May 02, 2016

In January 2010, Larry Saltzman (Dr Larry) was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and small cell lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL). Not deterred by this diagnosis Larry persevered and trained and ran the Boston Marathon three years in a row, 2012, the year of extreme heat, 2013, the year of the bombing, and 2014, immediately following a six-month course of chemotherapy. Each year while training for the grueling 26.2-mile run he raised needed funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, (LLS).  

On December 4, I am joining Dr Larry’s Team by participating in the California International Marathon (CIM) to further his efforts to raise funds for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). Each year it is estimated that 150,000 people are diagnosed with blood cancers. Dr Larry’s Team goal is to raise one dollar for each new person diagnosed in a calendar year and I invite you to help us with our efforts.

LLS's continued advancements over the years are responsible for the blood cancer survival rate doubling and tripling; in some cases, the survival rate has even quadrupled.

And many LLS supported therapies not only help blood cancer patients but are now used to treat patients with rare forms of stomach and skin cancers. They're even being tested in clinical trials for patients with a range of cancers including lung, brain, breast, pancreatic and prostate cancers. LLS funded drugs are now being tested for patients with other non-cancerous diseases like Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Multiple Sclerosis.

Please join me in supporting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) by making a donation to my fundraising campaign. Thanks to your support my efforts will help fund the therapies and treatments and help save lives today.

Together, we really are changing the face of blood cancer.

All donations are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible. They'll not only support LLS research but patient services, advocacy, public and professional education, and community services as well.

Please visit our website often and bring friends who would also like to donate. And, if you would like to learn more about Dr Larry, you can read and watch some videos on our team site:

On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere I thank you for your support.



