Students of the Year Indianapolis

Sarah Hall | Sarah Hall's Campaign Team

Welcome to Sarah Hall's SOY Fundraising Page!

Dec 27, 2018

At the age of 17, my best friend, Lucy (Who's pictured on the right),became motherless.  After four long years of fighting, cancer won and took her mom away.  I tried my best to console Lucy, but I realized there was nothing I could do to change the situation. And that, was the worst part, realizing I could do NOTHING to make her feel better.  At that moment, I decided I would no longer allow cancer to take over another life. This is why I am raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I can no longer sit back and watch cancer destroy lives. With your support, I believe that we can eliminate cancer, instead of cancer eliminating lives.



  • Shelley Caldwell

    Good luck with your campaign, Sarah! I know you will continue to make a positive difference in the world because of your loving heart and caring spirit.

  • Vicky Andritsch

    Good luck Sarah - thanks for all you do!!

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