Students of the Year Maryland

Rhian Evans | Clawing for a Cure

Rhian's Clawing For a Cure Fundraiser

Feb 05, 2022

Want to Follow Along My Journey?

Follow me on:

Instagram: @rhian_e_22

Twitter: @RhianEvans4

Follow My Team on:

Instagram: @Clawing4aCure

TikTok: @Clawing4aCure

FaceBook: Clawing ForACure

Remember: If you can't Donate, You can always share my donation link, and our socials!


What is My Why?

Feb 05, 2022

What Is My Why?

You may be sitting here looking at my page and wonder to yourself, 'what's the point?', 'Why do it?'.  And while those are valid questions, here are my answers.

I have a personal connection to blood cancer.  In April of last year, my best friend Marissa was diagnosed with Lymphoma.  It immediately felt like my world was falling down.  Marissa was my rock, the person I went to for comfort, and my best friend.  Everything seemed so unfair, why her? She was only 16, she didn't deserve any of this, she is the sweetest person in the whole world. 

For five agonizing months, I had to sit by and watch her go through the harshest chemo treatments, just for things to barely work in the end.  Luckily, her cancer is under control now, but there's always a risk it could come back.  If it does, I don't think I could stand watching her go through such physical and emotional pain again.

Luckily, that's what LLS is trying to solve.  LLS wants to find a cure for blood cancers that aren't harsh on the patients, and that will keep the cancer gone for good.  But they need our help. 

I've already done the hard part, I have the donation page already set up, so all you have to do is donate and share this page with as many people as possible.  With your help, we can succeed in finding a cure for blood cancer that will not only help Marissa but so many other people like her.

(From Left to right): Me, Marissa, and Riley another teammate before one of our high school football games!


Who Am I?

Jan 27, 2022

Who Am I?

I understand it can be difficult to donate money when you don't know who the person is behind the screen.  Luckily, I have no problem talking about myself! 

My name is Rhian Evans.  I am a junior at Oakdale High School, and I am very involved in my community.  I am in my school's Environmental Club, Junior Class Club, National Honor Society, as well as the Junior Editor-In-Cheif for my school newspaper, The Oakdale Post (I work alongside one of my team's candidates, Catherine, who's our lovely Editor-In-Cheif :)

I also have a lot of experience with service.  The first time I participated in community service was when I was eight and helped my mom with a coat drive her work was putting together.  Instantly I fell in love with the idea of helping people.  More recently, I've put a lot of effort into helping to run my school's composting effort at lunch. 

I also have experience creating and executing my own service project from scratch!  From June to September of 2021, I partnered with this lovely organization called Letters For Rose that was delivering letters to residents of nursing homes to help them feel more connected to the community in a time when they were forced to be isolated.  I planned and hosted multiple events where kids and teenagers came and wrote letters, and managed to donate 54 letters!

Alongside all of that, I also have time to play volleyball and hang out with friends too! 

I can assure you I am like everyone else, just a normal person trying to help others in extraordinary ways.  And with your help of just a small donation, you can help me get a little closer to curing cancer.


 Hey! This is me!                                                                          This is me and one of my friends at our NHS Induction!


Rhian's Students of the Year Fundraiser

Jan 20, 2022

I have signed up to save lives with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) and am working to raise as much as possible over the next 7 weeks. Every dollar raised counts as one vote for my campaign. The candidate(s) whose team tallies the most votes earns the prestigious title of Student or Students of the Year. Will you help me earn that title?
As you know, everyone wins when cancer loses. Thanks to your support, my efforts will help fund therapies and treatments that are saving lives. Over the years, support from people like you has been responsible for the blood cancer advancements that have doubled, tripled, and in some cases quadrupled the survival rate for some blood cancers.
Many LLS-supported therapies not only help blood cancer patients but are also now used to treat patients with rare forms of stomach and skin cancers and are in clinical trials for patients with lung, brain, breast, pancreatic and prostate cancers. And LLS-funded drugs like targeted therapies and immunotherapies are now saving thousands of lives every day.
We really are getting close to our goal of a world without blood cancers!
All donations are greatly appreciated and tax-deductible. They'll not only support LLS research, but patient services, advocacy, public and professional education, and community services as well.
Please visit my website often and tell friends who would also like to donate!
On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere, thank you for your support! For more information about LLS, please visit



  • Margaret Fens

    We are happy to help you raise money for this great cause! Margaret Ann & Dick

  • evan and sandra evans

    hoping for a cure. good luck in raising money and meeting your goal. good job Rhian. oma and papa

  • Rhian Allvin

    Love that you are doing this Rhian!

  • Stephanie Ware

    Great job, Rhian! Love the Ware family

  • Richard & Gwyneth Sample

    Proud of you Rhian, keep up the good work

  • Brian, Lora & Dylan Cheek

    I know my favorite niece can always accomplish anything she sets her mind to! Good luck Rhian!

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.