Students of the Year Central Pennsylvania

Meghan McNally | Team M.E.G.

Meghan's Students of the Year Fundraiser

Jan 05, 2022

I am excited to announce that I am running for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Student of the Year in 2022! Students of the Year is a leadership development program for high school students who compete in a 7-week fundraising campaign designed to raise awareness and funds for blood cancers. The campaign will be from January 6 - February 24.  


I am running in memory of my mom, Ginger. When I was only 10 years old my mom went back to work at Penn State Hershey Medical Center on the 7th floor Cancer Institute as a night shift secretary. Only a few months after starting back at work she was diagnosed with Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia and became a patient on the same floor she worked on.  She immediately started treatment consisting of chemotherapy, radiation, a bone marrow transplant, and clinical trials. Along the way we built a family of doctors, nurses, family, and friends all fighting with my mom and my family. 


As we awaited her “homecoming” to our family after months of treatment, she contracted an infection and was sent to the ICU on Thanksgiving weekend only a few weeks after her bone marrow transplant. The fear that I felt while staying at my cousin's house for days and not being able to see my mom is a fear that no child or adult should have to feel. About a month later, and only a few days before Christmas, my mom passed away on December 17th, 2015. My brothers and I were 13, 11, and 9 years old at the time. 


Cancer simply should not exist and through my Student of the Year campaign I am going to help cure cancer for good. 


I truly appreciate all of the support for my team, Team MEG! I am so excited to help patients and families dealing with a blood cancer diagnosis and to beat cancer for good!


Meghan's Students of the Year Fundraiser

Oct 25, 2021

I have signed up to save lives with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) and am working to raise as much as possible over the next 7 weeks. Every dollar raised counts as one vote for my campaign. The candidate(s) whose team tallies the most votes earns the prestigious title of Student or Students of the Year. Will you help me earn that title?
As you know, everyone wins when cancer loses. Thanks to your support, my efforts will help fund therapies and treatments that are saving lives. Over the years, support from people like you has been responsible for the blood cancer advancements that have doubled, tripled, and in some cases quadrupled the survival rate for some blood cancers.
Many LLS-supported therapies not only help blood cancer patients but are also now used to treat patients with rare forms of stomach and skin cancers and are in clinical trials for patients with lung, brain, breast, pancreatic and prostate cancers. And LLS-funded drugs like targeted therapies and immunotherapies are now saving thousands of lives every day.
We really are getting close to our goal of a world without blood cancers!
All donations are greatly appreciated and tax-deductible. They'll not only support LLS research, but patient services, advocacy, public and professional education, and community services as well.
Please visit my website often and tell friends who would also like to donate!
On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere, thank you for your support! For more information about LLS, please visit

On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere I thank you for your support!
For more information about LLS, please visit



  • Eileen McNally

    Team M.E.G. I’m very proud of your efforts and what you are doing in honoring our dear Ginger who we lost and raising money so other children will not experience the unending trama of losing someone they loved and loved them.

  • Lauren Orazi

    Thank you for your fundraising efforts. My dad was diagnosed with multiple myeloma a number of years ago, so the work of LLS is personally very meaningful to me. You are making the world a better place.

  • Ruth and Rob Kepler

    Thank you Meg for your efforts to remember your mom in such an amazing way. We love you!!

  • Ray Davis

    I applaud your efforts, Meghan, I ran for LLS Man of the Year twice -- it was one of the best experiences of my life. Wishing you best of luck!

  • Cole Evans

    Good luck with the fundraiser!!! I love what you are doing, such a strong person. Much love to you and your Family hope to see you soon! ❤️

  • Judith Katz

    In honor of Meagan who I feel like she’s another granddaughter

  • Ella Roland

    Meghan this is so unbelievably awesome! Keep on crushing it. Girl boss!!!

  • Edward & Kristi Jordan

    What a wonderful way to honor Ginger. Megan, you renew our faith in the youth of today and we applaud your efforts for this worthy cause. Best of luck! Ed & Kristi Jordan

  • Marlene Cline

    Proud of you.Thank you for doing this so no one will need to face what we had to endure.Love you for your strength and caring of others.Grandma

  • Brendan Kerchner

    I'm so proud of you Meggy!

  • Annette Newcomb

    Donating on behalf of your mom, my friend who is in remission from Leukemia, and everyone else suffering from blood cancer. You go, young lady! ❤️

  • Drew Knasiak

    Ginger McNally became part of our family when she married my cousin, John. Ginger was truly a friendly, gracious, kind woman. She was cheerful and fun to talk to whenever we got together for family reunions and other family events. Ginger and John raised three wonderful children - JJ, Meghan, and Joe. We share their love for Ginger, wife and mother, as well as their grief over her loss.

