Student Visionaries of the Year Fresno

Team Burton | Team Burton

Team's Student Visionaries of the Year Fundraiser

Feb 23, 2023

Dear Friends & Family,

I am honored to announce that I am a candidate for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Student Visionary of the Year.  This is a 7 week campaign that runs from March 2, 2023 to April 21, 2023, with the main goal of raising money and advocating for LLS.  I am writing to you today to ask for your support in my efforts to help the LLS mission to ensure access to cures and treatments for all types of Blood Cancers.   

I have come together with many friends and family members, who are committed to working as a team with me on this journey.  Our goal is to raise $50,000.  All profits will go directly to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and 100% of your donation is tax deductible.   

Blood Cancer has personally affected me in many ways.  My cousin, Gary, was diagnosed in 2015 with Leukemia.  Sadly, he passed away less than a month after his diagnosis.  In continuation, a close family-friend, Meri, was also diagnosed with Leukemia in 2018.  She too passed away less than a month after diagnosis.  I had the greatest honor of knowing both Gary and Meri.  The impact they had on my life is one I will never forget.  Therefore, I have made this decision in accepting this nomination in their honor.  Gary and Meri were some of the most selfless people I have had the privilege of knowing.  If they were here today, I know that they would stand with me in this campaign. 

With your help, you can help LLS and many other families with this fight against Blood Cancers.  Also, through achieving this goal, I am able to link a research fund with the LLS in Gary and Meri’s name.  I thank you in advance for partnering with a campaign so close to my heart.  With your decision, you are making a big difference, even with a small effort.  Here are the 3 ways to make your tax-deductible contribution by April 19, 2023

  • You may mail a check to 7491 N. Remington Ave., Suite 101, Fresno, CA 93711,  made payable to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) with “Team Burton” in the memo portion of the check.  

  • You may make an online donation to this webpage and follow along with my journey

  • If you are interested in corporate sponsorship opportunities or would like to donate an auction item, please contact me at 559-474-5635.  

Thank you for your much appreciated contribution to my campaign!


Mia Burton, 17 
Team Burton 




  • Yeceniha Martinez

    Phenomenal work towards a great cause!

  • tammie boehm

    Our donation is in honor of a dear friend. God's blessing as you take up this cause.

  • Stacy Bennett

    We are so proud of you Mia!

  • Mike Phelps

    So proud of you, Mia. Just the beginning of how God is using you for good in this world.

  • Alice Tesei

    Sweet Meri❤ TEAM BURTON

  • Kristina Pasma

    Such a worthy cause. Cancer is a horrible disease. Our prayers to all those suffering

  • Philip and Patti Devine, MD

    Anne Prentice is one of our best friends for 32 years. We knew Gary, her brother, and were deeply saddened when he passed. As physicians we know all too well the struggles that patients who are dealing with illness endure. We are honored to contribute to such a worthy cause.

  • Louanne Brunolli & John Pentorali

    A very worthy cause; you are a rock star, Mia!

  • Karen Richards

    I grew up next door to Anne and Gary Prentice in Sacramento. I was so saddened when Anne lost her brother. Gary was very special to many people.

  • Marina Drake

    You are doing awesome Mia!

  • Lori Combs

    I have two dear friends who passed from leukemia and lymphoma. Thank you so much for your efforts in raising money and advocating for those with this disease, Mia! ❤️ Go Team Burton!

  • Henry & Julie Gonzalez

    Honored to donate!

  • Giana & Hozer Hernandez

    Such a remarkable thing you are doing at your age Mia, so awesome!! Glad to contribute :)


    I'm so proud of all you are doing, Mia!!!! ??

  • Andrea Burton

    THANK YOU to all of our Family & Friends that have supported our campaign through generous donations, HIGH Fitness, Egg Hunts, and more! We appreciate you!

  • Andrea Burton

    Thank you to MOJOS Catering in Madera, Madera Unified Teachers and Students for hosting coin boxes in their classrooms, Karen Brown, and Anna Rodriguez!

  • Naomi Follett

    Mia, you're a champ! Stay focused and you will soar.....

  • Mary Lisa Fernandez

    John and I hope you meet your goal to raise $50,000.

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.