Student Visionaries of the Year Bakersfield

Cancer Kicking Crew | Team Cancer Kicking Crew


  • Leslie Johnston

    Go Cancer Kicking Crew!

  • Ann Gonzales

    Thanks for your thoughtful and inspiring vision for such a worthy cause!

  • Craig Harrison

    Good luck to the Cancer Kicking Crew! Craig Harrison

  • Greg and Gina Wegis

    Good work Cancer Kicking Crew. Glad to help for a good cause!!

  • The Wideman Company

    May peace and health overflow!

  • Christopher Wideman

    For the cancer kicking crew.

  • Fredrick Wegis

    Keep up the good work

  • Monica Nazareno

    Keep fighting the good fight girls. Cancer better watch out. So proud of all the hard work you have put into this campaign. Always, Auntie Monica

  • Heather Fish

    Great work, Kate! We are so proud of you! ~ Heather (Fish, Jeff (Benecchi) and Tate!

  • Joe Hay

    Go Team Cancer Kicking Crew!

  • Diocese of Fresno Education Corporation

    Ice cream sale

  • Heather Cook

    Marley Dewar

  • WN Citrus & Johnston Farms

    Keep pushing. Keep moving forward.

  • The Jones Family

    Go Team Cancer Kicking Crew!

  • John & Laura Orradre

    Let’s Go Girls! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

  • Renewable Resources Group

    Great work. Thank you for your leadership. RRG

  • Central Valley Ag Partners

    Great Job. You are all making a difference.

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