Students of the Year Westchester-Fairfield

Marni Amsellem | EntrepreCURE'S

Marni's Students of the Year Fundraiser

Mar 12, 2022
Thank you to everyone for making Team EntrepreCURErs efforts a huge and very meaningful success!! The team exceeded their 50K reach goal (and then some!). We could not have done this without your support!

Marni's Students of the Year Fundraiser

Jan 20, 2022

I have signed up to save lives with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) in support of all those who are affected by blood cancers, including my relative who is currently in treatment for Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). I am working to raise as much as possible over the next 7 weeks along with all the members of Team EntrepreCURERs, a group I am proud to be a part of that has been nominated for LLS's Students of the Year.

Team EntrepreCURERS was co-founded and is being led by Nora Amsellem and Ava Lesser, currently high school juniors at the Academy of Information Technology and Engineering in Stamford, CT. The Students of the Year team that collects the most votes (i.e. money) earns the prestigious title of Student or Students of the Year. Will you please help these students achieve their goal?

The Students of the Year Campaign:

Our team goal is to raise $35,000 over the course of these next seven weeks. All money raised benefits the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS), which funds life-saving cancer research and beyond.

Every dollar raised counts as one vote for our campaign. The candidate(s) whose team tallies the most votes earns the title of Students of the Year. Beyond this title, our primary goal is to help cancer patients and save lives.

Your Impact:

Your donations are tax-deductible and such an amazing gift. Over the years, support from people like you has been responsible for numerous advancements in cancer research. You will help fund therapies and treatments that are saving lives. You’ll not only support LLS research, but also patient services, advocacy, public and professional education, and community services.

Thank you so much for your generosity! You are making a positive impact by donating to LLS in support of our campaign.

How to Help:

Please visit this website throughout the campaign for updates and share this link with friends and family through social media and other platforms by clicking the “Tell Your Friends” tab in the bar at the top of the page.

Please consider following our team on Instagram: [@team_entreprecurers] ● Facebook: [Team Entreprecurers] ● Twitter: [@EntrepreCURErs] to more easily share our posts consisting of updates & events!!

For more information about our campaign or LLS, please email us at or visit



  • laura altman

    Good luck in meeting your fundraising goal!

  • Lina Kim

    Keep up the good work!

  • Jennifer Uhrlass

    Great work!

  • Randi Siegal

    Nice work Marni and Nora!!!

  • Deborah Schwartz

    So proud you Nora! Means a lot to me.

  • Albert Emond

    In honor of Dr. Marni Amsellem, the facilitator / coordinator of the Smilow, YNHH, Men's Cancer Support Group, to whom we are all deeply grateful for her services and inspiration over the last four years.

  • Thomas Dolan

    Bless all your efforts in supporting such challenging diseases. I am a fighter personally against Leukemia and will Win!

  • Lindsay and Ty Gluckman

    So proud of you for making a difference for the future of those fighting Leukemia and Lymphoma.


    Thank you and good luck on reaching your goals.

  • Robert Iassogna

    A modest way to show our support for a most worthy cause. Bravo to our fellow cancer warriors

  • Virginia Freire

    We are always so impressed by you, Nora. You have a generous heart and a strong spirit. We are honored to support you and this cause that impacts so many. Good luck reaching your goal -- you are making an incredible difference no matter what!

  • Winnie Leung

    Amazing work!W

  • Joseph Maurer

    Congratulations to Marni's Students of the Year Fundraiser Team from one of Marni's Men's Cancer Support Group. You set a worthy goal and achieved it! Leukemia is a terrible disease for the afflicted and their families. Thank you for the work you did to make a difference.

  • Beth Krueger

    Thrilled to support such an incredible effort ❤️

  • Celia Baer

    Keep up the great work Nora!

  • Tamara and Mark

    Dear Nora, Mark and I are so pleased to donate to your fundraising efforts. Activities like these signal a young woman who cares about others and acts to demonstrate that caring! Brava, Nora! ~Tamara and Mark

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.