SVMB Students of the Year
Christina Vo | Team Can-cer Vive
Welcome to Christina Vo's SOY Fundraising Page!
Thank you for visiting my LLS fundraising page!
My name is Christina Vo and I'm a freshman at Silver Creek High School along with my fellow team members from SCHS making up our Team Can-Cer Vive. I have accepted the nomination to be a candidate for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Students of the Year fundraising campaign, which is a group of elite students selected to raise funds for the mission to vie for the title of “Student of the Year”. This campaign runs from January 5th through February 24th, 2018.
The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the largest non-profit organization dedicated to curing and providing care to all blood cancer patients. The Students of the Year (SOY) campaign is an opportunity for high school students to make a difference. Our fundraiser donations will go directly to LLS in their mission to find a cure and in turn help the development of other cancer treatmentsThis campaign is an opportunity to fight back against a vicious disease that spares no expense. I want to raise critical dollars in honor of everyone who is currently battling or is in remission from a blood cancer. The candidate team who raises the most money at the end of the seven weeks is named Student of the Year and I'm proud to be supporting my team.
When you hear about the word cancer, you hear of t
he struggle, the pain, and the tears that come with it. This is why I am a part of the Student of the year program for LLS, because I have the opportunity to relieve those peoples’ pain, to save lives through the best of my abilities, and taking my own stand in the fight against cancer. And with every determined person battling cancer there are determined people working to make sure a cure is found, and to make sure less and less people have to face cancer. Being a part of this campaign and having a connection with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, LLS, inspires me to make a change, as cheesy as it sounds, it’s true. To know that with this step I can change lives and take the initiative to be the change I seek in this world.
Each penny, dime, and dollar is a step forward in this battle. And not only is there more support for LLS-funded research but donating helps providing critical information, support for patients, and support advocacy for laws to ensure patients can access the care and treatments they need. I cannot do it alone, I need your help. YOU can save someone’s life. These are a few ways you can support my fundraising efforts:
via my personal fundraising page:
Help me secure a corporate sponsorship (Sponsorships start at $2500 and sponsors receive Gala benefits & fully tax-deductible)
Help me secure a matching gift through your company towards Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Silicon Valley Monterey Bay (please include Team Can-Cer Vive or my name, Christina Vo as a note, if possible) and send me a screenshot of the matching gift paperwork to my email:
And no worries if you are unable to donate, please share my message & fundraising link with your contacts via email or social media
No matter how much you are able to give, every penny counts. Not only will we be forever grateful for your support, but so will the families we are able to help. Together. Thank you once again for your generosity and support. Your help will truly make a difference, making us one step closer to a cure for blood cancers.
Please visit our website often and bring friends who would also like to donate! On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere, I thank you for your support!

I thank you for your ongoing dedication to this campaign! I wish you good luck in your campaign efforts!
Julie Freedman hallgren
Christina Vo, thanks for your dedication
Chris Ho
Keep it up, Christina!
Freeman Orthodontics
Happy to Help!-Freeman Orthodontics
Co Le
Glad to help you out!
Keep strong!