Student Visionaries of the Year Greater Philadelphia

Matthew Hauser | Matthew Hauser's Team

Matthew's Student Visionaries of the Year Fundraiser

Feb 08, 2023

I am proud to announce that I am running for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s 2023 Student Visionary of the Year. I am campaigning for this title even though this past year has been the hardest year of my life.

In 2008, when I was two and a half years old, I  was diagnosed with Burkitt’s Lymphoma. After a year of treatment at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, I thankfully went into remission. Even though I had some side effects from my treatment, I was able to lead a relatively normal life until this past summer. In July 2022, however, I went into heart failure. This heart failure was likely caused by one of the chemotherapy drugs that I took fourteen years ago when I had cancer.

On July 28, 2022, I had open heart surgery at CHOP. The doctors implanted a Left Ventricular Assist Device, which is a device that pumps blood from my heart to my body.  This device is really hard to live with. I have a cable that comes out of my stomach, and which is attached to two large batteries which I have to carry around every day, all day.  At the end of January 2023, the doctors will decide if my heart has recovered enough to take this device out; however, it is most likely that I will be listed for a heart transplant instead.

I am running for Student Visionary of the Year because I am a fighter and because I am strong.  I am determined to do anything I can to help find better treatments for cancer that will not cause terrible side effects like heart failure. The student who raises the most money for LLS from January 19, 2023 to March 9, 2023 will win the title of Student Visionary of the Year, and my goal is to reach $150,000.  I have an amazing team who is helping me with my campaign, including Will Hauser, Bill Hauser, Diane Hauser, Sue Rheingold, Barb Craig, Natalie Ely, Jennifer Ely, Scottie Ely, Aaron Levine, Andrea Remak, Jonathan Jones, Morgan Chiazza, and Avery Reigner. Please help me and my team raise money for LLS and help me win the title of Student Visionary of the Year.You can donate to my campaign on this page!




  • Wolfe family

    Go Matt!

  • The Wallace Family

    Good luck Matt!

  • Carol Plitnik

    Sending you all love and support!

  • Rose Apa

    So proud of you Matt,we are rooting for you all the way! Love you!

  • Ellen Rubesin

    The Hauser family is an inspiration! You go Matthew!!

  • The Chiazza Family

    You're amazing! Stay strong!

  • Susan Noll

    Go Matt!!You are amazing!!

  • Joanne Gray

    Stay strong ??

  • Zelubowski Michal Evelina Vikki Natalia

    Matthew, don’t let yesterday to take your today! Wake up, Kick ass, Be kind, Repeat!

  • Jill Weitz

    Sending positive thoughts to Matt Hauser and the Hauser family.

  • Jessica Reigner

    Proud to see this amazing initiative!

  • Scottie Ely

    Love you Matthew!!

  • Angie Polizzi

    You are an inspiration to all of us! God bless you!

  • Melissa Reed

    You’re amazing! Best wishes on meeting your goal!

  • Rebekah Harris

    Wishing you the best Matthew!!

  • Cheryl Bishop

    Stay strong, Matthew!!

  • The King Family

    Good luck Matthew! Wishing you all the best!

  • Angela Harrison

    Matthew, you are amazing!

  • Zach Mighton

    Literally have never met Matt in my life but I'm donating because it's a good cause and Matt seems like a great guy.

  • Staci, Doug, Sean, & Drew German

    You're inspiring, Matt!

  • Joey Newell

    Get well soon matt!

  • Ellen Evans

    You are an inspiration Matt.

  • Mitchell Greene, Manon MacGregor and Family

    You are an inspiration Matthew! Our family is behind you and your whole family!!

  • Evelyn Zanowski

    Routing for you Matt!!

  • Bonnie Kuhns

    Good Luck, Matt.

  • Thomas Family (Ava and Delaney)

    Good luck Matt!!

  • Lynne Spangler

    Matt, you are a shining light wherever you go! Proud to be on your team!

  • Marc Manca

    Thoughts and prayers are with Matthew and family. He is a fighter and will win this battle.

  • The Rankin Family

    If anyone can do this it's you Matt!

  • Diane Mocella

    Bill and Diane, you have endored so much. All Hauser have a special place in my heart. Wishing all the best. Aunt Diane

  • Rose Bevilacqua

    You got this Matthew!

  • The LePage Family

    You are amazing young man - no surprise with your amazing momma! You’ve got this - good luck!! Love and gratitude for your inspiration, The LePage Family

  • Eileen Sedacca

    You’re amazing! Keep up the fabulous attitude. LLS is fortunate to have you. Wishing you a healthier year ahead.

  • Tom & Lori Peters Family

    Tom & Lori Peters Family

  • Kimberly Boyle

    You are amazing Matt!

  • The Thomas Family

    You got this, Matt!! Jack, Red, Bodie, and Milo.

  • Barb & Chris McKeever

    You are “STRONG” Matthew!

  • Saif Abdul Majeed

    Stay Strong Matt

  • Jennifer Duval

    You're a true inspiration!

  • Steven and Jodi Paisner

    Matt, thanks for the free firm logo. You’re a multi talented kid.

  • The Davey Family

    Keep up your positivity!! Positive thoughts matter.

  • Rose Miriello

    Prayers for Matthew-a strong and courageous young man-may God bless you.

  • Douglas Troutman

    Praying for a great outcome for you Matt! Go get it!

  • Stephanie and Chris Sammons

    We love you Matt! Chris and I are amazed by your strength and all you have and will accomplish!

  • Anonymous

    You’re an amazing young man Matthew. Keep up your great attitude and know that we are with you. Cathy J&G

  • Sarah Bouchard

    Matthew, you should be so proud of your leadership and strength!

  • Renee Alleva

    Good Luck!

  • Stefanie Snyder

    Proud to know you, Matthew! The Snyder’s are always rooting for you.

  • Graziano Family

    Go Team Hauser!

  • The Stribrny Family

    Go Matthew! You are an inspiration to all of us. You rock!

  • Joseph Bellingh

    Mathew .. you are a true inspiration in your determination. Good luck in reaching your goal.

  • Dionna Litvin

    We're rooting for you, Matthew!

  • Robert Hanlon

    Matthew Hauser - I fully support what you're up to! my best, Bob

  • David Martí

    May the Lord bless you.

  • Frank Lanahan

    Good luck Matthew 👍

  • Tracey Kopper-Hourin

    For Matthew

  • Anonymous


  • Meridith Bebee

    Let’s go Matt!

  • Mary Hall

    As a friend of Amanda and Aaron Levine, I know you’re a stellar guy. Hang in there! Keep fighting!

  • Judy Rock Curran

    Good luck "Team Matthew Hauser". You are an awesome role model and deserve the be the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's 2023 Student Visionary of the Year! Love, The Rock Family.

