Students of the Year Minneapolis
Emily Van Dixhorn | Emily Van Dixhorn's Campaign Team
Emily Van Dixhorn's Cancer Fundraiser!
Wow wow wow, there is only one (1) week left in this campaign! It has gone by so fast that it hardly seems real! A big shoutout goes out to my team who helped me put together our raffle baskets for the final gala. Thank you!
And thank you to everyone who has donated!
If you haven’t donated, what are you waiting for? Every three minutes someone is diagnosed with blood cancer. 1/3 of these people don’t live five years past being diagnosed. But we can change that. Please consider donating because people shouldn’t have to die like this, and no one should have to go the pain of losing someone to cancer.
Thank you all again for your support!
Woah-oh we’re half-way there!
Hello! It continues to surprise and encourage me with how generous everyone is being.
Aside from donations coming in, my raffle baskets for the final gala and starting to come together as well. Here is the link to the sign up genius to donate an item: Check it out! If you have any other ideas regarding the raffle baskets, I’d love to hear them! You can email me at:
Thank you all so much, Emily Van Dixhorn
Week Three!
Hello everyone! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated. It is so fun to watch the donations come in both online and through the mail. I have some cool opportunities coming up in the next few weeks, and I’m really excited about them.
Thank you all for your support!
Six weeks to go everyone! (So that means there’s still six weeks to donate!) Please consider donating! The Leukemia Lymphoma Society invests 1.2 billion dollars into cancer research, but 33% of people with blood cancer do not live five years after being diagnosed. Each donation brings us one step closer to finding a cure for cancer!
All the support and excitement surrounding this campaign has been amazing! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated!
Emily Van Dixhorn
Here we go!
Do you know the best way to kickoff a fundraising campaign is? Being surrounded by friends and family! Thank you Elisabeth, Weni, Mom, and Nama for coming to support me tonight. Thank you to everyone who has already donated to help me in my fight against cancer; your support and kind words mean the world to me.
Jennifer Morelli
Keep up the good work, Emily!
John Rundquist
We are very happy to help Emily in her fundraising work for such an important cause.
Jennifer Engelhart
Great ork for a great cause, Emily. Im sorry for the loss of your young friend. What a nice way to honor her memory.
Steven & Susan Taylor
Blessings on your efforts for this wonderful cause. Being a cancer survivor I've experienced the impact of your efforts.
the Macosko Family
Happy to support you and this cause, Emily!
Dr. Tim Fargo
Happy to help this important cause! Dr. Tim Fargo and the Staff at Chiropractic Health & Wellness
The Kumagawas
Dearest Emily, We are so very proud of your take action attitude and your efforts to honor your friend Kate! We know her family is very comforted by your love & support. We agree with you that no one should die from cancer, and no one should have to experience loss due to cancer. Thank you for being a positive and action oriented role model for teenagers! Best wishes with the campaign and continued success to you with all your pursuits! With love, The Kumagawas - Joni, Burt, Kallyn & Ginger
Amanda & Greg Stewart
Emily, we are so proud of you in your endeavors to give back and help others. Keep it up girl!
Don & Karen Long
What a meaningful way to honor your friend, Emily!
Mr. & Mrs. David Albertson
In memory of Emily Van Dixhorn's friend Kate, to support the fight!
Wendy, Joy, and Tate Gilbertson
Fantastic work, Em!! ❤️❤️
Zach Goscha
Thanks Emily!
What a great cause, Emily. <3 The Cruikshanks
Janice Wright
So proud of you, Emily. My love and prayers.
This is a great cause, Emily! My parents will also donate. Your friend, Christopher
katrina finucane-tuccio
In honor of Emily's friend, Kate RIP
Elizabeth Firestone
Great job, Emily!
Anne Holmberg
Happy to support this wonderful cause! You should be proud of all your efforts, Emily!
Emma Teal
So proud of you Em!!!
joan larson
Thank you for your hard work, Emily! I admire you and am thankful for you.
Brian and Celeste Hill
Your fundraising efforts and website are impressive. Wishing you all the best in your work!
Christy Snede
In memory of my mother Lucy Burke. Thank you Emily VanDixhorn for fighting cancer by taking donations for the needed cause.
Steve and Anne Marie VanDixhorn
Well done, Emily. It takes courage to step up and make a difference.
Tim & Sally Mills
Supporting Emily Van Dixhorn in her fund raising fight against cancer.
Karole Holland Hagino
So impressed with your desire to help others Emily! We have friends and family that have fought and continue to fight Leukemia and Lymphoma so we are happy to help. God bless you! Alvin and Karole Hagino
Lacy Hladky
Thank you Emily for your selfless service to those in need! Your heart and dedication are inspiring! Keep up the fight!
Ashley Van Dixhorn
Emily, your giving heart and concern for others is a testament to your love and devotion to God. We love you! Ashley and Eric
Ben and Janeen Lozada
We are happy that you took this opportunity to honor your friend, Kate, and her family. May your work to raise funds bless many of those who are challenged with Leukemia. We are certain your actions will speak volume to them.
Sheila Carley
Wonderful what you are doing, Emily Bob and Sheila Carley
Raye Jean Leastman
Great work, Emily!
Dan Leastman
Great Job! Happy to help Emily.
Mark and Leslie Fuller
Great cause to put your energy into, Emily!
Tom Zaruba
Congrats Emily on your fundraising campaign. Well done!
Suzanne and Ava Marinaro
Glad to support you in important fundraising campaign Emily! The Marinaro family
The Hoyd family
Thank you Emily for raising money and bringing awareness to a heart breaking cause!
VanderLugt family
Thanks Emily for your fundraising efforts!