Students of the Year Los Angeles

Diane Lee | Team Illuminate

Diane's Students of the Year Fundraiser

Jan 17, 2021

Hey all, welcome to my fundraising page for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). Let me briefly explain our mission and the foundation we are supporting.

A few months ago, a student of mine, Naomi Kao, told me about her campaign to raise funds for LLS. This foundation had been so important to her in providing relief for affected friends, teachers, and family members, so she was inspired to flagship a fundraising team to bolster their resources. She asked me if I'd like to join. I agreed.

I encourage you to support The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society by making a donation to this fundraising campaign. By donating to LLS, you support the many facets of their mission work: investing in research, providing education and support to patients, and advocating for legislation to help those living with cancer. Every bit donated to LLS brings us closer to our goal to end blood cancer and makes an impact for cancer patients and their families.

You can donate in good conscience; of each dollar donated through this campaign, approximately $0.95 feeds directly to the research on and treatment of leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, and myeloma. LLS is the largest voluntary health agency dedicated to blood cancer. They've received a GuideStar's Platinum Seal of Transparency by voluntarily sharing the measures of progress and results they use to pursue their mission. 

The cost of good health should not be debilitating. With healthcare under severe strain as of late, I ask you to consider providing whatever aid you can.

I've provided some extra information as stated by LLS down below. And because I love a good (read: bad) pun, I'll use their tagline to sign off: We can do this. Beating cancer is in our blood.


As a global leader in the fight to end cancer, LLS is committed to doing more for blood cancer patients and families than any organization in the world. LLS’s signature fundraising campaigns drive critical support for its mission, including a nearly $1.3 billion investment in cutting edge cancer research worldwide since it was founded in 1949. Since the 1960s, survival rates for many blood cancer patients have doubled, tripled, or even quadrupled.

Every facet of LLS’s mission – research, education and support, and policy and advocacy – work in harmony to put blood cancer patients and their families first. LLS has helped millions impacted by cancer throughout its more than 70-year history, even funding breakthrough blood cancer research to advance lifesaving treatments and cures that is now helping patients with other cancers and diseases. That is why at LLS we say that beating cancer is in our blood.

Please visit my website as often as you can and share it with everyone you know who would also like to join us in the fight against cancer. Together, we have the power, the passion and the resolve to achieve a world without blood cancer. All donations are tax-deductible.

On behalf of cancer patients and their families everywhere, I sincerely thank you for your support!

For more information about LLS, please visit




  • Rebecca Gloyer

    blood for the blood god!!

  • Hazuki Yokota


  • Kylie Hirasawa


Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.