  • The Seelaus Family

    Keep fighting Matt you are an inspiration The Seelaus Family

  • Sheila Thompson Williams

    You are a warrior and an inspiration, Matthew!

  • Pascale Marty-Ethgen

    Keep fighting Matthew, you are an inspiration! And good luck for SVOY!

  • Chris Salerno

    Your KDM family is in your corner, Matt!

  • Lawrence Coburn

    Matt, I join you in your journey. Keep the faith! Lawrie Coburn

  • Melissa Callahan

    Team Matt keep up the fight! Callahan Family

  • Shannon Froio

    Thanks for doing this! Shannon CHOP Onco nurse

  • Bonnie Fritsch

    Thank for for supporting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society! Your CCU/CPRU friends support your vision and admire you!

  • Lakshmi Hariharan

    You are an amazing young man Matthew. You have inspired me in my career and caring for you has been my honor and joy. You are my Student Visionary and I hope LLS makes you theirs also! Keep up your courage and keep fighting and I hope your cardiac function becomes normal again.

  • Lauren Leight

    Matthew, you are an inspiration to us all! Best of luck achieving your goal! Love, The Leight Family

  • Ed Chan

    Good Luck, Matt!

  • Krista Beach

    You have a community of love and support behind you! Love, The Beach Family

  • Taylor Thomas

    You are an inspiration!

  • The Moore Family (UPPD)

    The Moore Family (UPPD)


    Keep fighting Matt!!

  • Suzie Small


  • The Owen Family

    You go Matt!

  • The Schmidts

    So proud of you Matt! You are so strong The Schmidt’s

  • Kimberly Lin

    Go Matthew! We are so proud of you. You are an inspiration to everyone who knows you, including your cardiology team.

  • PJ Charlton

    Good luck with your campaign and keep up the great work!

  • Ryan Toner

    Matt! stay strong!

  • Joshita Varshney

    Praying for you

  • The Rossi Family

    Keep fighting Matt!

  • Laurie Vitale

    You are amazing Matt!!

  • Deanna Dimemmo -sosa

    You are amazing!

  • Kimberly Richter

    What a visionary you are! Matthew, your strength and determination are awe-inspiring. KEEP UP THE FIGHT!

  • Tania Attamasio

    Wishing you speedy progress and lots of healing energy. Tania

  • Robin Keer

    GO MATT! ❤

  • Michael Pagnotta

    Best wishes Matthew from Mike and Jean Pagnotta and the crew at Pagnotta Engineering

  • Anonymous

    So strong??

  • Levine family

    Always pulling for you Matt!!

  • Anonymous

    Childhood cancer does not receive the funding or support that is necessary for advancements in treatment that other cancers receive. You continue to fight the good fight, Matt! Everyone who has fought before is cheering you on. We want a win!

  • Tara Lavin

    You are an inspiration Matt!

  • The Keyers

    Wishing you the best Matthew!

  • The Keller Family

    Stay strong Matthew Love, The Kellers

  • The Murrays

    We believe in you, Matthew. Love the Murrays

  • The Allingham Family

    Stay strong, Matt! The Allinghams are sending good vibes your way.

  • Ed and Karen Hafer

    Way to go Matthew! Keep your spirits up!

  • Judy Zeigler

    Best wishes, Matt.

  • Linda Gac

    Stay strong and keep fighting. ? any friend of Tommy DeTulleos is a friend of mine. God bless.

  • The Souza Family

    Praying for your beautiful heart to heal completely 🙏

  • Anonymous

    Good luck, Matt!

  • Linda VanOcker

    Love you, Matt 💜

  • The Volk Family

    Best of luck, Matthew, on your campaign to be the LLS Student Visionary of the Year! Warrior kids like you are an inspiration to us all!!

  • The Brown family

    Thank you for sharing your story, Matt. We are supporting you and your bravery every day!

  • Andrea Remak

    Matthew, You are a bright light that with shine bright forever. Love Andrea

  • Melanie Palermo

    You got this Matt! You’re in my prayers!

  • Maureen Farrell

    Matt you are amazing! Keep up the great work! P

  • Rosita Gallegos

    Best wishes from California for Matthew Hauser.

  • Brittany Wolfe

    Sending you all our love!

  • Nicholas Day

    Matt, I saw your video on LinkedIn and your determination is inspiring! Keep it up!

  • andrea cruz

    Matthew, you have my vote for Student Visionary of the Year. Thank you for supporting this worthwhile cause!

  • Genya Gliwa

    Uncle Bob Bond

  • Anonymous

    Keep going strong! You're making quite an impact!

  • Joe Gallagher

    Hi Diane, Matthew is in incredible. So amazing. Best of luck to the Hauser family. Joe Gallagher

  • Raphael J

    Prayers up young man!

  • Anthony Haller

    With admiration for your courage and inspiration.

  • Dwight Edwards

    Deeply believe in you. God bless.

  • Caryle Glah

    best of luck Matt.

  • John Robinson

    Good luck Matthew!

  • Kris Flynn

    Matt Hauser your journey has been long and hard and you are an inspiration. Keep up the good work. The Flynn Family

  • Elizabeth DiStefano

    Wishing you all the best Matthew!!

  • William Dorgan

    You’re an inspiring and remarkable young man.

  • Steve & Sue

    In memory of Sue's sister, Judy. Matt, continue the challenge just as your mom would do. We continue to offer Prayers on behalf of you, your parents, friends and family.

  • Granto Family

    Go Matt!

  • The Teti Family

    Stay strong!

  • Carrie A. S. Kennedy

    Wishing you all the best! Keep up the great work!

  • 100.00

    Good luck Matt! You have a lot of people rooting for you!

  • Abigail, Andrew & Aidan Finger (CVGC swim)

    With love and strength from your CVGC swim team teammates, Abigail Andrew & Aidan Finger

  • Lou & Linda McCraw

    We're rooting for you, Matt!

  • Owen Salveson

    Go Matthew! From Owen Salveson (2nd Grade Sugartown)

  • Warrington family

    Good Luck Matt!

  • The Murray Family

    We’re cheering you on, Matthew!

  • Banister Family

    Good luck Matt!

  • Anonymous

    Bless you and May all your dreams come true❤️

  • Renee Alleva

    Good Luck!

  • Danielle Ramick

    Go Matt! You are a true inspiration! The Ramick Family

  • Carol Diehl

    God Bless you Matthew and praying you get the medical treatment you need.

  • Kelly Snow

    Matthew, so inspired by your story. You're right.. YOU ARE STRONG, and brave, and inspiring... and you're making a difference! Kelly Snow (from the Suvoda team)

  • Noelle Civatte

    Matthew, you are inspirational! Thank you for raising awareness and funds to find less toxic treatments for blood cancers.

  • Maddi Segarnick and Syracuse SAAC

    Bake Sale Donation from Maddi Segarnick and the Syracuse SAAC.

