Student Visionaries of the Year South Florida

Clementina Gonzalez | Team Max Strong

Team Max Strong SVOTY Fundraiser

Jan 17, 2024

This year, I’m proud to be a part of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Student Visionaries of the Year Campaign, working to raise as much as possible for LLS’s mission. For seven weeks, starting January 10th, 2024, students across the country will be raising awareness of the research, programs, and advocacy being conducted through LLS, in addition to raising funds to support their mission to cure blood cancers.  

 I got involved with this campaign because my younger brother Maximilian Gonzalez, he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and was being treated for Cancer for two and a half years. Seeing my younger brother struggle with such a grueling illness and how that affected our family and his childhood was the hardest thing I had ever expierenced. Thankfully, last June he was able to ring the bell, announcing that he was officially cancer-free. Seeing a 3 year old child that I loved so much who was so young and fragile dealing with the burdens of chemotherapy and hospital visits propelled me to find a way to help. My brother was fortunate enough to have stablity financially, emotionally and medically; but not all patients have access to this support. So I actively strive to make the lives of patients easier, with the help of LLS I have the ability to help other families who are struggling with cancer and would love the opportunity to share more about it with you, in addition to the great work being conducted by LLS.

As a global leader in the fight against blood cancer, LLS:

  • Funds cutting-edge research leading to breakthroughs in immunotherapy, genomics and personalized medicine that are improving and saving the lives of patients
  • Provides free education and support for blood cancer patients and families, including personalized, one-on-one support, assistance with identifying and enrolling in clinical trials, and more.
  • Mobilizes thousands of advocates to drive policy changes that accelerate the development of new cancer treatments and break down barriers to care.

Please consider joining this fight by making a donation. All donations are greatly appreciated and tax-deductible. Please visit my website often and tell friends who would also like to donate!

Thanks to your support, my efforts will help ensure this generation is the last to see cancer.

On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere, thank you!

For more information about LLS, please visit




  • Luis Miguel Gonzalez

    For our great fighter Max, who with love and joy bravely battled leukemia and triumphantly overcame all the highs and lows he experienced. He taught us that life can always be lived with joy and positivity, and that with faith and alongside God, everything is achievable. We love you, your aunt Ana, cousins Anastasia, Isabella, Federica, and your uncle Luis Miguel.

  • Alina De La Vega


  • Luis Isaias

    Max strong

  • Anonymous

    Let me know I wil always be a part of this type of initiatives Keep doing it!

  • Pmog

    Good cause good girl

  • Leonard Garcia

    Saber que desde niño o adolescente tienen esta visión, me hace sentir con un futuro más seguro y con mayor conciencia. Gracias mi Clement

  • Orlando Padron

    That's such an amazing initiative! May God bless you abundantly!

  • Roberto Lopez

    Team Max!!! Go Clemen!!! Great vision, great cause… love you!!!

  • Isber Abdo

    Clemen, te felicito, bella iniciativa y causa.

  • Diego Larrazabal

    Super Max! #maxstrong

  • Mery J Cortes Bergoderi

    To continue helping kids overcome this unfortunate disease. Max story is one of bravery, love and faith. Him and his family went hand by hand, one day at a time, next to God and the power of prayers to win this battle. God bless all the kids and families going through this today

  • Roberto Schnapp

    Today, I’m making this donation in honor of Maximilian, a brave warrior let’s join hands to support more fighters like him.

  • Álvaro e Isabel Isaac

    Estamos muy orgullosos de los que estás haciendo Clementina. Álvaro e Isabel!

  • Jania Isaac

    Clemen, que orgullo verte querer ayudar a tanta gente. Tienes un corazón de oro! Ojalá el mundo entero estuviese lleno de niñas como tú. Te felicito a ti y a tus papás por enseñarte a ser perseverante, dedicada, generosa y por luchar por cumplir tus sueños. Te quiero muchísimo!!!

  • Fernando Lopez-Ona

    Max nos inspiró a todos con su lucha en contra de su cáncer. Y su familia completamente altruista apoyándolo paso a paso en su camino a la recuperación sin perder esperanzas en ningún momento. Verdaderamente honrados de tenerlos a todos Uds en nuestras vidas y admiramos mucho la dedicación de Clementina de ayudar y crear conciencia con respecto a otros necesitados. Los queremos mucho.

  • Valentina Ghersi

    Go max ??

  • Alexandra Boschetti


  • Michelangelo Cocchiola

    Todos unidos por esta hermosa causa. Congrats!