  • Angela Kauffman

    I’m so proud of you, Meghan and your efforts to fight this disease!

  • The Musser Family

    Ginger was a beautiful person with a beautiful heart and she would be very proud of you and your brothers! The Musser Family

  • Shirlynn Mottilla

    Donating in memory of your wonderful Mom. I worked with her at Hershey Medical Center in the SICU. Not only was she beautiful but she had a beautiful soul too.

  • Bradley and Chris Forman

    So proud of you !!

  • Amy Zewe

    Meghan, You are an inspiration to so many!!!

  • The Rickers

    Megan: From the moment we saw your smile we knew that you are blessed with your Mom's amazing positive spirit. We are so proud of you and honored that you included us in this effort to make the world a better place. You must bring happiness to everyone you see each day!

  • Sheri & Michael Solomon

    Meg, this is a touching and important effort by you in your mom's memory. We're happy to support you. Sheri and Michael Solomon

  • Tammy L Shearer

    Love and Hugs!

  • Julia Gigliotti

    Student of the Year!

  • Col Cenk

    In honor of my brother who lives with chronic CML.

  • Madison Kleinfelter

    Good luck with your fundraiser!! I love you!!

  • Mary Allison

    Meghan, you are a lovely young woman and your mom would be so proud!

  • Scott Cooper

    I’m so proud of you, Meghan and your efforts! You are an example to all!

  • Schmidt Kramer PC

    Best wishes for a successful fundraiser in memory of your Mother!

  • Maureen Fajt

    Good Luck Meghan!

  • Jill Dolce

    Meghan, good luck with the fundraiser!

  • Elissa & Ken Arch

    Good luck with your very worthwhile cause. We're sure your mom would have been very proud of you! Elissa & Ken Arch

  • Anonymous

    Good Luck Meghan!

  • Kirsten and Andrew Giorgione

    Meghan, we are so proud of you! You are going to crush this campaign!

  • Kathy&Todd Kazdan

    We are happy to be part of Team MEG! The brochure, website, pics, & video are such a beautiful tribute to your Mom. You were so composed & positive in your video: you 100% get our vote for student of the year!

  • Scott Wyland

    We are pleased to support your hard work, Meghan. Scott and Michele Wyland

  • David Blain

    Good luck Meghan. Your mom was a wonderful person and your commitment to this fight in her memory is most honorable.

  • Sheila McHugh

    Love and miss you Ginger!!

  • Rose French

    Best Wishes on reaching your goal!! Friend of Aunt Karen

  • Pamela Lei

    Thank you for everything you are doing to help others. You should be very proud of yourself. Our son has just had his second bone marrow transplant this past year. We are so happy to donate and help someone else.

  • Shawn Coleman

    What a wonderful campaign! Thank you for your efforts!

  • Kathy & Robert Kay

    Way to go Meghan! Your mom would be so very proud! ??

  • Kevin McNeill

    I’m so proud of you, Meg. All the work you’ve done is absolutely amazing. Keep up the great work; you are doing so much to help so many families. 💜

  • Eric Anderson

    Keep on climbing that hill. 😀

  • Katie Pennay

    Ginger was an amazing woman! I'm blessed to have known and worked with her. And it is an honor to support you in this cause.

  • Sharray Kleinfelter

    Meg, I am so very proud of you. From the moment you were born, I knew you would change the world and make it a better place to be. Your dedication and love always shines through. Sending lots of love your way!

  • Staci O'Byle

    I lost my grandma to lymphoma so I appreciate your passion and dedication to such a worthy cause. Thank you for fighting for those who cannot.

  • Beth Dolbow

    Good luck with your goal Meghan!

  • The Garcia Family

    I hope you reach your goals, Meghan, and help families living with this horrible illness. Your mom must be so proud of you!

  • The Berger Family

    Go Meghan!

  • Robert Graci

    So proud that you're in this competition, Meghan! You've already won in my view! Keep up the great work for such a wonderful cause.

  • Meg and Luke Bernstein

    Best of luck Meghan! We are so proud of your efforts and know your MOM and dad are too! Sincerely, Meg and Luke Bernstein

  • Michelle McKeown

    Way to go Meg! I too lost my mom to cancer. Kudos to you for turning a bad situation into good.