  • Maureen Clancy

    So happy to help support Matthew Hauser in his efforts. I’ve never met him but am inspired by his story!

  • Kim Fredrick

    Cheering for you, Matt!

  • Bridget Freitag

    Pressley, Crosby, Jack, Wells and the entire Freitag family are rooting for you Matt!! You are such an inspiration!

  • nicole nemeth

    You are such strong kid! Good Luck!

  • Stacey and Kevin Barry

    Such an amazing kid. Way to go Matt!

  • Kiersten gordon

    Matthew, you are such a brave young man! Keep fighting!

  • Phipps Family

    Thank you Matthew for using your experience to raise awareness and funding for others! We are rooting for you! You are an inspiration, and you bring a smile to my face every time I see you!

  • Bryn Mawr Running Company

    Bryn Mawr Running Company is proud to support Matthew!

  • Diane McCullagh

    Prayers for you Matthew

  • Helen Arrell

    Good luck Matt!

  • The Culbertson Family

    Good Luck Matt!

  • The Geissler Family

    Go get ‘em. You are an inspiration!

  • Mary Teresa Maule Alft

    Stay strong, Matt. We wish you all the best and we admire your inspiration. Michael & mt Alft (friends of Aunt Natalie)

  • Linh Nguyen

    Good Luck Matthew!!!

  • The Carr Family

    Good luck, Matt!! Love from the Carrs!!

  • Cesar Garcia

    Lola and Sebastian support your courage and for supporting this great cause that is also important to our family!

  • Chris Battersby

    Good luck Matthew! Wishing you all the best!

  • Laura Wolf

    For Matthew Hauser’s fight

  • Austin Wolf and Spencer Dean

    I was a part of the Man of the Year campaign a few years back and Matthew was our event's "Hero of the Year". Such an inspiring story and our thoughts and prayers stay with him and his family.

  • The Harpold Family

    With love from Catherine Harpold

  • Edward, Devin, and Erica

    Keep up the great work Matthew!

  • Nancy Sullivan-Westlake

    Great work Matthew! Cheering you on as the The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Student Visionary of the Year!

  • The Markowskis

    May God heal you Matt.

  • Alice & Len Graziano

    Team Hauser all the way!

  • Rose Haley

    Good luck and god bless you

  • L. Baker-Upper Prov

    Good Luck. And God Bless.

  • The Ridall Family

    Go Matt, Go!!!!

  • Joslyn and Steve Serfass

    Matt: It was great to meet you at Acme tonight. We are praying for you. Steve

  • The Norbury Family

    Good luck Matt Hauser! We’re with you! ?? The Norbury family

  • Thomas Walter

    Matt, stay strong. You are a courageous young man, inspirational and will get through your latest challenge. Our daughter Erica had bone cancer and months of intense chemo, 24 years ago. Today she is fine with 2 children. You can do this!! Love Tom and Cheryl Walter

  • The Reilly Family

    Go Matthew!

  • Dennis obrien

    get wellsoon matthew!dennis

  • Steve Ayala

    Keep up the fight!

  • Jill Lashay

    God bless you for your courage and dedication Matthew!!

  • Lauren Bradley

    Keep up the fight Matthew!! Lauren & the Bradleys

  • Anonymous

    Wishing you a speedy recovery and keep up the good work.

  • Konstantinos Vasilakis

    Best of luck. Continue to fight, as you are an inspiration to us all!

  • Jan Leaf

    In loving memory of Alice Shaftic, my Mom

  • Friends at Leaf Floor Covering

    Matt you are such an inspiration! Prayers and wishes for a total recovery and success in your campaign!

  • Peter Viscardo

    Matthew, I know from your father that you are a tough young man. Please remember that tough times don't last, but tough people do. We will be thinking of you and rooting for you. The Viscardo Family

  • Darcy Carroll

    We are thinking of you and your family. We wish you the best with your fundraising efforts and are praying that your health improves quickly. You are an amazing young man and are impressed by your courage and strength. Many blessings, Darcy and David Carroll

  • Faith Torretti

    Prayers and well wishes from the Torretti family! Stay Strong Matthew!!!

  • The Walsh Family

    Thinking of you Matt! The Walsh Family

  • Procopio Family

    Stay strong Good Luck !

  • Greg & Melanie Howson

    Good luck Matthew. Yo0u're an inspiration to everyone!

  • Frances & Nate Carter

    Matt, you are such a strong young man and a true inspiration. Keep the faith and good luck with your campaign.

  • Kaplan Leaman & Wolfe

    Proud to support Matthew!

  • Anonymous

    Go Matt!

  • Hailey Addonizio

    Stay strong!!!

  • Kim and Larry Marcinkus

    You are amazing!!!

  • Hailey Addonizio

    Hi Matt! I am a patient of Dr. Rheingold. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers :) good luck with your campaign!

  • The Eisenhardt’s

    Good luck Matt❤️

  • Barbara Hagy

    Hausers are winners!! Go Matt!!

  • Andrew Franklin

    Good luck Matt!

  • George Hopkins

    Keep working ; thank you all for your efforts for these great kids and their families

  • The Christian Family

    Stay Strong, Matt!!

  • Anonymous

    Cast your cares on God, because he cares for you!

  • Melissa and Nathan Murawsky

    Good luck Matt!

  • Sara Tilles

    Praying for you, Hauser Family!

  • Barrow-Hoenstine Insurance Agency

    Way to go Matt. Keep up the good work!

  • Tori

    So proud of you Matthew!

  • Amy Greco

    Way to go Matt! You’re an inspiration The Greco family

  • The Howsons

    May God continue His good work in you. You are in our prayers. The Howsons

  • The Davey Family

    Go CV Dolphins! Hopefully Matt will be back swimming soon!!

  • Sherrock Family

    Thanks for being a change maker Matt!!

  • The SuperPool

    Good luck, Matt!

  • Nina Bernstein

    Best of luck Matt!🙋🏻???

  • Anonymous

    Inspirational young man, we wish you the very best!

  • The Schneider Family

    Good luck Matthew!

  • Margie Brogan

    Wishing you the best, Matthew. You are a remarkable person.

  • The Supplee Family

    Matthew you are an inspiration! Stay strong and continue to be an incredible fighter!

  • Megan Collins

    Keep fighting!

  • Eileen & Billy Paul

    Hope Matthew receives a new heart soon. You have been through so much and deserve to live a healthy life. This is the best way to celebrate your friend Robin’s 60th birthday!

  • Susan and John Nagy

    We are all pulling for you and praying for you and all your caregivers Live, the Nagy Family

  • Holly Yonker

    You are amazing Matthew!! Love your spirit!

  • The Bickle family

    Stay strong!!! You are a true inspiration!

  • Brett Willson

    You are so brave! Stay strong Matt!!