  • Imeca


  • Jane Perdigon

    Dear Clementina, We are so proud of your dedication to working with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It's such a blessing that Maximillian was able to ring the bell last June, definitely an answered prayer. Love, Jane and Mrs. Perdigon

  • Jessica Mason

    Sending love to you and your family, Clementina!

  • Luis Angel Perez

    When I first heard about Max’s reality; I was shocked and thought about my good friend Miguel Angel; and I called him to give him enough support and emotional strength to initiate that long and difficult race against that powerful opponent that thankfully Max and Miguel Angel’s family beat. Max enjoy life! Tigre enjoy your little cub! Love you buddy! For many more Warriors like Max

  • Luis Angel Perez

    When I first heard about Max’s reality; I was shocked and thought about my good friend Miguel Angel; and I called him to give him enough support and emotional strength to initiate that long and difficult race against that powerful opponent that thankfully Max and Miguel Angel’s family beat. Max enjoy life! Tigre enjoy your little cub! Love you buddy! For many more Warriors like Max

  • Eduardo Cabrita

    Excelente iniciativa. Keep it up

  • Luis Morello

    For our Super Hero Max Strong !!! Great initiative Clemen! Amazing!

  • Anonymous

    Súper Max. Let’s cure the world together

  • Eduardo Gomez


  • Tatiana Berman

    #MaxStrong- So proud of you!!

  • Kennedy Feldman

    World cancer day donation

  • Lisa Sayfie

    We love you Max, Lisa, Bella and Phia Sayfie

  • LC Family

    Clementina !! De nuestra parte te acompañamos en tu excelente labor en esta causa .!

  • Nina Miguel

    Team Max forever!

  • Stephanie Sayfie Aagaard

    Wishing you and your family all healthy wishes. Best, Stephanie Sayfie Aagaard Morten, Anders and Austin Aagaard,

  • Nicole Sayfie Porcelli & Marcello Porcelli

    With love and admiration for an inspiring family who faced an arduous journey with grace, determination and love…best wishes for all good things to come!

  • Marcilia Correa

    Estoy orgullosa de ti mi reina, todo por mi Max.

  • Wendy Holman

    With love and gratitude for your courage, beautiful spirit and triumphant recovery, Wayne, Wendy, Summer, Sienna, Hunter and Sylvie Holman

  • Maria Jose Bonilla

    We love you Max!

  • Sofia Granai

    Team Max!

  • Reinaldo Di Polo

    #maxstrong !!

  • Pamela Posner

    Dedicated to max beating cancer and the great work her sisters are doing!

  • Noa Cramer

    Happy to support classmates in a noble cause

  • Anonymous

    Max strong

  • Nalah and Lola

    We love you ! 💕

  • Jelke Family

    God bless you Max! Love Jelke Family

  • Jedo distributors llc

    Que bello proyecto Clemen Dios te Bendiga y gracias por ser instrumento de luz para mucha gente que necesita de estas causas tan nobles 🙏🏻❤️

  • Juliana Uribe

    Maxstrong ??

  • Sylwia Steyer-Garmendia


  • Jhonny Polazzo

    Congrats Clemen, que bonita causa y que entusiasmo y ganas le pusiste para hacerlo realidad !!! Go Max 💪

  • Anonymous

    Clemen, demasiados orgullosos por esta iniciativa, demasiado grande!! #maxstrong, we love you. Compas, ya ustedes saben, los queremos. M,V,C,V,P,A

  • Daniel Mauro

    Grande Clemen que tremenda acción tomaste, siempre activa para ayudar con ese corazón grande que tienen todos en casa, los quiero mucho, Grande BigMaxxxxxxx


    Max Strong!!!

  • John Anthony Campbell

    Excelente iniciativa! Super family! Super Max!

  • Coromoto Bergoderi

    Estamos muy orgullosos de ti Clemen! Coco y Freddy

  • Natalia Echavarria

    Clemen! Super proud of you!

  • Anonymous

    Dios es Grande, y Max es un milagro de ello. Clemen sigue como vas que vas a llegar muy lejos. Tienes una familia hermosa. #teammax


    La experiencia vivida con Max, quien superó esta enfermedad con fortaleza, valentía, resilencia y mucha fé en unión de toda la familia, ha inspirado a Clementina en esta iniciativa tan maravillosa de ayudar a otros que transitan la misma amarga experiencia de lucha contra esta enfermedad. traduciendo su agradecimiento por la salud de Max, en acciones para ayudar a otros. Mi Clemen, estoy muy orgullosa de ti! Que Dios te bendiga siempre!!! Los amo ❤️ #teammax #maxstrong #leukemiasurvivor

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.