Love your amazing outlook and can do attitude; happy to honor Larry & Janie!
Brooke Rosenstein,
You are an inspiration on so many levels. One step at a time. We won't be here on the 4th but I know it will be a great day.. Patsy and Michael Dinstell
Patsy Dinstell,
Go Larry..... You are an inspiration!! Love, Robin and John Appelbaum
Robin and John Appelbaum,
You and Sharon remain an inspiration to so many. I believe that miracle is coming your way this time. I look forward to seeing you in 2017.
Richard Luze,
You and Agent 99 are doing great. Have a wonderful run. I hope the Cubs continue their success unless they play the Giants. Tim and Debbie
Tim and Debbie Zeff,
Keep on running and speaking out about LLS, no cone of silence for you!
Barbara & Bruce Berg,
Thank you for sharing your magic with us all. Sharyn and Lloyd Rich
Sharyn and Lloyd Rich,
In honor of Larry Saltzman and Janie Gumpert.
Judy Persin,
With all our love, Sherry & Will
Sherry and Will,
In honor of Larry Salesman from Eileen Lubars
Eileen Lubars,
Larry & Sharon - You both are an inspiration to anyone with a serious health concern. We are so happy that you are in remission and look forward to hearing much more good news from you in the future. Our good thoughts and prayers are with you for continued good health and improvement. Fondly Linda & Klaus
Linda Winter,
Happy to support such a courageous fighter as you, Dr. Larry! You give hope to so many others.
Deborah Matz,
Go Team Larry! Keep shining.
Karen & David Wacker,
We're praying for you!
Bernard Goldberg,
May your miracles multiply, endure, and make you well.
Maury Gloster,
keep it up=you help so many
Larry we will continue to cheer you on!!!! You are amazing!! GO TEAM LARRY!!!!!!
Randi Gold,
Cheering you on, Dr. Larry!!
Cathi White,
Good luck at the CIM.
Robert Sykes,
Larry, you and Sharon are an inspiration to all of us. We will be cheering you on at the marathon. Patty Garcia and Jim Mattesich
So strong and positive. Keep up the great work.
Larry Goldman,
Your strength and courage is an inspirtation...Marci Davis and Bob Schneider
Marci Davis and Bob Schneider,
Larry, we continue to follow your amazing journey. Good luck in the upcoming race. Francis & George Seelke
Francis & George Seelke,
I dedicate this to my dad, who died last year at the age of 94, of bladder cancer and COPD. he lived a great life, and I miss him. I'm donating because Larry was my doctor before he got sick, and I really like him. He's one of the nicest, kindest people I've known, and my wish is that he beats this cancer and runs many more marathons.
Rick Sterner,
Best of luck
Scarlet La Rue,
To: Larry Saltzman. Praying for a successful outcome.
Henry Zaretsky,
Miss you!
Michael Krinsky,
Cancer = FEAR? Apparently not for you! You are one of those inspirational individuals who are redefining the meaning of FEAR as "Face Everything And Rise"! Thank you for what you are doing for LLS and their research portfolio, which represents a true "Gateway to Cancer Cures"!
Ingo Gefeke,
Keep fighting Uncle Larry!
Jeff Saltzman,
This is so much easier than requiring us to run in support! Keep up the good fight.
Hope and Jeff Rabinovitz,
We admire your courage and perseverance and applaud your efforts to help others.
Susan and Bruce Kelley,
Pamela we love you! Larry-Thumbs Up! Louis Elfenbaum and Elizabeth Lefcort
Louis Elfenbaum,
So proud of you Larry. fight on!
Hilda and Jack Harouni,
Pat and I will be there to see the race! Great job you are doing! Cheers, Linda Allgood
Linda Allgood,
Your strength and courage is inspiring - stay strong
Eric Geiger / STYLEYES,
Dear Larry and Sharon, wishing you continued success with your treatment!
Richard and Paula Rivera,
Keep fighting the good fight. And stay in touch.
Larry Gellman,
You are inspirational. Keep up the good work. so sorry aabou the shingles Ugh.
Taffy Hoffman,
In honor of Larry Saltzman
Jon & Corrine Merksamer,
In support of and appreciation for Dr Larry and all his contributions to life!
Tony Browne,
Keep up the great work!!
Leslie and Gary Mason,
Larry you are a true inspiration for Amen and myself as well as many others! Run well!
andrea metcalf,
Good Luck, Uncle Larry! Proud of your efforts and motivating many new runners!!
Michael Saltzman,
Your loving, free spirit is missed by all who have known you, my dear, long time friend.
Keep inspiring us with your tenacity and vision. You are making in difference in ALL of our lives!
Miriam Steinberg and Ben Glovinsky,
Keep on trucking
Isaac M Dayan,
Rooting for Dr. Larry's team!
Brian Landsberg,
Pleased to be on your team!
Lex & Carol Sears,
Many blessings for the fighters!!
Dayan Mitch,
Dear Larry and Sharon, the two of you are prime examples of Heavy Weight Champion Fighters! Every fight isn't a knockout, but you give every round your very best - no split decisions! The Ferrera's David and Evvie
Evelyn and David Ferrera,
Good luck and wishing you many happy, healthy years ahead!! David and Bobbette
Bobbette and David Morvai,
Continue to be an inspiration to so many. Go team!
Harvey & Ruth Oxman,
In honor of Larry for his strength, dedication, commitment and amazing attitude that continues to inspire all of us. Sevim Larsen
sevim larsen,
Go Larry Go
Gary Covitt,
This donation is to honor Dr. Larry Saltzman ... I have been one of his groupies for many years and am happy to support his cause. Though I won't be running or even walking or exerting myself in way physically, I admire what he and his wife, Sharon, have accomplished and am happy to do whatever I can in support.
Estelle Saltzman,
Good Luck! You will succeed!
Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum,
You are an inspiration to all!
Here's to all who join our team. Much appreciated.
Larry Saltzman,

Support our Efforts

Donating for this event will be available from: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 12:00AM to Thursday, February 2, 2017 07:00AM PST
Make a donation
Please select a donation amount or enter other amount.
Please enter a valid amount.
  • $100
  • $250
  • $500
  • $1000
  • $2500
  • $5000
Other amount

