Student Visionaries of the Year Atlanta

Team North Fulton Visionaries | Team North Fulton Visionaries

North Fulton Visionaries' Fundraiser

Jan 07, 2023

Visionaries look to the future—and see infinite possibility.
They challenge the status quo—and make the impossible possible.
They boldly imagine a better world – and lead the charge to create it.


The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society was built on that same vision - of a better world - one without blood cancers.


Student Visionaries of the Year is a leadership development program for high school students who compete in a 7-week fundraising campaign designed to raise awareness and funds for blood cancers. Together with our team, North Fulton Visionaries, we plan to raise $60,000 in the 7 weeks from January 8 – February 25. We know this is an ambitious undertaking, but we are incredibly passionate about this cause as all of our lives have been affected by blood cancers.

Spencer Kramer’s Cause: When I was 2 my grandmother, Ellen Kramer, died of Multiple Myeloma after a 13 month battle. While Multiple Myeloma is treatable, there is no cure and it makes up close to 20% of all blood cancer. Because I was so young when we lost her, I didn’t get to build much of a relationship with her. Her absence in my life has left a gap and I will forever hold a sadness knowing that I never got to truly know her. I am challenging myself to use my connections and this campaign as a way to honor and remember my grandmother. I feel called to the LLS organization and I am super excited for the journey ahead.


Kyle Latham’s Cause: In 7th grade, I served at an organization called Lighthouse. This organization served cancer patients and their families, we were assigned a family to serve throughout the week during their beach vacation to provide them with an amazing experience. Throughout the week, I got to build an amazing relationship with all the family members of the family I was serving. The child in the family I was serving, Daniel, was diagnosed with Leukemia when he was 13. During the week, I saw firsthand what a devastating impact this disease had on Daniel and his family. After seeing the effects of blood cancers, I knew I wanted to make a difference and I was blessed with this amazing chance to do just that!

Robbie Kosakoski’s Cause: I have been second-handedly affected by blood cancer my entire life. From people close to my grandparents to children younger than myself, I have struggled to come up with a way to assist those who are suffering from such a disease that can brutally affect one’s mental and physical strength. I truly believe that nobody should have to go through this fight alone and funding for treatment, car rides to the hospital, education costs, and further funding for research should be the last thing a patient must worry about. For these reasons, I look forward to further commitment to the cause and am glad I have found a way to do my part.


As a global leader in the fight against blood cancer, LLS:

  • Funds cutting-edge research leading to breakthroughs in immunotherapy, genomics and personalized medicine that are improving and saving the lives of patients
  • Provides free education and support for blood cancer patients and families, including personalized, one-on-one support, assistance with identifying and enrolling in clinical trials, and more.
  • Mobilizes thousands of advocates to drive policy changes that accelerate the development of new cancer treatments and break down barriers to care.

Please consider joining this fight by making a donation. All donations are greatly appreciated and tax-deductible. Please visit my website often and tell friends who would also like to donate!


Thanks to your support, my efforts will help ensure this generation is the last to see cancer.

On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere, thank you!


For more information about LLS, please visit




  • Sara and Jerry FitzGerald

    Spencer, Kyle and Robbie, well done with your fundraising efforts. We lost my Dad to Waldenstroms (a form of non-Hodgkins Lymphoma). Happy to support your admirable efforts! Sara, Jerry, Kevin and Stephen FitzGerald

  • Douglas Jones

    Best Wishes for the campaign Kyle! The Joneses

  • Mr Ian Kimberley

    Well done, all the best.

  • Rob, Lindsay, Jillian, Callaway Lockery

    Way to go guys! Proud of you all! The Lockery Family

  • Lorraine Brown

    Spencer, Thanks for doing this. Ellen would be proud and so are we. Love, Uncle Dave & Aunt Lorie

  • Betsy Vaala

    Great organization to support! Good luck with the fundraising!

  • Jamie Arkins

    Robbie, thank you for the great work you are doing to support LLS research. I participated in the Man/Woman of the Year campaign (former name before it became Visionary of the Year) in 2013 here in Savannah. Best wishes to you, Spencer and Kyle on a successful campaign and lets beat blood cancers! Best, Jamie Smith Arkins

  • Melissa and Dennis Christensen

    Spencer, so proud of the work you do on this!

  • Deborah Kapcia

    Thank you Spencer for allowing me to contribute to this valuable cause. I miss your Grandma every single day, especially when I look at my Mom as they resembled each other so much. I know your Grandma is looking down on you and is so very proud of all that you are doing. It would be my wish to see a cure in place during my lifetime for Multiple Myeloma. All my love to you! Aunt Debbie

  • Josh and Leanne Norris

    This is a wonderful thing you boys are doing! Good luck! The Norris Family

  • Shannon Versaggi

    Good luck! Great cause, thanks for all you're doing!

  • Rick & Krista

    Great work Spencer!

  • Abigail Powers

    Good luck Spencer! Great job getting involved love you!

  • Jennifer White

    Spencer, Kyle, and Robbie!!! Thank you for supporting LLS. Jen White

  • Jennifer Ryan


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