  • Mayrides Family

    We are pulling for you Matthew!

  • Jake’s Dragon Fdn/McHugh family

    Good Luck Matt! Your message is so important! The McHugh family and Jake’s Dragon Foundation

  • Melissa

    Sending you prayers🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


    Matthew, your positive attitude and bravery are inspiring. We are rooting for you! The Cabel Family

  • Kate Ranaudo

    GO MATT! Rooting and praying for you!!

  • Chandrika Parakala

    Sending love and prayers dear Matt.

  • Kara Rubinich

    Keep up the fight, grit, and spirit! Coach Kara from GRIT and RunClub Dtown

  • Andrew Miles

    Rooting for you Matthew! I'm lucky to know you.

  • Jacqui Rick

    Matthew is amazing!

  • Nicole Amicone

    Stay strong💗

  • Veronica Young

    Good luck Matt with all your medical treatments! I’m sure you’ll be able to look back on all this and know it’s just part of your journey to excellent health. ❤️

  • Alexandra Bula

    Best wishes!

  • Suzanne May

    You are such a strong person!

  • Kari Andreasen

    You are strong and caring. You inspire!

  • Tara & Alex Coates

    You are amazing Matt. YOu inspire so many people.

  • Tolly Sherry

    Cheering you on Matt! You’re an incredible young man!

  • Michael Ertle

    Stay strong. You are an inspiration, Matt!

  • Joni Oppasser

    Thank you for raising awareness!

  • Adrian Burke

    Way to go Mat

  • Joanna Murphy

    You’ve got this Matt!

  • Mahua C

    All the best

  • Sharon Haiko Kistler

    Love and prayers from Sharon H. Kistler

  • Aline Woodard

    You are in our prayers, Matthew! Best wishes xoxo, The Woodards

  • Patrick Sullivan

    Love your warrior spirit, Matthew! Sending you good vibes and prayers for a healthy heart very soon. Keep up the important work you’re doing in raising awareness. - Patrick snd Laura Sullivan

  • Kate Robinson

    Thank you Matt for your hard work and goal! Praying for you, you’re so incredibly strong!

  • Burke Family

    Go Matt Go Shouting this all the way from Abu Dhabi Burke Family

  • Bonita Morin

    In memory of Nancy Hurd in honor of all Burkitt's warriors especially my daughter AJ who recently joined the ranks. Anyone fighting this has more grit than anyone can imagine.

  • Lysa Oscar

    In loving memory of Jen Care. Forever in my heart and my belly laughter.

  • Susan Credden

    This is such a worthy cause. Wishing you the very best.

  • steve fischer

    Matt Strong!

  • Paisner Litvin Hauser

    Paisner Litvin Hauser is proud to support Team Matthew Hauser!

  • Mike Habel

    God Bless

  • Michelle Warner

    Good luck Matt!

  • George Andrew Voegele

    Great job on this Matt!

  • Jen Cave’s Super Bowl Pool

    Thank you to Jen Cave’s friends and family for supporting Matthew’s campaign.

  • Jeff and Aubrey DeLone

    We are all pulling for you Matthew Jeff Aubrey and Krista

  • Jay Hood

    You are truly inspirational! Keep up the fight to help others, Matt. Wishing you the best

  • Christopher Ezold

    Go Matt!

  • Jennifer Platzkere Snyder

    Keep up the amazing fight, Matt! You are a warrior and a visionary!

  • Kristin Oliva

    Good luck, Matthew! You are an amazing and inspiring young man!! Go team Hauser!

  • The Klegers

    Go Eagles ... and Matthew.

  • Paul, Debbie, Michelle & Carolyn Kelly

    No question who is THE student visionary of the year (decade)- rooting for you and blessed to watch your kindness, resilience and strength be a role maiden for ALL! xo, Paul, Debbie, Michelle & Carolyn

  • Colleen Donnelly

    Great work, Matt. Thanks for inspiring us and supporting the LL community.

  • The Hubley Family

    Go Matt!!

  • Shivika Varshney

    All the best for your treatment Matt!

  • Robert Mina

    Proud to stand behind your effort, Matthew!

  • Kevin Mullaney

    Matt, you are an inspiration to others! Good luck with your campaign!

  • Peggy Neary

    Andrea R. has amazed me with stories of your strength, courage and tenacity and the grace and good nature with which you handle it all! I wish you the best in this endeavor. Go Matthew!!!

  • Rheingold-Neely Family

    Matt you are an incredible young man and a true Visionary

  • Regina Notar

    Thinking of you and your family everyday. We know how strong you are and believe you will make a full recovery. Take care Mathew. Ron and Regina Notar

  • Sophia Geibel

    Matt, the Geibels are cheering you on!! You are amazing!

  • Anne White & Holly Kirsh

    So proud of you and all you’re doing to help others in this fight against cancer! Honored to help! God bless you!

  • Jessica Stanhagen

    Good luck Matt!

  • Corinne Wanzor

    You are an inspiration to all!

  • Ann Ortenzi Colizzo

    You are an amazing young man, Matthew! You are such an inspiration!

  • Carol McLain

    I hope you reach your goal!

  • Liz Bond

    There’s a cheering team behind you Matthew, both rooting and keeping you and your family in our thoughts. Liz Bond

  • Janet and Dave Montella

    Never Stop Fighting!! Dave and Janet Montella

  • Amy Sirot

    In honor of Dr. Rheingold

  • Karen Hunt

    You bring such a bright light to open water swims. You’ve got this!

  • Ian Harris

    I admire your positive attitude and perseverance. Wishing you all the best. Ian Harris

  • Averi Brewley

    We are proud of you Matt!

  • Matthew Heintzelman

    Donated for Matthew Hauser and also in memory of my friend Roger who passed away from Leukaemia in October. Matt H

  • Libby Chmielewski

    You are in my prayers. Stay strong!

  • Laura Hurwitz

    Thank you for your courage and leadership, Matt!

  • Jennifer Cave

    Matt you are simply amazing!

  • Jane Bergan

    Good luck and stay strong!

  • Sorita E Averill

    Lots of love to the Hausers!

  • The Mongiello Family

    Matthew - so happy to be on your team. Good luck!

  • Scott Lambert

    Way to go Matt !!

  • Wylonis Family

    You are an inspiration, Matt!

  • Larry Richards

    Stay strong, Matthew. You are a true inspiration to all of us.

  • Jay Schiller

    Go Matt - you rock! Coach Jay

  • Cliff Bryant

    Pete Huttlinger, a very talented musician, underwent similar treatment for adult congenital heart disease. Unfortunately, Pete passed in 2016.

  • Christine and Ken Glah

    Matthew, you are such an amazing role model and inspiration! We can't think of a better Student Visionary of the Year. We love you, and our fingers are crossed for all that lies ahead! Go, Matthew!

