the person I am today, and for that I am forever grateful. In August of 2019, my Mama Bev was diagnosed with breast cancer. She completed chemo and radiation and in June of 2020, she rang the cancer-free bell. Sadly, within a few weeks, it was discovered that she had cancer in numerous other places in her body, and on July 16th, 2020 she lost her fight to cancer. That day, heaven gained another angel and the world became a little darker for those who knew her. Her absence left a big hole in a lot of people's lives, including mine.

I have signed up to save lives with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) and am working to raise over $60,000 over the next 7 weeks to get a breast cancer research grant in honor of Beverly Jenson. The candidate that raises the most amount of money earns the prestigious title of Student of the Year. Will you help me reach my goal?
As you know, everyone wins when cancer loses. Thanks to your support, my efforts will help fund therapies and treatments that are saving lives. Over the years, support from people like you has been responsible for the blood cancer advancements that have doubled, tripled, and in some cases quadrupled the survival rate for some blood cancers.
Many LLS-supported therapies not only help blood cancer patients but are also now used to treat patients with rare forms of stomach and skin cancers and are in clinical trials for patients with lung, brain, breast, pancreatic and prostate cancers. And LLS-funded drugs like targeted therapies and immunotherapies are now saving thousands of lives every day.
We really are getting close to our goal of a world without blood cancers!
All donations are greatly appreciated and tax-deductible. They'll not only support LLS research, but patient services, advocacy, public and professional education, and community services as well.
Please visit my website often and tell friends who would also like to donate!
On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere, thank you for your support! For more information about LLS, please visit




  • Dorothy Wolter

    We are so proud of you!

  • Anonymous

    You’re such a great person Emma- best of luck!

  • Dustin Upgren

    Best of luck, Emma!

  • Erin Hansen Real Estate

    Best of luck with your fundraiser, Emma!

  • Katy Polman

    Emma- I knew you would do great things! So thankful to have had you in my class! Katy Polman

  • Francine Mocchi

    You are an awesome young lady and doing awesome things!

  • Valorie Hoffmann DC

    Way to be active for a good cause!

  • Brette Halverson

    Emma, you are such and amazing young lady! I can’t wait to see what the future hold for you. Xoxo

  • Carole Feela

    Thanks for your dedication and commitment Emma!

  • Deb Wieberdink, Ind. Dir.,Thirty-One Gifts

    Thank you for the opportunity to help you fundraise! Deb Wieberdink, Ind. Director, Thirty-One Gifts

  • Steve & Shelly Stasiewicz

    Proud of you Emma. I hope this helps to achieve your goal.

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.