Students of the Year Indianapolis
Adam Isenhour | Team Beahrs
Adam's Students of the Year Fundraiser
This year, my cousin Jack Beahrs, a sophomore at Noblesville High School, has been given the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join the battle to help those living with blood cancers. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) has nominated Jack as a candidate in their annual Student of the Year fundraising challenge, and I could not be more excited to help him make a difference in the lives of patients like myself across the country. I am proud to contribute to his campaign team and work towards our goal to raise $50,000 in 7 weeks - from January 21 to March 13 AND from now until February 4th, BGBC Partners LLP, is willing to match all donations- up to $5000!
As many of you may know, my connection to blood cancers started in 2018 when I, Adam Isenhour, was diagnosed on my 13th birthday with Acute Myeloid Leukemia with a relapse in 2019 including a stem cell transplant from my dad (my little sister, Lauren, tried to donate and had serious complications to her health.) and then graft vs host disease of my skin, gut and liver. That following year, my cousin and Jacks little brother, Joey, was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma Nodular Sclerosis Stage 3. Then, in late 2019, my great grandma, Shirley, died of lymphoma. I also had a 7 year old cousin, Sawyer, have AML the year before me. My great uncle John also had Anaplastic Large-cell Lymphoma in 2011. This campaign is very dear to our hearts because blood cancer has touched my family’s lives in such overwhelming ways. I have met many other children with Leukemia and Lymphoma that I consider my friends who are no longer with us because of these blood cancers.
I am writing today to ask you to support Jacks campaign in the fight against blood cancer. Jacks goal is to win the challenge by raising more money than the other competing candidates, and ultimately fight blood cancer. We have until March 13th to reach our fundraising goal, and every dollar we raise is a vote for him and a vote to cure blood cancers. I am asking you to join us in this ambitious campaign in honor of blood cancer patients across the country. In addition to helping Jacks team, you will become allied with the world’s largest blood cancer fighting organization. LLS’s work is changing the lives of 1.2 million Americans living with a blood cancer.
Thanks for joining the team! You will do awesome!!
Karen Whitacre
Love this wonderful deserving family.