  • terry and melissa mannion

    Go Team Hauser! Stick to your plan Matt!

  • Liz Finn

    Go Matt!

  • David E. Lees

    Happy to support such a great cause

  • Dee Albertson

    Go Matt!

  • Sunita Nasta

    Congratulations Matt and good luck in your campaign D

  • Sheila Eno

    You are an inspiration to all!! Thank you for all yoir efforts!

  • Catherine Donahue

    Mathew, you are absolutely amazing. God bless. Cathy Donahue

  • The Utecht Family

    Matthew we are very proud of all you are doing and our entire family is praying for you. Love, The Utechts

  • Valerie Sutherland

    Our family is wishing you strength as you continue to fight, Matthew! Praying your heart will be healed whether that would be through the device or receiving a new heart. So inspiring to see all that you are doing for this cause.

  • Darla

    Seeing you at the Acme makes my day!

  • Robert Mascioli

    Way to go, Matthew!

  • Main Line Dermatology

    Way to go Matt! We are all cheering for you!

  • Erin and John Dougherty

    Best wishes Matthew. We are rooting for you!!

  • Coyle Family

    Way to go, Matt!

  • Natalie Brown

    Nancy Lambert’s mom is praying for Matthew in support of his courage and vision.

  • The Capaldo Family

    Good luck! You got this!

  • Amee Feager Davis

    Thank you for sharing your journey! Much love, the Feager Davises

  • Derek Miller

    Your spirit and courage are awe-inspiring, Matt.

  • Mari Schaefer

    Go Matt!

  • Frank P. Rutolo

    Matthew, You are an amazing person! Keep up the fight! We wish you all the best! With all our good wishes and love, Frank and Maria Rutolo

  • Renee Dileo

    Good Luck Matt!! Hugs and prayers!!

  • Tom & Alison Staeger

    We are thinking of you and your family and wishing you all the best!

  • Herkendaal/Hallowell family

    Go Matt! I hope you get enough donations to be the 2023 Student Visionary of the year. Your story is inspiring! Best of luck!

  • Megan Williams

    You got this! Gus and Grace

  • The O'Neill Family

    We are with you all the way Matt.

  • Keith & Angie Williams and Family

    May God Bless you for your efforts to save other children, Matthew. Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

  • Jamea & Rick Campbell

    Good luck Matthew! Keep fighting!!!

  • Jennifer Stroup

    Go Matt!

  • Debra Louis

    You are in our prayers Matt. Good luck with tthe campaign. Debby and Mike Louis

  • Dan Dosenbach

    Matthew, You are an absolute rockstar! You are an inspiration to our entire family. Dan and Lisa Dosenbach

  • Margaret McLaughlin

    Go get'em Matthew!

  • Jennifer Panetta

    Such an inspiring story and outlook. My sister was treated for a rare form of cancer when she was less than a year old. She was not expected to live a full life, but this year she will turn 50 years old! Anything is possible with great medical care, a supportive network of family and friends, and most of all your own positivity! I hope you win the Student Visionary contest, you deserve it!

  • Kim and Joe Dietrick

    Wishing you all the best Matt!

  • Robin Jefferis

    Go Matt!

  • James Crickmore

    You got this Matt!

  • Finan Family

    We are so proud of you Matthew! You got this!

  • Lisa & David Fields and Patrick Bottin

    Go crush your goal! You are in our prayers.

  • Niall Durkan

    Honored to be on your team Matt!

  • Chris & Jeannie Boccaccio

    Matthew, you are an inspiration to us all. Hang in there!

  • Sheila Startup

    You are a strong fighter who has much to give to this world!

  • Diane & Gene Blaum

    Praying for you Matt!

  • Brad, Erin, Davis, Lydia, and Gordon Moore

    We are cheering for you, Matt!

  • Joseph Stapleton

    The face of inspiration!

  • Anonymous

    Keep up the good fight!

  • The Samer Family

    BRAVE!! Would love to play some golf with you when you are feeling better!

  • Bill Young

    Go for it Matt - a great Acme team member

  • Wendy McLaughlin

    Best of luck in reaching your goal! You are already a champion person.

  • gregory seitter

    Good luck, Matthew.

  • The Kelleys

    We are praying for you! Way to fight for yourself and others. The Kelleys

  • Dawn

    Matthew you and your family will be in my deepest thoughts and prayers. I can’t wait for you to get your new heart. It is such a miracle. I too am a lymphoma and heart transplant recipient!! You are going to get your life back buddy. You got this!!!!

  • Sharon Finochio

    You are an inspiration Matt! Keep the faith! Praying for complete healing for you!

  • The Bennett Family

    Way to go Mathew, the Bennetts are cheering you on!

  • Gretchen, Gordon & Jack Cooney

    You're crushing it, Matt! Keep it up!

  • Leonard Dore

    You are an inspiration Mathew. You are a winner no matter what.

  • Richard Wright

    Best of luck to you Matt and your family too.. Dick Wright

  • Laura and Dennis Hunter

    You are awesome Matt!!! An inspiration to so many!!!!

  • Terry and John Blescia

    You are a fighter and determined. Keep strong, be brave and good things will happen. Your an inspiration to us all.

  • denise miller

    We are cheering you on Matthew! You are stronger than you know! Denise, John, Max & Luke Miller

  • Tina Fox

    In life you face challenges, but you will touch many lives and be an inspiration to many!

  • Ed Curran

    Keep going Matt!

  • Pamela and Andrew Southerling

    Keep thriving, Matt. We are cheering for you!

  • The Shaos

    Go Matthew. You are a strong Warrior! It's amazing how you get back to your supportive community

  • Hollis L Craig

    You’re the man, Matt. So proud of you! Love, Grammy.

  • The Mucks

    ❤️The Mucks

  • Melanie Kennedy

    Very inspiring story! Best of luck Matthew and stay strong.

  • The Markowski Family

    Matthew you are an inspiration to all of us and we are proud to know you!

  • Kate Galinus

    Thank you for working so hard to help others Matt!

  • The Marr Family

    Good luck, Matt!!!

  • Guy Bianchini

    Go get 'em Matt!!

  • Marjorie Raffaelli

    All our hearts behind you, Matt!

  • Allison Dalzell

    Im sorry for what your nephew has had to endure ! Sending love light and healing prayers to your family ! Allison Dalzell

  • Kevin Cahill

    Thank you for sharing your inspirational story. The Cahills

  • The Shim Family

    We are so impressed by your strength and spirit!! You’ve got a great team behind you. We wish you much luck with winning this challenge and with healing your heart. 🙏🏻❤️❤️

  • George Voegele

    Happy to Support Matt!

  • The Cavalcanto Family

    You are such an amazing kid and cancer warrior! Proud to support you and your campaign! Kerry, Jay, Sofia & Nina Cavalcanto

  • Desiree Oliveri-McElheny

    I believe in you Matthew and support you and your family!! You are an inspiration to us all! Go fight, go win!!

