Students of the Year Long Island

Joangela DeLorenzo | Banking on a Cure

Welcome to Joangela DeLorenzo's SOY Fundraising Page!

Mar 21, 2019

Thanks for your support of Students of the Year.  Individual fundraising pages are now closed as we prepare for Grand Finale.  If you would like to support your candidate and have it count towards their total please read carefully.

To donate online during the hours of 9am- 8pm on Thursday, March 21, 2019 visit:

You can also bid on our silent auction!  It is now live at and will close at 8:45pm on Thursday. 


Thank you!


     I am honored to participate in the 2019 Students of the Year program, a seven-week initiative in which select high school students from around the country participate in a fundraising competition to benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I am proud to be raising critical dollars with the help of my team, Banking on a Cure, in the hope to end blood cancer! My mission is to not only raise the most money, but also to bring attention to blood cancers and the great work LLS has done to help both sufferers and survivors of these cancers.

Since 1949, when LLS was founded, LLS has donated over 1.2 BILLION dolars into cancer research. LLS supported therapies not only help blood cancer patients but are helping patients with other cancers and serious diseases. In fact, drugs first approved for blood cancers are now approved to treat patients with stomach cancers, skin cancers, and autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. In LLS's fifty years of existence, the survival rate of blood cancers has gone form 3% to 92%. I hope my team and I's contributions to this amazing foundation can raise the survival rate to 100%.

We are really changing the face of blood cancer!

All donations are greatly appreciated and 100% tax deductible. They will not only support LLS-funded research but will also provide critical information and support for patients, and support advocacy for laws to ensure patients can access the care and treatments they need.

Please visit our website often and share this website by cliking, "TELL YOUR FRIENDS" on the top right corner of this website, to friends, family, and assoicates who would also like to donate!

On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere, thank you for your generous support!

For more information about LLS, please visit



  • Blanca Restaino

    JoAngela, we are so proud of all your efforts! We love you, Blanca, Nick, Chris & Emily

  • Mike Bracci

    When I see kid doing things like this I blame the parents. Good Luck Joangela

  • Lisa Herrera

    Good luck Joangela!!

  • Susan Sharp

    Dear Joangela - you are doing a great job and I'm so happy to be on your team. Keep up the good work for a great cause. Sue and Dennis Sharp

  • joseph smeraldi

    I know your dad is very proud of you as I was with my children as they succeeded in their lives. I wish you the best and God Bless you for what your doing. May your future be all you want it to be. Joe Smeraldi Peconic bay Fence co.

  • Sandra Esquilin

    Unfortunately Cancer has affected my family too many times, it hit close to home in 2007 when I watched my beautiful mother slowly lose her battle with this horrible disease. I pray every day for a cure! Jojo, you are an amazing young woman doing wonderful things and I know you have such a bright future ahead of you. Good Luck I hope you reach your goal!!!!Let's kick cancers butt!!!!

  • Daniel & Ellen DeMagistris

    What a great cause, Jo. Good luck to you and we hope you reach your goal! XOXO Ellen & Dan

  • Janice Henry

    Joangela, thanks for doing this. Cancer has touched my family to many times. I'm sure you will reach all your goals because you are very determined. I met you when you were much younger and hope to see you again soon.

  • Sue Harrison

    Such a worthy cause Joangela. Well done for all your hard work. I'm sure you'll reach your goal. With love from your friends in the UK.


    All for such a great cause!

  • Annette Ferranti

    Good luck in your future endeavors! Friends of Mike Bracci, John and Annette Ferranti.

  • Lynn Manfrida

    Good luck, Jo !

  • brian and nina grayson

    Good Luck Joqngela and Team in reaching your goal. Congratulations on becoming involved and helping your community!!!

  • Adrian and Sandra Borg

    Joangela, what a great cause. Proud to support you

  • Jon Weatherman

    Athena Gisassakis for JoangelaDeLorenzo

  • Kathy Traystman

    Great cause! Good luck! Kathy Traystman & David Roos


    Great work Joangela, it takes someone special to work hard at this in high school, happy to help this cause! Kris DiSanti

  • Linda Weber

    Wishing you the best of luck JoAngela??

  • Elena Andrade

    You're such an amazing person! I'm so glad we've been able to become friends this year in Energeia. Good Luck JoJo

  • Sonya Lange

    Hi Jojo, good luck in getting to your fundraising target of $25 000. Love from your Australian family.

  • Gina Consalvo

    Keep up the good work for a great cause !

  • Chris Reno

    Good work JoAngela!

  • Doug and Jessica Raba

    Thank you for all your hard work on this, Joangela! We're so proud of you as you raise awareness and funds for such an important cause.

  • Gianna Spadolini

    Jojo, I am so happy to see you so involved & so passionate about something with such an amazing cause! Keep up the amazing work. Love ya !! ??

  • Christiana Morante

    So proud of all of your hard work as always!

  • Christina Raiti

    So proud of all your hard work and determination JoJo! Keep up the great work. - Ms. Raiti

  • John Gulino

    Good Luck JoJo!!!

  • Mr. Ben Raisher


  • Patrick McGovern

    Patrick McGovern

  • catherine G hart

    I hope you make your goal! Way to go Joangela.

  • Kara Martone

    So impressed and proud of you JoJo!

  • janet rhea

    Congratulations on your nomination for SOY and Good luck with the fund raising.

  • Kim Curcio

    Congratulations on being nominated for student of the year and best of luck reaching your goal!

  • Danielle & John Marra

    Good luck JoJo!!! You got this!!!

  • Julie and Bob Crocco

    Proud to help you achieve 2019 Student of the Year, and to donate to such a wonderful cause. Julie and Bob Crocco

  • Victoria Miciotta

    I'm so proud of you, Jojo! This is such a great cause and you're working so hard to help so many!

  • betul zivali

    JoJo, I am so proud of you and your hardwork!! Ms.Zivali

  • Patricia Sullivan

    My father died on January 8, 2000 from Leukemia.

  • Vincenza A Libasci

    Thanks for inviting me to be on your team. Your doing fantastic job!

  • Brian and Lora Vite

    Good luck JoJo!

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