  • Maria DiSanto

    Dear Meghan, We are so proud of you for running for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Student of the Year in memory of your mom. Good luck with the fundraiser. Your mom is smiling at you! Senator John & Maria DiSanto

  • Kelly Fry

    Dear Meghan, We are so moved by your passion to honor your beautiful mom by building bridges with those who want to help create awareness and support this worthy cause. We love your passionate efforts!! Rich and Kelly Fry and Family

  • Todd and Megan Michael

    Best wishes for a successful campaign. — The Michael Family

  • Ella Roland

    You continue to absolutely crush it Meghan!!! T-shirt payment :))))

  • Ashlyn Wissler

    This is an awesome thing you are doing and I wish you great success!!

  • Steve and Colleen DeFrank

    Good luck Meghan. You've got this!

  • Anna Conway

    Supporting MEG from Alabama!

  • Cathleen Palm

    Every mom should be so celebrated and remembered. What a gift you remain to her!

  • Michelle Fischer

    Thank you for all you are doing to honor your Mother, and bring help to those diagnosed with a blood cancer.

  • Marty Rogoff

    You're doing wonderful work!

  • Aurielle Modster (friend of Eileen’s)

    Good luck, Meg!

  • McKendall & Assoc

    Team Meg

  • Gregory Castellane

    Way to go Meghan!

  • Susan Thurston

    Congratulations on this worthwhile effort in helping to fight cancer.

  • MaiLing Gaw

    Aloha! Best to all.

  • Gale Shank

    Your Mom was an awesome person. Miss her smile and laughter. Think of her often.

  • Colleen Kadel

    Best wishes, Meghan! I loved reading your story and my heart goes out to you, your family, and everyone affected by this awful disease.

  • Lindsey McCloy

    I lost my mom to cancer 2 years ago. Prayers to you and your family. Thank you for raising awareness and funds to help others fight.

  • Bill & Jodi Shuey

    Meghan, You, JJ and Joe certainly are Mom's Everlasting Gift!! Let's find the cure - GO TEAM MEG!!! The Shuey Family

  • Anonymous

    Supporting Team M.E.G.

  • Joseph and Carmina McGarry

    Meghan Best Wishes on your fundraising efforts in memory of your Mom, Ginger. We can only imagine how proud she would be of your hard work and how proud your Dad and family are of you. We pray that you reach your goal and achieve Student of the Year status. Love Joe and Carmina McGarry (Rick and Karen's Pittsburgh cousins)

  • Jennifer Brown

    Cheering you on Megan!

  • Vishio Family

    Ginger joined our family when she married my cousin John. It was always nice seeing her at family gatherings - always smiling & laughing. Wishing you the best of luck for Student if the Year!! - The Vishio Family

  • Anonymous

    John, It’s a honor and pleasure to make this donation on behalf of your wife Ginger who was such a great person. Brian

  • Anonymous

    Keep up the good work ... and SMILE!! :-)

  • Rebecca Sands

    Best of luck with your endeavor!

  • Aaron Hoke

    Good luck with all of your efforts Meghan!

  • Scott Paterno


  • Bruce Roscher

    Thank you for speaking at Colonial Park Rotary!!

  • The Marinak Family

    Keep up the awesome Meghan! We are so proud of you!

  • Laurie Tacik

    Great job Meghan! I am so proud of you. The video was so touching. Laurie T (your aunt Eileen's friend).

  • The Libhart family

    Sorry I was unable to attend your event last night at the Hilton!; keep up the great work in support of such a meaningful cause!

  • Central Dauphin Girls Lacrosse Booster Club

    We are so proud of you Meghan! Good luck to you and Team MEG! - The Central Dauphin Girls Lacrosse Booster Club

  • Tom and Kathy Sposito

    Way to go Meghan your mother and dad are very proud of you. I have known your dad since we were little kids at St Margaret Mary's....and your mom since before they were married. What an awesome cause and great example you are setting. Best wishes Tom and Kathy Sposito

  • Rebecca James

    Meg, I love that you are doing this! Your mom was an amazing person and I looked forward to every conversation we had. You remind me of her in many ways. Love ya!

  • Justin McShane

    For the McNallys and for Mary Kay Reber who is running

  • Ellen and Paul Romano

    Best of luck with the fundraising, Megan. Your mom was a very special person… best, Paul and Ellen Romano

  • Steve Clemens

    Bowling (Addie’s lane)

  • Szobocsan family

    Go Team Meg! The Szobocsan family

  • Central Dauphin Boys Lacrosse Boosters

    We are proud to support your campaign Meghan!

  • Carrie Lepore

    Bowling! Best of luck, Meg! Go Team MEG!