Countdown to event

Sun Dec 4, 2016 @07:00 AM  PST

Fundraising Total

Individual Goal
$52,135 of $50,000

Register Today

Registration for this event will be available from: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 12:00AM to Sunday, December 4, 2016 06:00AM PST

My Thanks To

  • Oates Family Foundation
  • Sacramento Running Associ...
  • Joan Gusinow & Jerry Poll...
  • John & Sharon O'Neill
  • Pam Herman
  • Lynne Galin
  • lynn belzer
  • Unspecified Donor
  • Unspecified Donor
  • Alice Cartwright
  • Jonae & Tim Pistoresi
  • Joelson Family
  • Alexander Wenger
  • Hanna Zeidler
  • Jennifer Smuth
  • Allison Rickett
  • Tony Browne
  • Bank of America
  • Chipotle
  • Leslie and Gary Mason
  • andrea metcalf
  • Michael Saltzman
  • Randy & Jeffrey Goldstein
  • Miriam Steinberg and Ben ...
  • Camellia Women's Health
  • Michael & Tammy Rochman
  • Isaac M Dayan
  • Brian Landsberg
  • Lex & Carol Sears
  • Fran Levy
  • Dayan Mitch
  • Evelyn and David Ferrera
  • Stuart Gabriel
  • Linda Coward
  • Bobbette and David Morvai
  • Gail and Murray Haberman
  • Robert Gordon
  • Karen Soskin
  • Harvey & Ruth Oxman
  • sevim larsen
  • Annabel & Albert Cooper
  • Robert Sykes
  • Harriet Saks
  • Gary Covitt
  • David and Linda Gordon
  • Blum Family Philanthropic...
  • Jill and Dan Weltzman
  • Mabee / Gumpert Philanthr...
  • Paul Hansfield
  • Marlene Zimmerman
  • Marlene Gabel
  • Everakes Family
  • Estelle Saltzman
  • Bobbi and Harvey Teitelba...
  • Annette and Ken Davis
  • Harvey Saltzman
  • Michael Krinsky
  • Michael Miron
  • Larry Goldman
  • Marci Davis and Bob Schn...
  • Francis & George Seelke
  • Ingo Gefeke
  • Jay and Helyn Woolf
  • Jeff Saltzman
  • Hope and Jeff Rabinovitz
  • john fitzpatrick
  • Susan and Bruce Kelley
  • Carl & Lesley Stein
  • Louis Elfenbaum
  • Rick Sterner
  • Brooke Rosenstein
  • Minna Erle Jacobs
  • Mitchell & Teri Ostwald
  • Patsy Dinstell
  • Robin and John Appelbaum
  • Richard Luze
  • Mark and Kathy Cohen
  • Michael Rozen
  • Suzette & Joel Solomon
  • Tim and Debbie Zeff
  • Barbara & Bruce Berg
  • Sharyn and Lloyd Rich
  • Judy Persin
  • Hilda and Jack Harouni
  • Alan & Nancy Brodovsky
  • Anne & Harold Eisenberg
  • Linda Allgood
  • Eric Geiger / STYLEYES
  • john & michelle ortego
  • Deborah Delgrosso
  • Irwin Karp & Ann Bancroft
  • Richard and Paula Rivera
  • Coach S
  • Larry Gellman
  • Taffy Hoffman
  • Carol Loew
  • Kent Newton & Bill Slaton
  • Mark Metzner
  • Alice E Weinstein
  • Stanley & Shirley Matlick
  • Iris and Ron Bachman
  • Sherry and Will
  • Al Zemsky
  • Eileen Lubars
  • Linda Winter
  • Deborah Matz
  • Karen & David Wacker
  • Scarlet La Rue
  • Henry Zaretsky
  • Bernard Goldberg
  • Jim Kaupanger
  • Maury Gloster
  • Jean and Doug Wright
  • Randi Gold
  • Jewish Community Foundati...
  • Charles Spooner
  • Cathi White
  • The Robert T. Wendel Fami...
  • Jon & Corrine Merksamer