  • Stacey Martin

    We miss you matt! Get better soon. Meredith Martin

  • The Fongheiser Family

    The Hauser tenacity is unstoppable!! This is all you, Matthew. Get after it. The Fongheisers

  • Erica & Tony Davis Family

    You’re such a fighter!! Prayers to end Leukemia.

  • Kelly Fricker

    Kelly Fricker

  • Frances Gray

    Good Luck Matthew!

  • Lucy Haney

    Absolutely Matthew! This is the little boy I know who took on play and learning with joy. Your tenacity has been one of the greatest parts of your spirit. Thank you for the privilege of being your kindergarten teacher and the lessons you have taught me. Now, get out there and give it your best! With love, Dr Haney

  • Albanese Family

    You’ve got this Matthew!

  • Janet & Carl Sharer

    You are such an inspiration Matt. Good Luck!!

  • Lisa Beck

    What an incredible young man you have become! Good luck from Mrs. Beck (KDM)

  • George and Debbi Fair

    Keep fighting Matt

  • Alyce and Andy Shaw

    Prayers for good health! The Shaws

  • Saira Hairston

    For Matthew Hauser

  • Rich & Valeri Boclair

    Good luck Matt! Keep fighting!

  • Wilsher Family

    You are an inspiration!

  • The Koontz Family

    Good luck Matt! Your a true inspiration;)

  • The Walheim Family

    Cheering for you!!! The Walheim Family

  • Anonymous

    Thank you for promoting Leukemia/Cancer treatments to cure cancer and have no future debilitating side effects. Praying for your complete recovery from cancer and healing of your heart.

  • Schultz Family

    Good luck Matthew!

  • Kathleen Apa

    Love you Matthew!

  • Jill Conwell

    Keep fighting, Matthew!

  • Matthews family

    Good luck Matthew! Your strength and courage are an inspiration to us all!

  • The Nadwodny Family

    So inspiring!

  • Bud and Joann Haly

    Go Matt!

  • Jill Holsclaw

    Let's make it happen!

  • MaryAnn Nerelli

    Sending love from Aunt MaryAnn!

  • marianne fallon

    So proud of you, Matthew! You are my hero!

  • Laura Nagy

    Stay strong and keep fighting, you and your family have got this.

  • The Thompson Family

    You are an inspiration, Matt!

  • Emily and Hal Sa

    Go get ‘em, Matthew! You inspire more than you can know.

  • The Lang Family

    Cheering you on.

  • Gaye jablonski

    Congrats Mathew good for you!

  • Gwen Glew

    Dear Matthew, we Glews are so impressed with your bravery, strength, determination, and generosity. Good luck! The Glews send lots of love and healing vibes your way. Much love, Gwen, Rich, Duncan, and Finn Glew XXOO

  • Anne Fassler

    Wishing you good health!

  • Lin Howard

    Good luck Matthew! Sending you lots of love and prayers

  • The Peters Family

    You got this Matt!

  • Chris Camburn

    Sending positive vibes!

  • Breckenridge Family

    Good luck Matthew!!

  • Sarah Hopkins

    You at an inspiration Matt & the Haydee family

  • Johnna Capitano

    Good luck, Matthew!

  • The Gantt Family

    You (and your family) are a true inspiration and worth of the Student Visionary of the Year award!

  • The MacArthur Family

    Always cheering for you, Matt!

  • Veronica Young

    Sending love and positive vibes for full recovery! God bless Matthew ❤️

  • Pat & Tim Corosanite

    Such a courageous and inspiring young man. Stay strong Matt! Sending prayers.

  • Sid and Gerta Hysi

    He’s such a brave boy and a true hero. We are with you in this journey Matt.

  • Dan McCarel

    Wishing for a great outcome.

  • Jenn Moore

    Good luck, Matthew! ?? Mrs. Moore (Ms. Riddle)

  • Jessica Pfennig

    You are brave, Matt! Prayers are coming your way!

  • Kevin and Joanna Hurst

    Prayers for Matt! - Kevin and Joanna Hurst

  • Patty Kepler

    I will be praying for you and wish you a successful recovery :)

  • Vicki Townend

    Matt - you are such an inspiration to all. Good luck!

  • The Bowman Family

    Keep fighting, Matthew!!! You are a ray of sunshine and inspiration to all who know you!!!

  • Stephanie Hamel

    Good luck Matt!

  • The Otterbein Family

    Matt, you are amazing, all the Otterbeins are praying for you!

  • Anonymous

    Go Matthew ??????

  • Carol Scheifele

    Good luck Matthew

  • Ryan Craig

    Very inspiring, Matt—stay strong!

  • Colleen Kirk - WCWMS

    You are inspiring. Keep going !

  • Julie Curtis

    Good luck in your journey! You got this!!!

  • The Weikert Family

    You got this Matthew!

  • Lundy Clark

    Way to go Mathew!! You attitude is heart-warming!! What a wonderful way to looks adversity in the face! Wish you the best of luck on your on reaching your goal!

  • Barclay Cunningham

    Ok, Matthew Braveheart Hauser! Let’s do this!

  • The Staropoli Family


  • Susan Mulvey

    This is for Matthew Hauser and Pat Mulvey.

  • Kathleen Joann Mattes-Longo

    Inspired by your resilience! Prayers for your health Matthew.

  • Lanie Klapac

    You are so strong and everyone is so proud of you!!❤️

  • Tom and Pam Kramer

    Good luck!

  • Beth Miller

    Matthew, your courage is beyond words. Our prayers and best wishes are with you! Beth & Chris Miller

  • The Cesca Family

    Keep fighting, Matt! You are one strong young man and an inspiration to us all! Keeping you all in our prayers.

  • Meg Gregory

    You’ve got this, Matthew! Love, Mrs Gregory- KDM

  • The Pierson’s

    You got this Matt!

  • The Ranaudo Family

    Way to go, Matthew! Thank you for sharing your story! You got this 💙💪

  • Steve Odabashian

    Keep fighting Matthew! You’re a warrior!

  • David Caporaletti

    Keep Fighting and Inspiring

  • zoe specht

    good luck

  • The Plitnik/ Eaton Family

    You are an inspiration, Matthew! Thank you for sharing your story. Sending support to you & your family in your journey and in your focus on helping others!!! ~The Plitnik/ Eaton family

  • The Feinberg family

    We are cheering for you! Best of luck!!

  • Phamily Orthodontics

    Our team at Phamily Orthodontics is rooting for you!

  • Iron Fan

    Good luck Matt! Keep fighting!

  • Max Kramer

    Best wishes for a healthy future !

  • The Craig Family

    Team Matt

  • The McDonald Family (Ella)

    Good Luck Matt!! You are an amazing kid! Stay strong and proud.