  • R Hanna Enterprises LLC

    Bowling Lane

  • Danielle Junk-Yost

    Thank you for fund raising for LLS! At the age of 25, with a 15 month old daughter, I was diagnosed with stage IV Hodgkin’s. After a long year full of treatment and surgeries, I went in to remission. By the grace of God I am here today, 13 years later. I will always actively support this cause. No one should have to go through blood cancer and the pain that comes along with it. Thank you for being an outstanding young lady and helping all of the individuals that have been touched by Leukemia or Lymphoma.

  • Jessica Singer

    Great Work Meg! Always North Side proud of you! Good luck!

  • Lee Chromiec

    Meghan, your mom was a beautiful person and she would be so proud of your efforts in this endeavor.

  • Frank and Patti Gertzen

    Meghan - good luck this is a great cause. I wish had the means to support you and all or your team more. Good Luck Frank Gertzen

  • Walter and Laurie Pae

    In loving memory of Ginger💕

  • Greg and Sarah Axtman

    We want this to sponsor a lane at your bowling fundraiser! Sorry we are unable to attend but we salute you, admire you, and know your mom is smiling upon you. Thanks for including us!

  • Sandra Lehrer

    This donation is in memory of my brother Jake who passed away from Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma at 46.

  • Hollisters

    Bowling lane for Killian & friends

  • Mad Dash

    We are happy to donate to the Team MEG fundraiser

  • Steve Clemens

    Second bowling lane:)

  • JC & Tonya Collins

    The Collins Family gives to support the McNally’s, The Hannah’s, my cousin Todd who lost his battle & all those personally touched & passionate about finding a cure for blood cancers.

  • Lynsey Burnett

    Good luck Megan. Eileen told us about your fund-raising efforts. A good friend of mine lost her husband to Multiple Myeloma.


    Great Job Meghan, keep up the good work! Your mom is so proud watching from above!!

  • Becky Rusbatch

    Good luck Meghan!

  • Florence Trego

    Good work, Meghan. I’m a friend of your Aunt Eileen and we are very proud of you.

  • Kimberle

    Sincerely Missed but never Forgotten

  • Nick and Kristin Knasiak

    Good luck with a worthy cause! Keep up the great work! From your cousins Nick and Kristin Knasiak.

  • Matt & Chris Purcell

    Megan, What a wonderful way to honor your mom! We know she is looking down upon you and feeling very proud.

  • James Tinnyo

    Dear Meghan, Happy to make this donation in your mom's name. My best to you, your dad and the rest of your family. Jim Tinnyo

  • The Jacobs Family

    Best of luck Meghan, thanks for representing the Central Dauphin family with grace and honor. Your mom would be so proud! The Jacobs Family

  • Andrea Britton

    Thank you for making a difference!

  • Donna & Dave Schankweiler

    Best of luck, Meghan. You are such an inspiration to so many. Donna and Dave Schankweiler

  • Annmarie Robey

    Best wishes to Team MEG! Annmarie

  • Sammie, David and Ian

    So proud of you. Much love to the whole family!

  • Steffi Devine

    Best of luck Meghan!!!

  • Lee Smigel

    So proud of you! Jane and Lee

  • Joanne Boyden

    Meghan's story and her dedication to raising funds and awareness of this disease is inspiring. Way to go Meghan!!

  • Bradley Forman

    Congratulations Meg!!!

  • Evelyn and Tom Heitman

    Hi Meghan! I'm a good friend of your aunt Eileen, and I think it is wonderful what you're doing to help stamp out cancer. I hope you meet your fundraising goal : ). We wish you all the best. Evelyn and Tom Heitman

  • Jill Glass

    This is for a bowling lane!

  • Mark and Bobbie Van Buskirk

    Great Job Meghan!

  • Adrienne Burns

    I'm impressed with your efforts to honor your mom's memory and fight this terrible disease!

  • Anonymous

    God bless all families that have had a loved one that has had cancer affect their lives.

  • David Zwifka & Kenneth J. Suter

    Meghan, this is a wonderful tribute to your mother!

  • Lois Sucheski

    I am so proud of you and your devotion to your mom.You are so very special!

  • Nester and Mathias Dental Associates, P.C.

    Best Wishes to Team MEG from Nester & Mathias Dental Associates!

  • David Freed

    Meghan we are happy to support this awesome effort! The Freed Family

  • Corinne and Tim Hennen

    Meghan, What a wonderful tribute to your mom! We wish all the very best. Corinne and Tim Hennen

  • Jill & Matt Tenny

    Your mom's light shines on in you, Meghan! We love you!

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