Students of the Year Augusta
Team Cancer Kickers | Team Cancer Kickers
Team's Students of the Year Fundraiser
Katie Andrews
Macie Wier
Thank you for visiting our fundraising page! Our names are Katie Andrews and Macie Wier. We are juniors at the Academy of Richmond County in the IB Program and are beyond excited to take part in Students of the Year for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Donating to our cause will help many, many people with cancer or those in remission. $0.79 of every dollar goes straight to LLS's mission. Thank you so much for your support.
Team's Students of the Year Fundraiser
Thank you for visiting my fundraising page, welcome!
I encourage you to join me in supporting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) by making a donation to my fundraising campaign. By donating to LLS, you support the many facets of LLS’s mission work from investing in groundbreaking research, providing education and support to patients, and advocating at the state and federal level for legislation to help those living with cancer. My appreciation for your support cannot be overstated — each and every dollar donated to LLS brings us closer to our goal to end blood cancer and makes an impact for cancer patients and their families.
As a global leader in the fight to end cancer, LLS is committed to doing more for blood cancer patients and families than any organization in the world. LLS’s signature fundraising campaigns drive critical support for its mission, including a nearly $1.3 billion investment in cutting edge cancer research worldwide since it was founded in 1949. Since the 1960s, survival rates for many blood cancer patients have doubled, tripled, or even quadrupled.
Every facet of LLS’s mission – research, education and support, and policy and advocacy – work in harmony to put blood cancer patients and their families first. LLS has helped millions impacted by cancer throughout its more than 70-year history, even funding breakthrough blood cancer research to advance lifesaving treatments and cures that is now helping patients with other cancers and diseases. That is why at LLS we say that beating cancer is in our blood.
Please visit my website as often as you can and share it with everyone you know who would also like to join us in the fight against cancer. Together, we have the power, the passion and the resolve to achieve a world without blood cancer. All donations are tax-deductible.
On behalf of cancer patients and their families everywhere, I sincerely thank you for your support!
For more information about LLS, please visit
Dr. and Mrs. Michael B. Rogers
Thank you for making Cancer Research Fundraising your project. Cancer has long been a disease that effects so many families. With this help we can foresee much needed research for a cure.
Lauren and Al Dallas
You girls are amazing! With my participation in Man Woman of the Year and Al’s ongoing efforts at the Georgia Cancer Center, we can tell you from experience that you are saving lives! My dear friend Ann Jones is fighting Leukemia now at the GCC and it’s because of LLS research that she is in good hands with Dr. Jillella. Keep up the good work. 😘
Cal and Ivey Evans
Good luck, threw in extra $25 for soccer pun in name.
Robin and Mike Downing
Great Cause!!!!
Lauren & Travis Wright
Great job, ladies! Good luck with your fundraising efforts! Such a fabulous cause in the fight against cancer.
The Yawn Family
Great job ladies!
Lisa Jordan
Great cause!
Ryan Rhodes
Great job girls!
Elizabeth Beman
Keep up the hard work girls!! Proud of you. Love-Mrs. Liz
Tiffany Merrill
Macie, We are so proud of you!! Big hugs to your mom & dad!! Blessings, The Merrill Family
Zane & Argentina Christopher
Thank you both very much for a very informative presentation. Great Job!!!
Courtnay Capps
Good luck! Great cause!
Lillian Magruder
Go get em Cancer Kickers!
Cal Halliburton
Way to go!
Hal & Trisha Hobbs
Way to go Ladies! Happy to support such a great cause!
Angie and Scott Benjamin
Good Luck Girls! So proud of you!
Caralee Forseen
Thank you for your efforts!
Ryan Boulton
Go maci!!proud of u!!good luck!!
Charles and Suzanne Anderson
Thanks so much for working so hard for blood cancer patients!
Charlene Eash
My prayers are with each person who have this disease!
Erica & Heath Perry
Way to go girls helping with a great cause!
Tucker Brigham
Thanks a bunch for having a fun party on Tucker’s birthday😂😂; she is thrilled!
Cammie & David Jones
Go Macie & Katie!
Wier / Stewart
Proud of you girls
Elizabeth McGee
So proud of you for taking on this challenge!!
Katie Wynn
Great job girls!
Lisa and David Curley
Great job Katie and Macie!
Chris and Niti Carlson
Way to go!!!
Anna Dickinson
Great Job ARC!!!