  • The McCallum Family

    Team Matt!!

  • Eric Wolgamott

    Good luck, Matt!!

  • Jeff and Toni Donovan

    Good Luck to Matt! You got this!

  • Alison Warner

    You’re an amazing young man, Matthew and the epitome of a strong visionary. We’re all behind you!

  • Bill & AnneMarie O'Rourke

    You are in our prayers. Win big!!!

  • Faunce Family

    Go Team Hauser!

  • Amy Campbell

    Good luck Matt !

  • Jessica Corrigan

    Go Matt!! You are an inspiration! The Corrigans

  • Jodi Segarnick

    Sending love and prayers! The Segarnicks

  • The Bruderles

    You are a true hero Matt! ??

  • The McDaniel Family

    Good luck Matthew! You are amazing & thank you for sharing your story.

  • The Barrows

    We are cheering for you Matt!

  • Rhonda Cohen

    Rock On!

  • Melanie Aber

    You’re an amazing kid- trust the Lord & keep fighting 💪🏻🙏

  • Waychoff family

    Keep fighting!!! Thank you for trying to make treatment for future cancer patients. You have a heart of Gold. Praying for complete recovery.

  • The Joy Family

    You are amazing!

  • Kimberly Voigt-Blum

    Swim team pledge of allegiance always in my heart! Best wishes, Matthew!

  • Alex Shuffler

    You are so strong!!!

  • Xannie Vest

    Good luck Matt!

  • Ely family

    Proud of you Matt!

  • Anonymous

    Good luck kid go get em.

  • Joseph R Avila

    Many Blessings Matt/ sorry I cannot donate more Im also disabled & I have chfbut Thanks dude Your tougher than the Hood I'm from / joey jo

  • Anonymous

    Good Luck Matt!! You are a amazing! Stay strong and proud.

  • Kate Joyce

    Stay strong Matthew! You got this. Prayers 🙏

  • Christine Cucinotta

    Matthew! You got this buddy! We hope you win Student Visionary of the Year. You are destined for great things in the future. Sincerely, The Cucinotta-Filkosky Family

  • Marisa ODonnell

    Great work and so inspiring! Best of luck to you

  • Rosa Sierra-Fox

    From the Sierra-Fox Family

  • Rebecca Ragsdale

    Stay in your strength and your light! God Bless! Please try Reiki healing to enhance.

  • Warren Patterson

    Your brother said it well: your resiliency is inspiring! Way to go Matthew!!!

  • Belmont Family

    What an inspiration!

  • Anonymous

    You are an inspiration Matthew!

  • Anonymous

    Good luck, Matt

  • Bryan Forcino

    I just read your story and was very impressed by your leadership and drive!

  • Lisa Stroud

    Matt-you are an inspiration to all- xo

  • Lorraine Zimmerman

    Love and Prayers Matt!!

  • The Crisi Family

    You are a strong, inspirational young man! Keep positive and remain strong.

  • Bella, Clay, Jen and Adam Heckman

    Keep fighting.

  • Alexandra Cottrell

    Matthew, You truly are an inspiration. Sending love and thanks for the awareness you bring by sharing your story. Love, Alix

  • Linda Maguire

    Love from Aunt Linda.

  • Anonymous

    Matthew Hauser’s story on channel 6 inspired us to donate. Best wishes in your fundraising Matthew😊

  • Anonymous

    Hope you ‘Get the Call’ very soon.

  • Bonnes Family

    Good luck!

  • Marc Ackers

    You are a strong person. Your experience and thoughtfulness is going to make a difference for kids in the future. You inspire all of us.

  • Sharon Sullivan

    Keep winning !??

  • Anonymous

    You've got this - God bless.

  • Sammons Family

    Matthew you are truly an amazing young man, stay strong, our family is so very proud of you. You have all our love and support. Go Team Hauser

  • Judith Spires

    You go Matt!

  • Lisa Bell

    God Bless you Matthew!!

  • Joe Sewter

    You are a courageous young man. You are an inspiration to all people. May God bless you and watch over you. The Lord is always with you. Never give up hope.

  • Steve & MG Brown

    Matt you epitomize a true hero. I so want to be like you when I grow up. Much love Steve & MG Brown

  • Tom Curran

    All the best Matt!

  • Diane Sullivan

    Your story touched my ♥️!I lost my beautiful Kate, 28.5 to Lymphoma 5 years ago! How brave you are! As was she! Your spirit and Kate’s is totally humbling! Safe journey on! You Rule!

  • Nancy & Bob Logan

    Good Luck Matthew!!

  • Helen Brady

    Saw Matt on 6ABC. Congratulations on making people aware, especially me.

  • Gary

    God luck Matt!

  • Robin Lane

    Matt, I saw your story on 6abc and I was truly inspired by you. I lost my father 11 years ago to Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and since then there have been major advancements in the battle against blood cancers. Thank you for fighting this fight. Never stop fighting - you are strong, you are brave, and you are amazing! Best wishes to you, Matt.

  • Anonymous

    I am a heart nurse My love and prayers are with you . Stay strong know your courage gives hope to so many,

  • Mike & Meg

    We saw your story on 6ABC. Very inspiring! Keep fighting! You got this!

  • Debbie

    Stay strong Matthew! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless You!

  • Anonymous

    Thank you, Matt, for showing others the way.

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for sharing your story, Matthew! We are cheering you on!

  • Anonymous

    My best to you. Barbara

  • Sharon Buckingham

    In honor of Matthew Hauser

  • Patil Family

    You are strong!! Good luck !

  • Greg Bonvechio

    We met you and your family a few years ago. You continue to be an inspiration to each of us! Stay strong -Jenn, Greg, & Grace

  • Maureen Gibbons

    Keep up the good work. This is amazing!!

  • Victoria Morris

    Matt - You are the real deal! Your generosity and support knows no boundary. Hugs. Mrs. Morris (KDM)

  • Joan Williams

    Keep fighting Matthew!

  • Jerry and Betti Bruderle

    You always make us smile, Matthew. Your courage and resilience are an inspiration!

  • The Crotty family

    Good Luck Matt!

  • Cathy Peduzzi

    God Bless!

  • Kathleen and Bill Steiert

    Matthew, you are an inspiration to all of us! Stay strong and know that so many are praying for you and supporting you. ???? The Steiert Family

  • Gae and John Lauck

    Keep fighting the good fight Matt!! You are fortunate to have Aunt Natalie and Uncle Scott supporting you through out your fight cancer journey!!

  • Linda & Glenn Stahl

    Keep up the great work Mat!

  • Hutchinson Family

    Good luck Matthew! Stay strong!

  • Alex Nicolai

    Good luck Matt!! Stay strong!

  • Kelly Gomez

    You are amazing, Matthew! So incredibly impressed with your resilience through it all and your desire to continue to help others!

