Student Visionaries of the Year Central Pennsylvania

Team Answer to Cancer | Answer to Cancer

Team's Student Visionaries of the Year Fundraiser

Feb 20, 2023

The Grand Finale is on March 2nd and it's fast approaching!

We have been overwhelmed with the support we've received so far! There's still plenty of time for $$ donations, and we are actively looking for items that we can package as part of the Grand Finale Silent Auction.  If you know of anything, please let us know!!



We've reached the Halfway point!!

Feb 07, 2023


This week marks the halfway point of our campaign!  We've made some incredible progress, and have been humbled by the incredible support of friends, neighbors, coworkers, and even complete strangers!  

While we've made some great strides, there's still much to do!  We are still looking for additional donations, and recently we've been focusing on the Grand Finale on March 2nd.  We will be doing a lot of work in the coming weeks in gathering donations for the silent and live auctions that will be part of this great event.  If you happen to know anyone, send them our way!




Jan 22, 2023

Cancer doesn't care where you live, so while we are raising money where we live in Central Pennsylvania, the reach of LLS is seen across the United States and the world!

We have an opportunity to show just how far our reach can be by participating in a 50 state challenge! we have till January 25th to see how many donations we can get from all 50 states!  Pennsylvania will be easy, but the other 49 will require some help!!

Spread the word, Even $10.00 will help in the fight against blood cancer!




  • Mike & Geri Sarfert

    So proud of what you girls are doing!!

  • Anonymous

    Kick it off!

  • Kelsey Grady

    From South Dakota!!

  • Tracy

    Way to go Brad and Lucy!!

  • Mike/Deb Zolna

    Representing Colorado

  • Sean Becker

    Thanks for your leadership!

  • Jeneen Ablan

    For most of us, Cancer has stricken one or more of our loved ones. Please donate to help erradicate this terrible disease and also to help with the necessary research to help those struggling with Cancer!

  • Ben W

    Keep up the good work Tibbs family!

  • Jon Borton

    Happy to support this cause Joe. Best of luck in reaching all 50 states.

  • Brian Lane

    GREAT CAUSE! Keep up the good work

  • Tina Creel

    Great work

  • The Brenner's

    Way to go guys!

  • Vanessa Stafford

    Good luck, and thanks for inviting us to be a part of this worthy cause! New Hampshire Hospital Association

  • Carrie L Jensen

    I love the Tibbs family and remember the scary times for Joe before, during and after treatments. His wife Natalie is like one of my daughters!!!. Best friend to my daughter!!! Their children Brad and Lucy’s stories touched my soul. They are an amazingly talented family and they are so bonded and have had great experiences since that phone call that stopped their lives for a time. I am so glad you have Joe aka Dad!!! Love, Carrie “HUGS”

  • Julie Tenan

    What a wonderful project. Thanks for taking this on and showing concern for the health of our fellow human beings.

  • Nicholas and Stacia Smith

    Go Brad and Lucy!!

  • Anonymous

    What a way to support this great organization. Good luck with your goals!

  • Curtis and Shae McEntire

    Happy to support this organization. It's a big reason my great friend Joe is alive today :).

  • Christine Oravets

    For Team Answer to Cancer-Brad and Lucy Tibbs

  • Mike/Deb Zolna

    Keep up the great work you guys are doing. We are cheering you on!!

  • Dawn Hall

    Great job, Brad & Lucy!

  • Dravin Murti

    Happy to support Tibbs, and such a great cause in one!

  • Daneen and Eric Schroder

    Proud of you Brad & Lucy! Your stories about your Dad and your words hope are inspiring! The Schroders

  • larue Pitts

    Brad & Lucky, Thanks for being student visionaries of the year! Good Luck Larue

  • Joe Walsh

    Thank you to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for all to do to expand research and to extend support to those in need. Such a noble cause. Acknowledging Joe Tibbs, Natalie, Brad and Lucy for their twice survival journey. Joe is a inspiration to so many, and a model of optimism for all of us. Recognizing Brad and Lucy for their heroic fundraising efforts, and their investment of philanthropic time and energy. Special appreciation of Natalie for your courage and strength, while navigating incomparable uncertainty. Easy to support you in this giving mission.

  • Brian Webb

    Great job and Congratulations Brad and Lucy!

  • Margie Kasner

    Team KFC is proud of you!

  • Lacey Larson

    I am so proud of you Brad and Lucy!!!

  • Kairi O’Neil

    Karaoke was awesome!! #KairiO

  • Karen Krok

    Best of luck!

  • John Robinson

    Thanks so much for your commitment to LLS - you are making a difference!

  • Anonymous

    No one can say it better than Joe Walsh! "Thank you to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for all to do to expand research and to extend support to those in need. Such a noble cause. Acknowledging Joe Tibbs, Natalie, Brad and Lucy for their twice survival journey. Joe is a inspiration to so many, and a model of optimism for all of us. Recognizing Brad and Lucy for their heroic fundraising efforts, and their investment of philanthropic time and energy. Special appreciation of Natalie for your courage and strength, while navigating incomparable uncertainty. Easy to support you in this giving mission."

  • Pascale Marty-Ethgen

    Go Team Tibbs!!!

  • Thomas Kitchen Jr

    Oreos are the best! -Tom & Kara

  • Tiffany Hetrick

    Joe ~ your courageous journey has inspired many and we pray it continues with infinite years of great health. Brad and Lucy ~ keep the amazing dedication and awareness to this cause coming!!!

  • Kaylynne Keyrouze

    I Love Brad

  • Geary Family

    Good luck with fundraising for this wonderful cause!

  • Maria Elias

    Way to go Lucy and Brad!

  • Mike/Deb Zolna

    Good luck you guys. I’ll be watching. And please let me know how else I can support you.

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.