Students of the Year Detroit

Casey Sullivan | Team Carpe Diem

Welcome to Casey Sullivan's SOY Fundraising Page!

Oct 17, 2018

I am honored to participate in the 2019 Students of the Year program, a seven-week initiative in which select high school students from around the country participate in a fundraising competition to benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I am proud to be raising critical dollars in honor of a young patient hero who is currently battling or is in remission from a blood cancer. Each dollar is a vote. The candidate team that raises the most money at the end of the seven weeks is named Student(s) of the Year. Our mission is to not only raise the most money but also to bring attention to blood cancers like leukemia, which is the most common form of cancer in children and teens.

Since the early 1960s, five-year survival rates for many blood cancer patients have doubled, tripled or even quadrupled. And many LLS supported therapies not only help blood cancer patients but are helping patients with other cancers and serious diseases. In fact, drugs first approved for blood cancers are now approved to treat patients with stomach cancers, skin cancers, and autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.

We really are changing the face of blood cancer!

All donations are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible. They'll not only support LLS-funded research but will help provide critical information and support for patients, and support advocacy for laws to ensure patients can access the care and treatments they need.

Please visit our website often and bring friends who would also like to donate!

On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere, thank you for your support!

For more information about LLS, please visit




  • Keri Lesinski

    Keep up the good work Casey!


    Great cause!!

  • Mark of Partlow

    My Uncle died at 9 years old due to a blood cancer

  • Arlene Stevens

    Supporting Team Carpe Diem reach their goal. Congratulations Casey Sullivan.

  • Celeste R Barry

    Casey, I hope you reach your fundraising goal! It is a worthy cause. lots of Love, Aunt Celeste

  • Veronica Cabble

    A very great cause. Good Luck Casey on reaching your goal. God bless you and your team. Ronnie Cabble

  • Kelley Cabble

    This is such a great thing that you and your team are doing! Good luck in reaching your goal!

  • Laura Cauley

    So very proud of you doing this Casey! Your mom was incredible to me when I lost my husband so it is an honor to do this for you! Paying it forward...………..xoxox

  • Anonymous

    We are so impressed with your hard work in raising funds for such a worthy cause that we want to be part of it!

  • Monika & Chris Andary

    You should be very proud of yourself! Good luck in reaching your goal, Casey!

  • Angie Hensley

    Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to a very worthy cause!

  • Lisa Sullivan

    Proud of all your hard work towards this worthy cause! You can do anything!

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.