  • Caroline Moscariello

    My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  • Uncle Adam, Jen, Nora & Henry

    Yeah, Muscles! Proud of you, and always in your corner.

  • Anonymous

    You are amazing, Matt!

  • John Poole

    The very Matt The best to you as you go forward with everything. Hope to see you on the course sometime. John Poole

  • Rhoda McQuiston

    I am an old time member of Chester Valley and knew your dear grandparents and your dad. I wish you the very best success. Rhoda McQuiston

  • Anonymous

    Stay strong Matt

  • The Alfieri Family

    Love The Alfieri Family ??

  • Theresa Gola

    Stay strong Matt! God bless!❤️

  • Joseph Jones

    Stay strong buddy and try to take it one day at a time.

  • Ken Fairchild

    ‘Caring’ show’s great character.’ Sharing’ shows love for others. Matt, you are a wonderful, unselfish example of both of these!

  • Kristin Kozera

    Persevere and Prevail

  • Anonymous

    Rooting for you, Matt. Thank you for what you’re doing.

  • Dawn G Heath

    Fight on super boy !

  • Great Valley Baseball Booster Club

    We are rooting for you Matt! Love Great Valley Baseball Boosters!

  • Jen Talley

    You are an inspiration!! Keeping you in our prayers 🙏

  • Jess Simon

    Matt, You are courageous and inspiring. Because of you, many others will have better lives.

  • Kent Werner

    Bill, I haven’t seen you since our days at Drexel. Your son’s amazing story was touching and inspiring. God bless!

  • Bill Bulat

    You are so inspiring Matt, best of luck!!

  • Beth Hungerbuhler

    Good luck Matt! Prayers you get call soon on new heart.

  • Casey and Christine Duffy

    Go Matt Go!

  • Sugartown Elementary School

    Awesome job Matt!!!!

  • Anonymous

    This is terrific, Matt. Good luck in your challenge!!

  • James Sioutis

    Stay Strong, you are in my thoughts and prayers!.

  • Mike Helmle

    Good luck and God bless to an awesome kid!

  • Karen and Paul DeStefano.

    You are absolutely amazing, Matthew. We are all rooting for you! Go team Hauser!!

  • Stevenson Structural

    Good luck, Matt! You’re an inspiration

  • Mary Theresa Metzler

    Keep up the Fabulous work Matt!

  • Anonymous

    I am sending lots of love your way, Matthew!!! - Derek Spangler :)

  • Bill & Linda Brady

    Hi Matthew, My wife and I met your Dad thru his Boot Camps. We also met Tom & Pam Kramer at a booth that your Dad had at an Athletic Expo. While there, I registered to become part of the donor pool. You may not recall but we also met you when you beautifully sang the National Anthem at the Mini-Boot Camp we held to raise money for your Dad's Man of the Year Campaign. You boosted our morale when we needed it most! Since then, I had to have an autologous stem cell transplant due to Multiple Myeloma. And my wife, Linda, had a double-lung transplant due to Cystic Fibrosis. We are both doing well and want you to know what an inspiration you are to us. We admire your strength as you continue to courageously face your own health challenges and selflessly help others with their fight. You have a beautiful spirit that shines brightly and you bring hope and happiness to everyone you meet. You're always in our prayers. Bill & Linda Brady

  • The Turner Family

    We are cheering for you and wishing you well. You are the definition of inspiration, Matt! Kerri, Kyle, Peyton & Seth Turner

  • Rachel and Eric Schwartz

    Matthew, thank you for inspiring so many people to take action - you are an inspiration to all of us. - the Schwartz family

  • Bill Kolb & family

    A Real Fighter! Thank you Matt for inspiring the rest of us.

  • Rosenberg Family

    Matt you are amazing! Good luck!!

  • Schultz Family

    We wish you all the best in this endeavor, Matthew! You are the change we need in this world! :)

  • Paul R. Gugliuzza

    Incredible courage, Matthew!!!

  • Maxine Gesualdi

    Kudos to Matthew on this important mission!

  • William Reis and Family

    Stay strong Matthew from Bill Reis and Family

  • Kelley Meagher

    Go, Matt! What a great campaign. I admire your remarkable selflessness.

  • Joe and Fran Kennedy

    You are in our prayers! Joe and Fran Kennedy

  • Susan Lafferty

    Good luck Matt! Your (mom's) UVA family is rooting for you!

  • Great Valley Football

    We are proud of you Matt.

  • Steven N Durante

    Good luck Hauser family!

  • Jennifer Land

    Proud of you, Matt!

  • Elise Powell

    Way to go Matt! Keep up the good work!

  • Lisa Harper

    You’re amazing Matthew! Thank you for all you’re doing to help this great cause! We’re praying and rooting for you. The Harper Family

  • Anonymous

    Stay Strong Matt!

  • Wendy Cutler

    Sorry to miss cutoff. But still wanted to donate. Best of luck. Keeping you in my prayers.

  • Manon MacGregor

    Go Matt! You're an inspiration!

  • The Flannery's

    Matthew, Thank you for sharing your amazing story and for providing hope for the future. We will be keeping you in our prayers !

  • Theos McKinney

    In support of Matthew Hauser.

  • Willis Towers Watson

    WTW Gift Matching - Colleagues emails Student Visionaries of the Year - Team Matthew Hauser

  • Chermol Family

    We are so proud of you Matt!! Continued best wishes for positive progress in all things!! Love the Chermol family xoxo

  • Jamie Finger

    With love, your swim teammates The Fingers (coming in a few days late from the charity swim night!)

  • The Robinson Family

    You are an inspiration, Matthew! Stay strong!

  • Susan Maicke

    Supporting you all the way!

  • Margaret and Raymond Kresge

    We are rooting for you Matt. Keep on inspiring others.

  • Brittany Anderson

    You are an inspiration to us all! Good luck Matt! Thank you for sharing your story with us all.

  • Patricia Bugenhagen

    Best of Luck Matt!!

  • Mary Behler

    Go Matt!!

  • Kerri Marr

    Go Matthew! 💕

  • Anonymous

    In honor of Matthew's amazingness!!

  • Pat Rampolla

    I heard about you through my friend, Cathy. She told me your story and I feel like you are going to do well and go far. Best wishes to you and your loving family.

  • J Sutton

    You are amazing!

  • Susan Mulvey

    You and your family are inspirational. Our family has also been affected by leukemia, and my mom was fortunate enough to benefit from a highly effective, much less toxic treatment. Your goal is important in so many ways. Best of luck.

  • Joseph Rutecki

    You got this Matthew!

  • Ron Cordaro

    You are an inspiration to everyone and so brave.Praying for you the Cordaro family.

  • Ron Latini

    Keep fighting the good fight!

  • Jiri Stejskal

    You are awesome.

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