Student Visionaries of the Year Fresno

Team Eagles | Team Eagles


  • Lucy Brown

    Great job Cadence & Gianna

  • Christina Musson-Rendon

    Go #TeamEagles!

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthdays Gabriels!

  • Anonymous

    Company match

  • Dana Butcher Associates

    Keep doing good things in this world girls! You are making a difference!

  • Liberty PTC

    Love Liberty PTC

  • Rhonda Loogman

    Such a great cause to get behind.

  • George Rasmussen

    Proud of you Gianna, such a great cause.

  • Patrick Burr

    Great Job Ladies!!!! You will touch lives far and wide more than you will ever know. Oh yeah almost forgot…..GO VOLS!!!

  • Angelo Stalis

    Thank you for raising money for LLS. I'm Zoe Perez's Papou

  • Stephanie Lee

    Great job Gianna & Cadence! Wishing you the BEST!

  • Laura Clendenning

    Students visionary Gianna Ruth

  • Jena Fields

    So proud of you girls!!!

  • Joseph Hirsch

    So wonderful that you are embracing this cause and supporting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's work.

  • Roger Hayashi, OD

    Good luck Gianna and Cadence, thank you helping a great cause!

  • Quincy Pondexter

    Love what you guys are doing! Keep it up

  • Terry & Kimberly Slatic

    Will always support a fundraiser for Leukemia and KMJ. The Slatic Family

  • Vance Walberg

    Wish everyone the best

  • Gregory Lane

    Please donate


    Kick Cancer!

  • Taryn Hansen

    Great work ladies! Be proud of your efforts to make a difference in our community and in the lives of those you serve. ??

  • Andrea Shubin

    Keep up the good work!

  • Jessica Krigbaum

    Great job!

  • Brad, Sara, Ethan & Audrey Brech

    Cadence, Good Luck Team Eagles!

  • Kevin and Sarah Heinonen

    We are happy to contribute to this wonderful cause!! Our prayers for continued support and overall success in your efforts! Love, Auntie Sarah and Uncle Kevin :-)

  • Anonymous

    Cadence +Gianna

  • Anonymous

    Fingers crossed that you exceed your goal. May we never lose hope for a cure someday.

  • Betty Ann Lee

    Thank you for working for such a worthy cause.

  • Toni Lindeleaf

    Memo: Cadence & Gianna

  • Jose Landey

    Great cause!

  • Melissa Sperling

    Go girls! you can do it, can't wait to hear when you've reached your goal. Best Wishes from the Sperling Family

  • Angela Morita

    Happy to donate. Good job young ladies!!

  • Cadence's Uncle Teddy in Savannah

    Great job, Cadence and Gianna! This is such a worthy cause. Thank you for taking the initiative to lead this effort to raise $$$! Yall are #1 in my book....Just like the Georgia Bulldawgs! Woof!

  • Pat & Mim Kessler

    We're honored to be a part of this. Thank you for including us, and for all you do to help families!

  • Martin Lenz

    Here to help and support Cadence and Gianna in support of their friend Beka!

  • The Strunk Family

    Good luck, Gianna and Cadence!

  • Renee Flores

    Good job Gianna.

  • Patrick Mee

    Love the Team Name! Go Birds! Good Luck Ladies!

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